Wait your telling me this guy has a PhD, but can't pass a single test in HS

Wait your telling me this guy has a PhD, but can't pass a single test in HS.
What the fuck? Was his PhD in Women's studies?

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It's pretty easy to forget things, especially if you're a shut in for years

Did it say how much time it passed since he got his degree?

3-4 years I think

I forgot everything they taught me as soon as I got the paper and walked out.

Easy to forget in that case if you ask me. Especially if you studied half-assedly. When I was studying I forgot all of swedish in 3 years and were able to speak only really simple sentences
/end blog


You don't forget something you've spent 4 years researching, at least something substantial in STEM.

could be any humanities degree, that sort of useless garbage.

Why would you learn Swedish? I mean it's one thing for me since I live here and have to speak it on a daily basis but why anyone else would care enough to learn is beyond me.