What did she mean by this?

What did she mean by this?


It means you're mom.


>putting your remotes in a basket

They're... The same remote but mirrored.

Does she somehow not know her mother is dead?

One of them is for left handed people

probably she knows, but either she doesnt want to accept it or she said that like "write a letter to mommy in heaven"

hey man hows it goin

Misogynist piece of shit.
Women are not your slave cook, go make yourself some meat.

The little girl is a misogynist?

Indoctrinated by her bigoted father

Yeah, the mom is better off being dead, instead of living with that terrible supporter of the patriarchy.


>putting a cabinet on a coffee table

For what purpose?

She's too little to fully understand death.

For people wondering about Kotori's mom who's never really home, she's the woman on the tv screen.

But it's all they're good for. . .

Isn't that one of those funeral cupboard things where they put the picture of the deceased in with an altar and such?

It's a shrine to her departed mother.

Another basket full of left and right handed remotes is tucked away.

>watching loli feet fanservice: The Anime

Are we going to get an absolutely heartbreaking episode where she comes to terms with it? I don't think I can handle that, not even with all the oishii gohan in Japan.

No feet in that OP shot sir

The whole ep was full of feet shoots.

and sexualizing little girls is bad.

That's why I don't do it.

Iirc there's some chapters related to it where they look after a cat or something but its been a while since I read it.