Jewess Rat fink Sociopath (((((((Hayley Geftman Gold))))))) says she has "No sympathy for Las Vegas victims" because they were country music fans.
Jewess Rat fink Sociopath (((((((Hayley Geftman Gold))))))) says she has "No sympathy for Las Vegas victims" because they were country music fans.
take a break from social media brah..
its poison for the mind
God fucking help me. These people are the biggest FUCKING DEGENERATES in history
>jews having no sympathy for goyim
well call me surprised
I deleted that shit 5 years ago, you see that all people in your age cohort and fucking IDIOTS.
They don't read or study or have ambition
Women come to you but you know better than to babysit a fucking slut
The power of a clear mind
Wait her name is Geftman-GOLD?
I just got a hold of the CBS CFO after over an hour. I was told that she has been terminated, has worked there for only a year, personally apologized to me, and said those comments were disgusting, abhorrent, and in no way represent CBS. Was also disturbed that someone with those morals could achieve such a high ranking position at the company.
I still hate CBS and all media for the most part, but that was actually pretty cool.
Uh cool? Just remember that when the time finally comes that the friendly propaganda minister who you talked to has to go as well.
Would marry her tbqh
what are we supposed to do? I actually am on a break from Sup Forums (back for the happening) because it too is poison for the mind.
it's all poison. nothing short of mass violence will release us from this prison.
Remember the 6 gorillion who cares about a bunch of dead goyim. *lobbies for more Israel and holocaust memorial funding*
>muh day of the rope
Oh enlighten us, wise loser.
I have social media and play D1 lacrosse. I have a life you wish you could lead.
Stay mad because no one cares about you, fatty. lol
Muh Holohoax muh hatred for all those imaginary dead Goy at the da music festival
Go to bed Sterling
>country music fans.
not gonna lie now that I know that it was a country music festival I care much less
Id shoot those people too
She has been fired, what a stupid cunt.
it's amazing to me how stubborn these kikes are. you'd think after the 400th time, they'd learn
She’s been fired
It's real.
New pasta is already stale
She's been fired from cbs. She also works for Take Two's marketing department. Be sure to drop them a call.
Did Take Two Interactive also fire her?
Wow, Variety really on the ball on this one.
Looks like they are loosing their immunity.
kek. She is right. Country is the worst
losing, fuck
Wow Pol is so sensitive. It's becoming like Tumblr in here. Who the fuck cares. Maybe she was making a tasteless joke or maybe she's psychotic. It's not like Pol doesn't make this jokes about blacks and Muslims ever single waking moment. If she really offended you it's time to discuss your feelings on tumblr.
The sad part is, some ultra liberal shitlord company will wait a few weeks and then hire her.
i don't have social media and race men's elite world cup downhill and enduro world series as a privateer.
>collegiate lacrosse
chasing a ball is cool if people care about the ball. couldn't hack it in foot-, basket- or base-? i guess you gotta do something with your free time lol.
We should start a mailing campaign to get her fired from Take-Two as well.
Still part of take two.
Fuck that. Hold them to their own rules, treat them as they treat us. She should be not just fired, but doxed and hounded.
Oy vey and gevalt, we're the most moral people you goyim. You're just oppressive so we are obligated to hate you.
The bitch deleted her LinkedIn profile.
Youd think a lawyer would be smart enough to realize thatd get you thrown out the door.
RIP her career
that's you right now
Except she won't.
She has been fired.
It's clear the the media and SJW have gone to far against white people crafting a narrative that makes people think that its ok to attack them and kill them in mass. Please It is not ok to kill and persecute white people. please, #STOPWHITEHATE #WHITELIVESMATTER
LOL SHE'S ALREADY BEEN FIRED. When will these fucking brainlets who are in these companies realize that their words may have consequences?
Why, though? I don't understand why this taste in music is being politicized - what am I missing?
She will get hired somewhere else.
does Sup Forums qualify as social media? anti-social media?
joke's on her
no one died
it was just another hoax
Ah you heard of that aswell? Yeah Its coming even sooner than you think
No sympathy for dead Jews because many are Zionists.