Fuck Berserk, Fuck Miura

That's it, I turn my back on Miura and his work. Fuck that old faggot.

I spent a year and a half hyping the Berserk Anime to all my friends that didn't know the Manga. Saying it was one of the best Manga in the world and that they were gonne suck my dick for making them discover it.

Just watched the first episode...
I couldn't even finish it.

> 3D Guts looks like he's on meth
> Them poorly made models
> Them poorly animated models
> Not getting a fresh start so we won't miss anything from the manga this time
> Fucks up even more by introducing characters too early
> That fucking 3D, goddamn ... I still can't believe it
> Even the music is lame as fuck. Where's Hirasawa ???

Worst thing is Guts looks good when he's not in 3D so why the fuck did they have to stick with that shit ?
Well anyway, no matter what happens next. I don't give a fuck. I won't buy any more volume and won't care about the video game either since it's a musou (it's like they do this on purpose).

>Saying it was one of the best Manga in the world
why would you do that?

not his fault the show has a poverty budget and no decent studio wanted to touch it

The truth is just that Berserk is bad. It's not that somehow every adaptation fails the amazing original material. It's just bad. The comic is shrouded in this cloud of nostalgia that makes people unable to see it for what it is. But when it's adapted, and the flaws are just there, glaring at you, it's undeniable.

Nice blog.

You should hang yourself.


>I spent a year and a half hyping the Berserk Anime to all my friends

First of all


Second of all, no one on this board actually thought it would be good when the PV came out, right? The terrible CG and music were already plain to see and hear, the only thing the show gave us we didn't expect was CLANG

>I spent a year and a half hyping the Berserk Anime to all my friends that didn't know the Manga.
Stop giving others the fault for YOUR mistake.

If your friends wouldn´t read the manga in the first place, that should´ve been your sign to stop bothering with them
Instead you´re going on their nerves with an adaption that everyone knew would be shiet ever since the movies.

>berserk is bad now
>miura Art is garbage now
>Sup Forums hates berserk now
What the fuck happened