>Polish parliament finally getting ready to uncuck our abysmal gun laws
>USA had to go full retard again
thanks a fucking lot m8s, appreciate your input
Polish parliament finally getting ready to uncuck our abysmal gun laws
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This. So fucking sad
What are the guns laws in Poland like?
Why are you so butthurt again? Be happy you don't have mass shootings
Sorry, dam islam.
Basically you need to be in a hunting or shooting club to get something thats not a black powder pre 1850 weapon.
this and you need to be a member for at least a year, participate in activities, get psychological evaluation, pass an state exam (theory, law, and practice), and keep being active member or they can take the permit back.
i am hoping that czechias unfucked gun laws will help reduce crime statistics and give poland more incentive to change their own gun laws to something more like us laws
I cant even create the right chain of chemicals and electrical impulses in my noggin to even begin to understand what it must be like to not own guns. The USA is truly Gods gift to the world.
>not giving up gun rights for a calm life
you don't live in a cave anymore, no need to shoot the other tribes or hunt for yourselves
Russia is really that low? I thought they were just behind the US.
>Specifically, the proposed constitutional amendment ensures that Czech citizens have a right to keep and bear arms in order to participate in preserving national security.
>In an explanatory memorandum that accompanied the proposed amendment, proponents explained the purpose of the amendment and why it is necessary. The amendment’s backer made clear that the change is aimed at preserving civilian firearms possession and to foster an armed citizenry as a part of the country’s overall security framework. This emphasis on national security is important, as it curtails the European Union’s ability to review the Czech Republic’s actions in this field.
when poland sees czech violent crime statistics drop by a bazillion then theyll enact something similar
hillary saved your asses from being vaporized by drunk slavs on a saturday night.
Does that apply to shotguns or can a farmer/land-owner get one quite easily?
every country that was under soviet rule got completely demilitarized I believe.
Nobody wants the proletariat to actually fight for its rights, you know.
This for us as well. There was an almost successful push to improve ours.
Now surely dead in the water.
>Polish parliament finally getting ready to uncuck our abysmal gun laws
you being a cuck country is no ones fault but your own
yeah, smoothbores, rimfires, everything goes in the same bag.
The only exception we have since a few years ago is anything produced before 1885 or replica of such weapon, but only if it uses black powder.
no politician had the balls to touch the laws brought to us in the late 40's/early 50's by the good old papa Stalin when there were still insurgents everywhere trying to resist his benevolent rule, because every shooting, every % or gun crime increase would be on their popularity ratings. We're fucked
your politicians are pusies. this isnt the fault of america
and can't use cartridges
actually they grew some balls recently. The project of changes introducing what murriancs would call an "shall issue permit" for everyone over the age of 21 to own long-barreled smoothbores and rimfires, and then getting the right to get short barrels and centerfires after 3 years of having that permit or passing the extra exam was first officially read in the parliment literally last week, and then passed on for future refinement.
But now I'm pretty sure it's dead in the water
You're welcome
>But now I'm pretty sure it's dead in the water
yes, because your politicians are pussies
sorry boys, we were about to get suppressors unregulated again as well. it was obviously 'convenient timing'
What is a false flag?
Just don't let liberals have guns, easy.
lol Romania and Pooland
Yeah, basicly the best gun you can get without licence is Remington 1858 replica.
That's Finland though.
>what is conjecture.
There is no way to know that will happen and the EU will step in to curb any single nations attempts to loosen gun laws. I guarantee it.
That color scheme is fucked.
And then you need some European license to buy gunpowder
or order it online from czechbros :^)
just get an illegal kalashnikov off some shifty serb and you're set
why would you shoot boobs like that?
What is the crime rate in Czechia like? I've heard carjacking is pretty common but I can't seem to find any per capita numbers on it.
or just buy a fucking crossbow
ha ha, no, they're just as illegal as any actual firearm
people pose with their AK's all the time here.
leftard spotted
Imam i ja Zastavu
and where did you pull it out the thing about parliament wanting to change the law about guns, out of your ass?
>knew that another American ITT was going to mistake Finland for another Nordic country within half a second of seeing that image
nobody cares what četniks do
what happens in turkish pašaluk stays in turkish pašaluk
Isn't ammo was heavily restricted to 60 rounds a year or some shit, but gun laws were pretty relaxed?
>PiS uncucking gun laws in Poland
Chyba ćpałeś
you bark pretty loud even if you are on the other side of the atlantic.
idk I'm not a gun nut but my dad only has a Zastava Makarov and a hunting rifle,but I personally whant to get my self a M70
Same thing in Germany. I hate my life.
> 2018 guns allowed for everyone
> 2019 population of Poolan drops by half
same thing here, fuck autistic burgers
hope it was actually ISIS
heeh don't make me hit you with a stick again
thats known guns, not mafia illegal ones
sounds retarded,(my idea) but you can make it your self the igredients are charcoal sulfur and potassium nitrate the gun do like the other neckbeard does it make it out of tin russian version coca cola cans(free of capitalism or youll shoot Ghambergers instead of famine)
We need guns in case another of our neighbors flips out again.
Reminder that uprisings were theoretically illegal.
"obrona miru domowego" dotyczy własciwie kazdego obywatela, a jednoczesnie jest uzasadnionym powodem. No to byloby fajnie gdyby przeszlo
If this non-event is enough then you are not ready to even talk. Learn what negative rights (true rights that precede government) are and demand them.
Reminder: Antifa promises nationwide terrorism on November Fourth.
Mogu samo da se spremim za moju vikendicu pored Zadra ako te zanima.
on the other hand
> Poles have guns
> you think tripe before signing Volksliste
All the EU, CNN, BBC and such also report they're pro-Russian, when in fact they're completely convinced 2010 presidential airplane crash was a Russian assassination.
Poles still thinking like communists is a serious problem.
It's kinda ironical when they want to make a change for good to something that exists in Western Europe, pro-EU parties are the biggest opposition.
What now nazi?
No, Antifa is your problem, not ours.
Uncle in Poland has snipers and shotguns, like 4 or 5 in cupboard.
Mfw he let me shoot
Thinking like communists has plagued you and you don't even realize it.
this, they do not even know
So, we think they are a problem, or we don't even realize a problem?
If you want to tell me who am i, just try to be more accurate.
I know how you the majority of you think.
It's almost like I'm a Pole too or something.
>Calm life
>Of getting stabbed in the street, while nogs and spics continue to have raging gun battles in the streets
At least Im part of the peaceful collective, right anons?