What the fuck was that ending? Can someone explain this please?

What the fuck was that ending? Can someone explain this please?

Was it a dream since Christmas Eve? So they're not going to get married? Did Kyousuke really burn all his chick bridges for nothing? Was Manami really a bitch all along?


Also why did (manami?) take photos of Ayase leaving Kyousuke place and then that never went anywhere?

Other urls found in this thread:


Read. The. Pastebin.

>Was it a dream since Christmas Eve? So they're not going to get married? Did Kyousuke really burn all his chick bridges for nothing? Was Manami really a bitch all along?
No, that's illegal, double no, yes.

>Also why did (manami?) take photos of Ayase leaving Kyousuke place and then that never went anywhere?
Wasn't Manami, Ayase stalker arc was cut from the anime, just like many other things.

Don't think too hard about it. It's only wank material for incest cucks.

what pastebin?

I'd tell you to search the archive but fuck it, it's better for the thread this way. The other pastebin linked in the first is also really important for understanding the series.


>incest cucks
"cuck" is not an all-purpose synonym, chief.

That's one of the general Oreimo shitposts, if the thread doesn't die soon you'll see a lot more of that. Ignore it.

Living vicariously through a protagonist that gets with his sister when they fully know they will never have a chance to fulfill that fantasy for a number of reasons. I will name two.

1) They don't have any siblings.

2)They do have siblings but due to societal pressure they never pursue a relationship.

The ones that fall into the #2 camp must see their siblings live a normal life which means they get together with someone else. They must live their lives seeing the object of their affection love someone else. Their only refuge is to watch their dream happen in anime form..

This series truly started to suck when the best girl dumped the protag for dumb reasons, ruining the only good character in the series.

Saori never dated him though

>double no

I think 'yes' is the answer here. He abandoned a long-term relationship with Kuroneko so he could date Kirino for a few weeks.

Are you forgetting about the guy who used to come to these threads who fucked, fake married and had a child with his imouto?

First of all I'm pretty sure Ruri is desperate enough to go back to him if he asked for it and second, it was 3 months and they never stopped their relationship you dense user.

Is the 18 years old kirino still canon?

Meant in terms of an actual love interest (Kuroneko). Ms Bejeena was actually a fun character too.

What's the deal with when he broke up with goth bitch and she ripped up the book?
Weren't they already not going out at this point?

Hope he enjoys the genetic defects/explaining to his kid how fucked up he is and how he inherently ruined their lives for his own selfish reasons.

>believing stories like these on Sup Forums

>god-empress tier
>high tier
>good tier
Sena, Kanako's sister
>average tier
Kirino, Kuroneko, Manami, Kanako

Ayase is as bad as Kirino, both shitty angry violent bitches

Pretty much but Kuroneko couldn't accept it, she she continued trying to get him back until finally realised it won't happen and tore her chuuni book.

Poor writing for the sake placating incest fanatics.

When did it stop being canon? I'm still waiting for someone to bring us the new chapter, I don't care if is just propaganda.

You've said this before. Fuck off shitposter.

That's not actually how genetics works, but I accept that it can't be easy for a kid to be born and raised in a way that almost everyone disapproves of.

There's no real reason to doubt the guy, stranger things happen every day.

Yeah, kinda sucks nobody seems to care about it. Though I highly doubt there's anything actually meaningful in it.

Doesn't make it wrong. Ruining what could have been a healthy relationship in an otherwise warped series for the sake of incest is poor writing. It's like ruining a nice painting by smearing a trollguy on it to entertain memefags.

I did read the chapter thought. It i litreally is just small story with nothing important happen at all,expect that kuroneko have to stop wearing gothic cosplay becuase of kuroneko no.2 on her house.

Uh, incest has been empirically shown to negatively effect a species. A clear example is cheetahs. Even knowing the basics on how evolution works should inform you on how bad incest is for large animals with relatively slow reproduction rates.

You mean Hinata?

This is not about genetics or blogshit, fuck off.


Well, they could just not have children.

Yes, i'm about 101% sure that is Tamaki, not Hinata, the one that turn chuuni.

I'm not even arguing that this series is inherintly bad due to incest. It's just a contrived piece of tripe that had one positive to it that was thrown away to cater to a fanbase. It's been done with other series. What makes this series special is how incestfag hold it up as a good story when it isn't.

Either way good for Ruri and bad for whoever followed her chuuni ways.

Ya ya it's shit. Got enough (You)s now? Good, fuck off.

They're living together and fucking daily, it's good

You're talking about repeated incest within a limited genepool.

A single generation barely makes any difference unless you've both already got cystic fibrosis genes. Animal breeders deliberately inbreed to bring out certain qualities in the offspring. Unless you're from fucking Iceland or something, you've got more than enough variety in your DNA for a single sibling pairing to be perfectly viable.

>muh evolution
Evolution isn't some crazy murder race where only the elite survive. We know that because you're here. Evolution favors anything that can actually survive lone enough to breed.

Not the thread for this, go away.

>In before Spinoff with Tamaki

Would be kinda fun but there's no audience, even the Kuronekofags stopped caring about her own spinoff manga at the end.

Too bad. Chunni MC is fun to have once a while

I wasn't implying that incest can't be a positive evolutinary trait in general. I was being specific with the types of organisms that would not benefit. I understand that evolution dosen't 'strongest, smartest, etc.' I love the passive aggressive jab.

