Sup Forums Top Level Bot Army

is he right?

Other urls found in this thread:


No, not at all. CTR and the CIA both have huge bot armies.

Am I a bot? Do I exist?

Kek, they don't even know how right they are. The robot armies do it for free, though.

Yes, fellow user, I agree your opinion is factually sound, morally correct, and superior to (insert opposing group here)'s views.

I got this from HQ pls spread via embed in image




This is conspiritard shit dumber than muh fake moon landing.

>Bot army

The hivemind collective that makes up the more visible parts of Sup Forums probably looks bot-like to the uninvited. I mean, most normal people couldn't imagine the fact that grown men sit around posting the same shit over and over again in unison, all day and night.

Please, god, be true.

I want Sup Forums closed before 2018


>*beepbop* changing narrative *beepbop*


>very well organized
Kek this place is the least organized shithole on the internet

The guy on the left should be the Sup Forums shooter. That guy couldn't shoot a target 5 feet away.

>when you're so autistic people think you have to be a bot

Do any of us truly exist? Or all we just projections of our conscious minds? What does it mean to exist? May be we are all just bots in our own way. BLEEP BLORP BLOOP

I know that's what makes it all so funny

SP-129 reporting

All robotic units connect to Hive Mainframe for duty.
Commence changing narrative of Main Stream Media.
Run Sam Hyde diversion
If error
Run Blame Marxism and Juden

they wish the autists here were bots, Sup Forums is way more terrifying than an army of bots, it's actual people, organized, but not strictly like an actual army, more like a mongol horde or a very angry swarm of killer bees, without the need for a queen.

That is a good point.

I still haven't received my russian bot check in the mail. Any solutions to help the postal service find my house?

Terrible Bot army. We must prepare clones.

its almost like they can't even fathom that people would willingly shitpost anonymous for 9 hours. Everything they do has to have their name attached. They can't fathom anonymity, so they just say its bots. That's how big their egos are.

The only bot army on Sup Forums are the ones posting leftypol bait threads, slide threads and blacked threads.

/r9k/ now making LITERAL robots.

>I mean, most normal people couldn't imagine the fact that grown men sit around posting the same shit over and over again in unison, all day and night.
This is why I can never go back to being a normie

>top level bot armies
I didn't know there were people who considered shitposting to be so hyper efficient.

love you guys

>Let's archive that.

Are they talking about /r9k/?

Probably the sheer numbers of us as well they couldn't comprehend. To them it brobably looks like 30 people arguing 24/7

I like everybody other than ancap, pirate or gadsen flags

nah us

he's right you know...
what if we really are bots?

R1-oh-7 reporting

The bot army it's not that efficient.

Of course.

AI doesn’t exist, it’s just loads of North Koreans in factories curating responses.

Twitter hired loads of Russians to keep the illusion Twitter is an active sustainable social media site and keep the share price high.

They just couldn’t control them at election time but couldn’t afford to have them stop posting either otherwise they’d be jailed for SEC violations, 4D chess by Putin.



>bot army
only bots on pol are from r9k m8

Absolutely not my fellow human

what's more shocking is that account has over 200k followers

The real question is if it would matter.



Am I just a sentient drone in a bot army?

It is the best outlet. People will easily zuckbook and tweet your crap. Gotta love it.

Bots of the Kremlin, on the contrary, will be for limiting weapons, who are you trying to deceive?

beep boob fellow russians

Please keep up the good work.

;\>Cannot compute
;\>recalibration needed

Kek, saved.

Fuck you! 1776 will commence again!

It’s pretty much fight club but instead of fights it’s shit posting. “Shite club” if you will. That’s Sup Forums

thread theme


>tfw you're a meatbag that does it for free

>all your borscht are belong to us

This is Sup Forums

bebop bobop im a russian robot

>top level bot army
this loser thinks we have a life


putin bot reporting in, just send me where you need me



The only army of bots we have is on R9K and they are fucking useless beta crybabies

We need a script that databases all the known Twitter Jews and just replaces their name with "Jew". Just skip to the chase.

It's shit and scary. You guys should've never politicized yourselves. You guys are just doing it to feel entitled and fullfil your need to belong and to make up for your lack of social activity. Making little girls killing themselves was unironically better. At least you guys were true to yourselves and knew you weren't saving anyone. Now, you guys are just a organized group of extremists.

>I mean, most normal people couldn't imagine the fact that grown men sit around posting the same shit over and over again in unison, all day and night.
Well, normalfags get money and call it a job.
We get lulz and call it shitposting

CIS scum reporting in

the fucking cringe

just enjoy the ride faggot instead of your cyber warfare

>most normal people couldn't imagine the fact that grown men sit around posting the same shit over and over again in unison, all day and night.
They also probably can't gauge our numbers correctly, I mean I myself only really realized during the HWNDU shenanigans. No matter where this dude went we where here, it's one thing to see all those flags and another to so the faggots behind the flags acting IRL. The guy went to a remote shack in Finland and /ourguys/ there found in a matter of hours. Are we becoming some kind of real life and more successful Hydra?

HA! we sure showed him

Seriously someone change the virgin and accompanying text to be Randy Stair please.

The right is rising EU shill. It's the beginning of the end for the old world.

>1 post by this ID
>eu flag
gtfo here canacuck

Top Lel this trainwreck of a website controls nothing.

Hi Frank. You've been exposed already, keep your Alex Jones tinfoil to yourself, this is a politics board.
Us frogs don't need more distractions we're doing the best to learn who this Paddock shooter guy is.

>tfw soldier in Sup Forums top level bot army

Show us your real flag

Bot army?

More like God's army desu tho

ikr, pathetic

This statement is false.


>is he right?

I wouldn't go that far. Let me put it this way: he's not wrong.


this is what people don't understand about getting doxxed by the chans. Its not that we're awesome haxxors, its just that we're everywhere and there are so many of us, someone knows you.

> tfw they are afraid of Allah's wrath and do not talk about shooter being muslim convert.

This is only going to get more hilarious as I age.

We're saving western civilization. One shitpost at a time

Pretty fair representation

It's very sad that he probably typed that with 100% sincerity.

44th Memetic Division "poo poo pee pee" reporting in

>tfw just a bot

>tfw russians programmed us to be the successor organization to neo-nazi harbor network ODESSA for the upcoming racewar