What's causing the promiscuity in the United States?


Natural human biological instincts combined with social pressures reinforcing promiscuous behavior.


White men being cucks.

I knew Bill got around, I didn't know he got around that much.

Spics, niggers, Jews, media, etc.

Sex is enjoyable.

the feeling the world can end at any moment,

>Sister goes to University of Rhode Island

birth control

(((we can't be sure who)))

Based Utah wins again

That's because they're doing it in the secret chambers at the bottom of their freemasonic temples. Utah has highest porn consumption in the nation FACT.

>Utah has highest porn consumption in the nation
Based Utah wins again

Communists and their Commie-Lite counterparts.


>From Arkansas
There is nothing to do here besides fuck and do drugs pls nuke

I suddenly like Utah a lot despite the fact that 98% of the state is empty space.

Fuck Nevada and their degeneracy!

Basic human wiring.

Is she a Pisces?

Convince me that reading the bible feels better than sex. I'll echo if convincing

Until then I'll keep on being a bartender and fuck 3-4 different girls a week

If you take I-80 W through Utah (recommended as the salt flats are unexpectedly neat to see in person) as soon as you cross the border into Nevada you get a casino town.

Utah is full of degenerates.


Once Tinder came out, it was over.

And it's not just the US. It's everywhere.

Utah is PURE

Surprised no one has mentioned Tinder

Jest send out something like "Youre gonna turn purple when I choke u tonight" to like 10 girls and you're guaranteed to get laid if you live in a city or near a campus

>tfw non-Mormon who grew up in rural Utah
it's like fucking nightmare mode to getlaid

Birth control means women never have to face any consequences for having sex and urbanization means the social pressures for remaining chast are no longer present because no one knows each other.

This, also the media glorifying whores like Kim Kardashian


I know that feel
Fuck utah

jews and atheism

Women don't have to worry about depending on a man for financial survival anymore. It used to be that you were all on the same team and, even if times got tough, you still had each other.

Now the woman can provide for herself and spends 8 hours a day surrounded by other men at the workplace

Add in the sheer proportion of males who are thirsty betas too weak to ask for sex off the bat, and you've got quite the interesting small proportion of men having sex with almost all the women.

>Now the woman can provide for herself
if that was the case, then why do women need so much public assistance? From affirmative action to diversity hires to welfare to getting money in divorces, women are heavily over represented and this shows that they can't really fend for themselves. End the state (your taxes) supporting the single female lifestyle and then you will see a decrease in that behavior.

This has been an on going issue going back decades. I think the question is better framed
>What caused the rise of promiscuity in the US?

1. The fall of traditional moral values (also religion) as well as the total disappearance of virtue ethics which gave rise to "you shouldn't judge people"
2. The sexual revolution and second and third wave feminism (make no mistake, the first wave paved the way for the second so feel free to include it in there as well)
3. Changes in divorce laws
4. Subversive media that pushed many elements of the above on people, normalizing what otherwise would have been discouraged.
5. Pornography which contrary to popular notion, does not satiate the sex drive but fuels it. Watchers of pornography become classically conditioned for frequent and habitual sexual release and sex and instant gratification is at the forefront of most porn consumers minds. Thus, when evaluating relationships, rather than decide whether or not the member of the opposite sex is worth entering a relationship with or procreating with, all that is on the mind is "getting some pussy". The brilliant organ the brain has been replaced by "muh dick" in the minds of porn addicts.
6. Technology fueled hookup culture. Tinder etc.

Also, there is the mistaken notion propagated by sexologists that sexual activity can be done without any side effects, that it is a "free lunch" (which is medically impossible for nearly any energy expense, much less the most important function of most living things). People are under the impression that licentiousness is just "natural man" whenever it in fact is a perversion of the sexual apparatus, the cost of which is never examined because most are convinced that they can have their cake and eat it to.

Birth control and abortion created a sexual marketplace where whores no longer had to worry about getting knocked up. Most of the female population became sluts in order to compete for male attention and to find a long-term partner.

When abortion became legal, it didn't result in fewer births - it resulted in more conceptions, with the additional children being aborted.

Those are spot on. It's worth mentioning the opposite viewpoints. Instead of being able to argue them, society has a de facto hush order. You WILL lose your job if you so much as bring up the points in public.