all the people who shit talk us here are just jelly of our greatness
Reminder canada is bigger then the roman empire
Yes but can you be outdoors naked year-round?
Whether you can do something and whether you should do something are not the same thing.
yeah but like 10% of that is desirable to live in and the parts that are desirable are being flooded with non-whites
Canada adopt me plz!
no how uncivilized and its not like 90% of you country is even habitable its all desert our back country is forest that you can live and hunt in . you could build a town in north ontario and never be found by outsiders and live comfortably
yeah lot of use all that ice and snow is
>owns large swaths of an uninhabitable shithole
>brags about it
Canada, everybody.
>95% of the territory is a wild empty nothing
Whatever you say leaf.
Leaf, just stop already
Canada looks unique to me, a huge country, but the people live in "Islands" of the big cities bordering the US, surrounded by "seas" of freezing cold taigas.
And the people seem to identify with their city more than their state or country. Their culture seems more defined by a city than state or country.
Are you seriously this fucking retarded????
Now everyone is going to want to move to Canada.
If you're not a migrant, yes you can.
Met some Canadians from Newfoundland during holiday in Cuba. Funniest accent i have ever heard in my life. Good people tho.
Canada will terraform their lands from uninhabitable to habitable by 2050 along with Australia to become super powers.
Screencap this.
And outside these cities are trailer park boy towns plagued with hard drug use and wild sex while being on welfare
Canadians have funny accents
And 60% of it is as desirable as Antarctica.
yeah but 60% of the roman empire wasn't a wasteland lol
In your dreams, Rory.
What will happen is it will be transformed into the Islamic State of Canada.
If Canada is so great how come most of its population is huddled up as close to the US border as possible?
So it's basically just like USA is what you're saying?
Except we have more black people than your entire population.
>Shitting on some country while behind a memeflag.
That's a bold move cotton, let's see how that works out for him
only makes your post better
They also brought their own drinking cups to the swimming pool, which i found kinda odd. And instead of asking "how are you" they said "wadda ya at bah".
> implying more than 2% is desirable
>90+% of pop lives within 100 miles of the US
this is true but its not a frozen wasteland southern north west territory and southern yukon are habitable. the only place where there is tundra is in the far north and around Hudson bay this is what the uninhibited areas mostly look like you could hunt fish and build something there in north ontario alone there over are 200 000 lakes like this unnamed and un fished
>tfw your country gets to avoid the overt homosexualization
And we have a ton of natives
You missed a golden opportunity to rag on the emu war or reference aussielands poisonous critters...and the roos too. Like "can you not go outside without a roo fuckng your woman, an emu holding you down for trubute, an abo stealing the gas from your car, or getting bitten/stung/killed by snakes and insects?
most markets for canadain products are in the usa and it gets cold the further north you go
If the vast majority of Romans lived in cities near the border to Carthage, your comparison might mean something
Slide thread. Also most of that is frozen tundra. Not comfy.
Shut your hole, Mohammed
Its like the United Areas of America except no one gets along.
>all the people who shit talk us here are just jelly of our greatness
You know, leaf, only the bottom 100 miles of Canada is inhabitable. The rest is fucking FROZEN. Chew on that.
canada is largely empty and will soon be owned by Chinese and filled with Pajeets.
Hail Trudeau for making canada great.
If America annexed Canada, deported all non-whites and Frenchies, and forced American laws onto the population, would Canada be improved?
that was a nice thread, good laughs were had, many orbits dissipated. Also Double Doubles confirm that the leafs should be nuked.
It was so fast it crashed Sup Forums for about 50 seconds.
Probably the most action it ever had besides the election
Reminder 90% of Canadians live by the US border
>"We got him."
then it wouldn't be canada anymore the french are our ruling class similar to your east coast new Englanders
Newfie accent =/= Leaf accent. Totally different. Newfies sound more Irish.
yeah true it is, but canada also consists of mostly forest and ice desert with a few bigger (but none the less backward) cities in the south with only half the population of Germany.
the "I've ever only killed commies" polish get did the same thing if I recall correctly, it was before the elections as well.
Good times
Daily reminder that unlike roman empire you faggs got land practicaly for free, hundreds of years of counqering is not the saame as your shitty faggot leaf country just atking some natives guning them down with muskets and then talking shit about europe, while living in biggest faggot country in world.
>Half of the country is uninhabitable
Really Jimmies the Neutrons
If two people built cabins here the government will build a third and fill it with ahkbars.
>Gayest faggot
Montanafag here; I think what you mean is >95% of the territory is unspoiled primal wilderness and a haven for someone seeking an escape from degenerate urban squalor
I thought the yellow peril was Canada's problem; the place seems too cold for desert peoples.