Legend of the Galactic Heroes

What are your opinions on this?

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2D battles in 3D space.

Takes like 30 episodes to even get somewhat interesting. Is shonen tier slow with story progression.

I don't understand why retards praise it so much.

It's good.

Starts out great and starts to drag on.

remake when

Overrated Star Trek clone.

Manages to make politics boring.

Free Worlds could have used more development for it's main characters. The Terra conspiracy was was dumb. The villains were stupid. And 80's anime looks like shit. 10/10


Overrated shit.

Babby's first 'serious' i.e. non moeshit or generic shonen show, clearly. Babbies tend to be extremely defensive of those.

Really? After the Berserk travesy you still want a remake of anything?

Too entry level.

The Berserk anime isn't a remake.

Yang a cute.

Fujisaki Ryu animated Eiyuu Densetsu when?

I love it. It's not really deep or anything but the characters are some of my favourite in all of anime.

Democracy is the best.




What are 11/10 fuccbois for?

Johan Liebert vs Reinhard
who's the most handsome male char

It's good but overrated.

I'd say Reinhard, Johann is somewhat too cold, but he gets bonus points for trapping, so it's a pretty tough choice actually.

But the one in the OP is pretty 3D though.

>120 episodes
>two side stories each spanning 24 episodes
>some more shit to watch


It's garbage. Even 3DPD trash like the walking dead is better.

That's basically as 3D as having two rows of guns stacked on top of another.

A real 3D battle would not have a concept of "topside" or "bottomside".

It has a lot of seriously retarded things, most importantly when characters are supposed to look smart the author makes their adversaries suddenly develop retardation instead, HALF-CIRCLES etc, but the characters (not all of them though) and overall story make up for the cheese.
Great series, but definitely not GOAT as some were led to believe.

Nice pic, is it from/illustration for something or just the artist's imagining of a cool space battle?

Its such a shame that japan doesnt produce good space operas anymore

It would also be a clusterfuck every single time. 3D dogfights are fine, but fleet movements in 3D would basically always be those scenes where both armies mixed.

How was that Titania one? I remember I started watching it but dropped, I don't even remember why.

Please play this piece .
This is a great masterpiece .

Fuck off cuppy

Great show but you're more likely to get actual discussion on /m/ instead of Sup Forums


I don't think it is trying to be deep, it's more or less condensing a lot facts about human nature and politics.

I don't remember it being completely terrible, I think the ending wasn't conclusive too.

Personally I think manned space fleet battles are a dumb like hell, outdated concept. Why all the expense of life-supporting a fuckton of organic creatures in space, when there are things like cloud technilogies, autonomous driving, drones, etc, and this is still before we even left our planet properly. I'd imagine an anvanced space-faring civilization will have honed those things to perfection and will just have AI-fleets which are operated by a bunch of commanders from the comfort of a CIC on their home planet. Shows how most sci-fi writers in fact have no fantasy (or no grasp of current technological trends... Btw, I read an interview with LoGH writer, and he said he still writes in a notebook with a pencil instead of typing and is all but unfamiliar with computers. You want to unironically watch a space opera by that kind of guy? Really?).

But I don't know moonspeak.

It's my favorite show, it's heavily flawed, but still great.
Ignore most shit you hear about it online, it's become sort of a "babbys first mature anime" thing which has made it a topic of controversy among shitposters.

Remake and translation because the went bankrupt on top of the old work is hopeless .

Is the challenge to language learning in this opportunity ...

besides the last part and cult of earth what are the other flaws

I'm lazy like Yang, so I'll just direct you to this user who explained it pretty well.

If you want remote controlled fleets then you need a zero latency system and something that can't be jammed or hijacked. autonomous fighting forces are another thing that may have the same problems in addition to ethics and the rogue AI story.

You can't do remote piloting in space because speed of light issues. Having most ships be unmanned drones is a good idea, but you would need a manned command ship.

My favorite show. I know it has flaws but I think said flaws were necessary for this kind of story. For example manned space battles are infinitely more interesting than the more practical and likely drone battles. Fully exploring the 3D plane for space battle would change the whole point of the battles of showing historical tactics in a new environment and instead place emphasis on action (showing what's possible in 3D) instead of tactics (showing what has worked in the past). And LoGH certainly cares more about having the tone of a history book than being an action thriller. Because of this it's certainly not for everyone, but those who can get behind it really enjoy it as I did.

Also if tactics were entirely new based on 3D warfare, Yang's edge of winning using historical methods most others forgot about would be moot, which would also harm the series' historical tone.

