(AP News, October 2, 2017) An MIT Professor has posted a startling revelation on a math forum today, debunking the Las Vegas shooting incident which occurred last night, as "mathematically impossible". Dr. Guillermo Torres claims he has proven theoretically with quantum mechanics that bullets will be pushed down to the ground because of gravity, before hurting anyone, much less killing any human beings. "By the time the bullets leave the gun, gravity pushes them straight down to the ground, and no one gets hurt. See my chart for math proofs." said the professor on a Skype call with this reporter. We have included the chart with this article. The Trump administration has yet to return our calls to comment on these claims.
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You know it was hoax for the marxoid disarmament push done by your favorite mass murdering terrorist kikes Clinton, Schumer, etc. when you have retarded shills liek this invading forums with their madness
>Guillermo Torres
Isn't that the name of a director or something?
And where are your links nigger?
subhuman knuckledraggers
big if true
doesn't it depend on the velocity of the gun? Also what gun can a 64 year old use to kill over 58 people that easily?
Currently learning physics and can confirm that anyone in basic physics can do the same basic formula with force and accelation can find out if the bullets can travel fast and far enough to even hurt anyone. This isn’t the dark ages, science is real and there are equations for this shit.
he could just aim way higher than his target area lob style
>They fell for it
Source? Video of said professor stating this?
>mexican math professor
you guntards are gonna get everyone killed.
velocity of the gun?
true if big
fuck off Sup Forums you retards
learn physics
Monumental if confirmed
So how did that Canadian break the 2 mile shot?
50 caliber rifle
This is so fucking stupid.
5.56 can kill at 800 meters. I've seen it.
This, kids, is a classic example of misinformation.
>bullets cannot be aimed down because quantum mechanics
>MIT PROFESSOR said so guys!
It outwardly seems to support the "alternate" hypothesis of the official story of events. But it is a trap. If you were to cite this anywhere, your arguments would be completely invalidated as the post itself is retarded. At that point, you would be subconsciously pushed toward believing the null hypothesis (official story) must be true because this piece of contradictory evidence was false.
Shills are breaking out more advanced tactics now, be on guard.
HOLY SHIT this also confirms the flat earth theory.
>Mexican Mathematicians
"See my chart for math proofs". lmao, goos job OP. also, no link? Also this story seems to be fake as google search turns up nothing.
Bullets not have kill from shooting above crowd obviously so why post comment that all know already you fag stupid.
Eat swiss cheese though. It has minerals and nutrition for bodies.
>Dr. Guillermo Torres
Mexican intellectual debunking american hoax. Trump must resign.
maybe with a silencer
You could just aim the gun higher so the bullets travel farther before falling to the ground, like a projectile
>gravity pushes them straight down to the ground
Gravity is a meme pushed by the deep state, you illiterate bluepilled demotard.
Do you believe in the Heliocentric theory too?
>HOLY SHIT this also confirms the flat earth theory.
And that the Easter Bunny is real! I knew it!!!
27th post best post
You pussies believe this shit because you never leave your moms basement. Go hunting you pasty faggots!
Then the bullets would come down on you and kill you instead. Basic physics
WAIT, WHAT?! Guys, I stayed on that exact floor in Mandelay Bay about two months ago, on vacation. The windows don't even open. They're more like glass walls than traditional windows. If he shot through them, there would be visible bullet holes, and other patrons would've heard it. The walls aren't THAT thick there, so you can usually hear the next room over. Plus, a siren goes off any time there is suspicious activity on a nearby floor. It went off very late at night while we were there, so we got free food as compensation.
Follow the clues and see if there are witnesses who can corroborate these claims.
I fuckin knew the awan brothers were up to something
Del Toro
You are the stupidest cunt i have ever had the misfortune of reading. KYS
The windows are completely shot out you stupid nigger.
You guys are fucking retarded. Get off this board.
Gravity would not make the bullets go straight down, that would be like saying
>dropping a basketball off of a dam will bake the ball fall straight down
>mobile posting the basketball vid
Lame, lame.
Take PHYS102 and hit an outdoor shooting range...
>gravity = MC@2
Hearty chuckle
strewth if truth
Why are snipers always on rooftops then?
gravity = -9.8 m/s^2
7.62x39 travels approx 700 m/s
i don't even need to finish the math to know it would be more than adequate.
fucking this, are you niggers seriously so far up your own asses that think bullets cant travel 900 yards?
