What if I told you this could all end just with a little regulation
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Sigh... no one is afraid of fucking muslims that is simply the excuse the government provides to expand their power.
Also what part of SHALL NOT do fucking faggots not get?
Illegal obtained guns will still be illegally obtained regardless of regulations. I could leave my home, and be back with a illegal weapon in a few hours.
Rifles barely kill a few hundred
Handguns kill thousands
Learn the truth about gun death in the USA
I support gun ban after vegas but only for white boys, they obviously aren't mature or well adjusted enough to own guns. White terrorism must end and ending it starts with ending white men
>Hurr durr 2nd amendment to protect against government
>guns kill people
literally retarded. guns are inanimate objects. people use guns to kill other people.
guess we gotta ban people
especially if there are crazies like this, why wouldnt you carry a pistol?
why don't you sort out your illegal gun problem then?
>suicide kills tens of thousands
>by guns
Why don't you accept reality?
because criminals by definition brake the law
Naw we just have to ban white males and the world would become better over night. I support drowning white male babies at birth, spree shooting would plummet in America.
Niggers commit the majority of the gun crimes. They are also bought illegally, and also have no serial numbers. Guns are not the problem, niggers are. Yes white people do shoot people, but those killing are a drop in a barrel compared to niggers shooting people. Even the Las Vegas shooting is nothing compared to Detroit or Chicago.
Per year theres more gun suicides than homicides
except in all the nigger cities, where most of gun crime comes from
what if i told you the NRA wants to make this worse?
>countries with 6x+ population have more death
Holy shit, really? I love that these graphs never show the death counts of China, India and other highly populated areas...
Nearly all of those stats are from nigger gang wars. Should we ban niggers?
>shooting skill 10,000 a year
holy fuck we need to ban guns
>drugs kill 30,000 a year
holy fuck we need to ban drugs
>cars kill 1mil people a year
liberalism is a mental illness
what if i told you that these new laser guns are biometrically locked for the purchaser. would that make you feel better?
Cool now find me the one that subtracts suicides, police shootings, legal self defense, and crimes committed with illegal firearms. All of those are irrelevant in the context of gun control.
Yeah sure, I'll get right on it. Want me to solve the illegal drug issues here too?
"gun death"
Much worse than regular death
>implying suicidal people wouldn't kill themselves in other ways
Australia is a nation of criminals but they managed to do it
Holy shit can she just fuck off already
Because you whiny bitches don't want us to enforce border control.
> most sane countries experienced one
Uh, no.
>most gun deaths are niggers shooting niggers every day, not "mass" shootings of 50 people
The worst part of these events is all the sanctimonious horse shit which follows.
>Countries experience Muslim attacks
>running people over in lorries, gunning people down
>not all Muslims
I'd legitimately accept a gun ban in exchange for a nonwhite ban at this point
When do we ban heart disease? That kills more than almost everything combined?
Now show me a chart how it would look like without niggers.
And all those countries w/gun control laws are highly dependent on the American military to protect them.
Fuck u shill.
I guess everyone forgot that time that dude killed 80+ people in France with a truck.
You libshits are dumb enough to think banning guns will result in murderers not existing. Btw, take blacks out of the gun homicide equation in the US and it drops to levels similar to other countries. You people are fucking hopeless.
go for it friend, glad to see you're willing to make a change :)
we dont want it to end though.
what if i told you to try and see what happens?
If you made it illegal for blacks and mexicans to have weapons your gun death rates would drop below Canadas.
That's a compromise the right would be willing to take.
Are you willing to do it?
Save a lot of lives, and that's what you're worried aboot, right?
Now break it down by race and see what happens.
Yes, of the roughly 30,000 gun deaths in the US each year, 2/3rds are suicides. Funny how liberals never mention that and would rather you think 30,000 people are murdered each year. Also before you ask, banning guns has never dropped suicide rates, people just change what they do.
Honestly it would be a lot easier just to get rid of all the niggers.
They managed to do NOTHING!
They still have gun related deaths even after the ban.
you have no understanding of how australia became australia.
10/100,000= .01%
so .01% of people get gunned down and we need to take a constitutional right away? no thanks. also, nice cherry picking with the stats.
no. how about instead we teach them not to kill eachother?
I fuck you mom.