This work is formidable to be proposed to the boss than the enemy .
You can also enjoy the battle to be caught up in the strategy of the incompetent boss .
The career overlapped the meritorious , it will be able to contribute to the strategy .
And you will be able to fight a barely decent enemy .
You can taste the hardships of Yang Wen-li .
Naturally or cause a coup , you can also belong to the hostile forces in exile .

Sorry in clumsy English .

Apoligy for poor Alliance

when were You when Miracle Young Legend dies

I was sat at Palace drinking Tea Fluid when Sieg ring

'Young is die'


and You????????????????

Well, some authors work around latency issues by inventing some deus-ex-machina wunder-technology (see Hyperion series). Can't see why you can't do this when you do things like healing capsules and unexplained FTL.

You do realize that automated system and radio communications have all been hacked and jammed to all hell and back. Each fleet is located light-minutes from each other, meaning that their laser beams take several minutes to reach enemy ships, and even if they hit, they will not see any feedback for several more minutes Communication is done by shuttle craft or Morse code over laser light relay systems.

Warfare has reached such an advanced state that all technology is made irrelevant because of the technologies themselves. The only outside factor is human judgment.

No it's from Eve Online. Battles that massive don't happen too often anymore.

FTL does not need to be explained. It is already understood in reality that there are certain possible outcomes. Also, magical healing capsules are not magical, but rather a thing that might be possible in the near future due to advances in medical technology. Also, making pseudo-science hand-wave explanations go against the spirit of the story, as well as the established environment.

I love it. I'm actually watching and at episode 70 I know what happens but I don't think I'm prepared for it. I also don't want to finish it because the void will be too big. SIEG KAISER REINHARD

Just how many titans are there in that image? I remember when one titan was a special thing. That is too many.

Wonder how the remake will turn out, and what they'll cover.

Why did Reinhard grow such long hair?

>a thing that might be possible in the near future due to advances in medical technology
O rly
Call me when said medical technology is advanced enough to get rid of even ridiculous things like fucking HPV or chlamydia, not to mention heavy shit like AIDS, crohn's disease or cancer, nice and for good, before we discuss capsules which cure gunshot wounds and fuckin everything in 5 minutes. We sure ain't in the 18th century anymore, and thank God for that, but medical science has still even barely moved out of its infancy, and in some areas is still barely a science.

Fuck off nazi punk.

He wished to be a little grill.

Yong is kill

Surprise Alliance loving, long and hard. Preferably while they are dressed in a maid costume.

Titans are like Dreads. I loved it when CCP thought it would take years and tons of resources to build just ONE Titan and the alliances started popping out one or tow per month.

remind me of Homeworld and how i autistmally managed to capture more than 50 laser frigates in one mission


Enjoy it while you can before the remake turns it into the reddit-anime that you have to dislike.

It's a readaptation, not a remake


So how're the books compared to the anime, now that the first volume is translated in English?

>You want to unironically watch a space opera by that kind of guy?

I think most watch space operas less from a technological angle and more from a opera angle. I mean Star Wars has blatant fantasy elements in its fiction.

Daily reminder that Fleet Admiral Paul von Oberstein did absolutely nothing wrong.

It's one of the best series there is. It has a huge cast that actively participate in the plot, big enough that in most cases it would've been a clusterfuck of "who is this guy again?", but most are incredibly likeable and memorable characters. I would go so far as to say it has the best cast in any anime. This is the single most crucial aspect, and because of it it achieves its goal of making you sympathize with both sides of the conflict.
I also love the writing, which almost entirely avoids the pitfalls of most anime involving non-japanese characters and culture. Most often characters are non-japanese in name and description only, but their way of speaking, mannerisms and other subtle tells are still very japanese, or more specifically, they are anime japanese. The writing is mature without being tryhard or pretentious. It feels like it was written by a capable person with respect for the audience and complete faith in their target demographic.

It's very close to the first arc of the anime. For example the battle of Armistar, where the Alliance overextends its invasion, is nearly word for word the same. The anime stuck quite close to the books in tone and content.
Having said that, there are a few small details different, like Dusty not existing in the books and a few extra history lessons.
If you liked the anime you'll like the books.

that's retarded. space is vast. you want to use the distance as defense. it makes it impossible to hit you with directed energy weapons while you can still use homing weapons.


You would be correct.


Best pilotfu.


I collected this series in VHS back in the 90s. Back then the subs ended around the battle for Iselhorn. Hungry for the rest for years until someone finally subbed the rest -- just to find the series goes way downhill and had a shot ending.

Yang was a cunt that prioritized his pride and naive ideal than the lives of his man and country.