Just saw the pictures. Back to the watermelon fields for me!
That dude's retarded
Is the dumb ass saying bullets cant travel 900 yards? Lololololol
"muzzle flashes on the lower floor, it's a conspiracy!!!!"
"why isn't a window on a lower floor busted out where the 'muzzle flashes' you claim came from?"
Op is a retard, shooting from up high gives you a substantial range advantage since the rounds have further to drop before hitting the target. You can add tons of extra effective range by shooting up higher.
That being said snipers shoot on rooftops simply because they need the vantage point to be able to not only shoot OVER cover but shooting DOWN into windows and heightened barricades. IE: someone is in a high up window and sandbags the window, shooting him from below is almost impossible. Likewise spotting shooters at varying vantages is extremely hard sitting on the ground.
This shitposting is getting out of hand.
So how is that different from this? This so-called professor says gravity will weigh bullets down.
>rifle caliber rounds can't kill at 900 yards
lmao where do you idiots get this shit?
How far is that in non-meme measurements?
2,400 feet
stop bumping this shit thread you faggots.
round size and type
This graphic makes me wanna play some Scorched Earth
At some point they are just falling though and a falling bullet doesn't have the velocity to do fatal damage.
I remember this vividly from the 11th. Fuck Im on here too much.
Good catch
I don't like people telling me what to do or how to post
>that bullets will be pushed down to the ground because of gravity, before hurting anyone, much less killing any human beings.
>what are machine guns
World war 1 would like a word with this guy
The shit I wipe off my arse after a week of french fries and daily gangbangs is smarter than this inpanarre inretardo.
user had the date wrong, but they do give an eerie prediction
900 yards is well within range of a rifle you fucking mongoloid.
I think this is the largest congregation of idiots on Sup Forums I've seen in a long time. I shouldn't even congratulate you OP as it's too obvious.
Oh well I laughed.
What about wind speed affecting the bullet's trajectory?
I was just larping
even if the rifle was effective at 900 yards, he was firing full auto and managed to kill 59 people and wound 500+. what a fucking marksman he must've been to be so accurate from that range with full auto
Only truth here. If any of You NEETS go ask /k/ about this they'll bullycide you for ignorance.
>all these redditors falling for this bait
Big if true. Also, not true.
You're a fucking idiot. People are killed all the time after people shoot guns into the air, or errant rounds are shot over burms at shooting ranges.
(Fake tagline) some fake shit that I'm not going to link and everyone will buy it.
This is the result of American education, folks.
fake Sup Forums shit and gay
he cant even post a link to a story because OP is making it up you dipshit
Sup Forums is always full of faggots trying to spread a false narrative immediately after a happening
if a .22lr has enough velocity to travel 2 miles, you can bet a mid caliber rifle has enough power to kill at 900 yards
such a based game, im surprised you know what it is. you must be in the 30+ year old crowd. what other based games did you like? ski jump?
bean if burrito
Also, If I see a single one of you repost this dumb-ass disinfo unironically, you're getting v&. We taught you better.
Yep born in the 80s.
To be honest I preferred tank wars over scorched Earth, I can't remember why though both games are definitely good. Never played ski jump. Around that time I think I was big into simcity2k, sierra games (space quest, Kings quest, leisure suit Larry), simant, MUDs, and irc games called conquest and doomsday.
>debunked by mit
>literally thin foil illuminati shit plastered all over it
>quantum mechanics
>then gravity would push down
holy shit you guys are retarded. kys you white niggers
Please join us at the range to prove your math.
Bigger bullets have more weight and will travel farther away than lighter bullets which are used in automatic rifles
>MIT professor using the theory of gravity to call the relatives of 50+ dead individuals liars
>theory of gravity
>MIT professor
come on now.jpeg
quantum mechanics for wind, distance and gravity Lmao
You fucking autists. even a kid can do the numbers, not an amerigurger kid that is.
; )
based sierra games. although a huge pain in the ass sometimes, i remember having to call their tech support for more than one game and getting sent 'boot discs' or other patches by mail that fixed my problems. ever play command and conquer? hehehe
do they even know the longest range of a sniper kill lol
> 900 yards
Get a map and choke on it.