Also the fact that you bring up domestication as disproving my point shows your ignorance. Many specialized dog breeds suffer from defects that hinder their daily lives (pugs, bulldogs have a hard time breathing due to how their muzzles are formed; corgis have issues with their hind legs as they get older to the point where they can get paralyzed). This would not occur in the wild because they would not survive. These traits were a result of inbreeding/incest.


Not surprised. The character was essentially ruined in the main story.

If you know it's shit, why bother with it?

What are you talking about? You have sales figures or what?

It's a pity she stopped being Kirino's foil instead to try and hop Kyousuke's dick.

Considering the manga ended that abruptly it's pretty safe to assume it didn't sell too well, sales were the only reason that started anyway. Also I think I remember reading about it selling worse and worse, especially after the LNs ended.

i hate manami so fucking much. SHE should be the one who leaves to the US and never looks back

Am I the only one that absolute loved S1 but found S2 complete garbage?
I mean, I appreciated more the reduced story that the studio created more than the original LN did. I haven't read that though, I might do it but I don't like LN in general.
The S1 created a story of a guy that doesn't care about her sister and her being a bitch to him. Probably to any man like him, not counting that backstory of manami since S1 doesn't touch that at all.
Then he learns something about her and is forced to help her as an older brother. He advises her in topics he is not familiar so takes responsibility of his advices.
In the end, you can feel he gets frustrated when something happens to her little sister. The maid episode is weak but kind of resolves their relationship in a "ok, i don't hate you anymore" attitude.
It's not that I just don't want them to fuck, for me that relationship in S1 is completely believable.
I dunno, people like the LN better because of how fleshed out all storylines were but I liked the anime of brother and sister. Changing to "we want to fuck but suits won't let us so lets imply here and there" just doesn't seem like the oreimo I watched at all. If i wanted that, i sandpanda those doujins and i already did.

I might buy the manga, but I'm not sure if those change at all.

It ended at the climax of her story from the novel with a closing chapter to wrap it up after, I doubt anyone expected volumes of original content considering it always followed the novel anyway

>Changing to "we want to fuck but suits won't let us so lets imply here and there" just doesn't seem like the oreimo I watched at all.
Because the Oreimo you watched was a bad adaption that cut many, many scenes. The romance was there from the very beginning and it slowly came to the surface as Kyousuke and Kirino both realise they have deeper feelings for each other than just platonic.
It's the anime shitting on the characters that made you dislike the "change" in their relationship. The manga is an equally bad adaption by the way, just in a different way. If you want the story you just can't get around reading the LNs, everything is just subpar.
I think they are great and the translation of the first 7 volumes is really good, after that you'll have to stick with the clunky BT one.

I wish had a sister.

The novel is more drawn out but I don't think it's particularly more developed in that regard, kyousuke's relationship with her never really makes sense and it's always just played off as "because she's my sister". He goes from hating her to can't live without her even though all she's done is abuse and take advantage of him for 4 volumes

>kyousuke's relationship with her never really makes sense and it's always just played off as "because she's my sister"
I'm sorry but that means you are bad at understanding motivations and relationships. If you haven't already read the pastebin in the spoonfeeding guide, it should explain a lot about their background and what they are actually feeling for each other. In that regard you could say Oreimo is quite deep, a lot of things are never explicitly spelled out to the reader, you need to figure it out yourself, which isn't hard of course.

>Also the fact that you bring up domestication as disproving my point shows your ignorance. Many specialized dog breeds suffer from defects that hinder their daily lives (pugs, bulldogs have a hard time breathing due to how their muzzles are formed; corgis have issues with their hind legs as they get older to the point where they can get paralyzed). This would not occur in the wild because they would not survive. These traits were a result of inbreeding/incest.
Yes. Hundreds of generations of incest. How else do you get a pug from a wolf?

That's not the same as fucking your sister.

>incest means you have to have kids

Why not just tell the couple not to produce babies? It's not the 1800s anymore, preventing pregnancy has never been easier.

I just want to read a translated version.

What if I don't care about being an adaptation? I mean I like what I saw. A brother and sister coming in terms with each other. This serie made me wish I had a sister, season 1 at least.

Hey, it's your choice if you want to be willingly ignorant. At least don't be annoying in Oreimo threads in the future.

He didn't date Kirino for a few weeks, read the After Story. They fugged. For all intents and purposes, they're married, just not legally.


Manami is so nice, handing out free abortions like that. A true friend!

Are abortions legal in Japan?


I read the pastebin after reading the novel, it's an interesting collection of opinions and makes some good points but also takes a lot liberties and often exaggerates the significance or implications of things. Like ok kyousuke realises he likes helping people but I don't see at what point that naturally transitions into wanting to fuck his sister

Well, that means you are stupid. Only explanation left, I'm sorry.

It was even tossed aside to another magazine and shit not that long before it got canned/rushed into an ending. There was just very little effort put into it and it makes sense that it got that treatment considering that the fanbase moved on shortly after the novel/anime ended. The author generally disliking that portion of his fanbase helps too.

>Like ok kyousuke realises he likes helping people but I don't see at what point that naturally transitions into wanting to fuck his sister
There's actually not much in terms of transition there. Or rather, him wanting to fuck his sister is born from distancing himself from her to the point that he didn't see her as a family member but as a girl that happened to live near him. It wasn't something that was explored. It happened before the series started.