Saudi man shares a photo of him teaching his wife how to drive

Saudi man shares a photo of him teaching his wife how to drive


to hell with him and his fucking country

she still needs his permission to drive and get a license


I swear to Allah, Arab women are butifel.
Too bad I can't see them because of the niqab or burqa shit. Whatever the fuck that's called.

Muslim woman driving the car?!?

legal there now :D

at least he also covers his head

They look happy.

>neither have their eye on the road

Is he still alive?

They're clearly in a parking lot

Law doesn't go into effect until July of next year. I look forward to their lengthy legal process and public executions.

This is clearly representative of all Muslims. 80k upboats!

"Great! Now I can teach my wife to drive truck of peace into street full of infidels, while I live and get a new wife to repeat the process with."

Good. I support that


RIP moslems, and we thought they are immune from this cancer.

That's the point, roach.

Their wives are for their eyes only and they don't want their women being raped by shitty turks.

I hope their country gets fucking ruined by women's rights, as it did to the West.

She'll be drifting her Mercedes to her death in no time.

>hippity-hoppity, women are property
What are the chances that this ban-lift on women's driving was merely a stunt by the Saudi regime, and that they will intimidate any woman who attempts to learn to drive.

This is worrying. If they teach their harems to drive the truck of peace attacks will go from one truck to
3-5 trucks per attack and the number of victims will rise.

ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ=3=3=3

Finally! The men can use them as personal chauffeurs :)


Thank you for the clarification. Hehe.

He looks like a jew.

Arabs are jews in denial

Fpbp once again

They're getting smarter. They just legalized theocratic obligatory chauffeurs.

which is a good place to practice.

the famous happy merchant video was played by and arab ,..they are both semetic races so of course they look similar.

imagine you're trapped there as a woman...
you go to the police station they punish you and send you back with your owner
you can't even walk nowhere or escape
can you imagine how many women were sold to these filthy arabs ??
i say nuke the shit out of the entire emirats and kingdoms
i fucking hate these pigs

almost quints fuck

I still agree with you. Radioactive glass is all I should see.