Exactly. Hardly anyone commits suicide with a gun in South Korea, but it still has a skyhigh suicide rate.
South Korea: 24.1
United States: 12.6
People just jump in front of a train or something in South Korea instead of blowing their brains out with a gun
Thank fuck making heroin illegal stopped all the sales and use of it.
Nah, crackers would get their guns illegaly just as easily. But sure, if you took them out of statistics the numbers would be much lower
Niggers kill other niggers, nobody cares. Whites slaughter women.
Funny how every mass shooter after Roof has been a Muslim.
What if I told you that the solution to this is to remove all the niggers? We'd be in line with other first world nations then.
Guns kill fewer people each year than Abortion, Tobacco, Alcohol, Car Accidents, The Flu
If you don't want to also ban the above, because we want those freedoms, then no you can't ban guns.
You know how much that number goes down when you take away nigger gun crime? Quite a bit.
What if I told you it was an illegally modified weapon.
I love when they try to prove that violent crime is down because LOOK GUN CRIME HAPPENS LESS WHEN THERE'S LESS GUNS. Never let them take your guns.
>‘A thing that stands demonstrable is that nationhood is not achieved otherwise than in arms […]. We must accustom ourselves to the thought of arms, to the use of arms. We may make mistakes in the beginning and shoot the wrong people, but bloodshed is a cleansing and a sanctifying thing, and a nation which regards it as the final horror has lost its manhood. There are many things more horrible than bloodshed; and slavery is one of them.’
Wew boy I can tell your ass just woke up.
More than 90% of those deaths are suicides and drug/gang related committed with hand guns.
The gun the perpetrator used was illegal already, didn't stop him because DUH
Whites with guns = ( ' _ ' )
Blacks with guns = ( ' o ' )
Chicago disproves that, as does muslim terrorism in Europe. They have no problem getting their hands on semi-automatics
Remember the Battaclan massacre, the muslims tortured the whites before they killed them
Faggot speaks on the topic of mass shootings
Shows chart of suicides by gun and ghetto bastard's deaths in the U.S. that have nothing to do with the minuscule number of deaths from mass shootings.
The killer was another Antifa, a Muslim, or, if Muslim possibly a fake identity in from of a Mossad oporation.
then it would not end
but explode in frequency and intensity
>Ya'll been posting in a (((you))) thread.
are you fucking retarded?, it's per 100000 people
>If I take away the tools people surely wont find other ways to commit the action
Fucks sake m8
> (OP)
>Guns kill fewer people each year than Abortion, Tobacco, Alcohol, Car Accidents, The Flu
Abortions don't kill people. Fetuses aren't people. Tobacco is degenerate. Alcohol and car accidents will be solved to self driving cars. How the fuck do you ban The Flu?
It's time for gun control.
We are trying to
Now remove blacks from those figures
Good goy
but no
He is saying that suicide by gunshot wound inflates these figures, Muhammad.
Lol nigga they dont want to ban drugs.
They want to ban guns for killing people because people won't get illegal guns
They do want to unban drugs because people who want drugs will get them even if they are illegal
>implying NRA would support implementing biometrics in guns
This is a homemade semiautomatic pistol seized in Australia. Just like life, criminals will find a way.
>Abortions don't kill people. Fetuses aren't people.
I wish your mother had the same attitude when she was preggo with you.
First: drunk driving is less than half of alcohol deaths.
Alcohol kills mostly through poisoning, liver cirrhosis, and kidney failure as health complications.
Since we've established that alcohol is just as degenerate as tobacco, and we know prohibition failed, we must therefore keep both legal.
Second: most scientists agree that the cutoff for abortion is the first trimester. 10% of abortions happen after the first trimester, which means around 90,000 people (out of ~1mil total abortions). This is 3x the amount of gun deaths.
Third: self driving cars are a meme and will be at least 10-20 years before they become mainstream. Furthermore, they are fixing a problem that doesn't exist. There are already plenty of safe and low labor alternatives to cars (like trains), people chose the mlre dangerous, more laborious, and less environmentally friendly option because of other factors.
Lastly: the flu was there just for numeric reference. I obviously didn't mean you could ban the flu.
Fuck off shill.
Not until she is dead.
Blah blah blah, Dems have been blaming guns & NRA for years, when it's been side effects of SSRIs since Columbine. Stop covering for Big Pharma.