What is Sup Forums's opinion on this series?
What is Sup Forums's opinion on this series?
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best music in anime
Dragonball for girls
This is isekai, right?
Better than Bleach and Naruto.
Had some nice OP, ED and OSTs.
It gets tired after 50 episodes in.
Rumiko doesn't really has the talent in writing an overarching story, which is why Ranma and Urusei Yatsura are better than Inuyasha.
I liked it, even if it was a little repetitive.
Sesshomaru is best boy btw.
The anime went to shit. The manga is better.
A go-nowhere, chinpokumon, repetitive waste of cells.
Normalfag anime
>better than anything
Better than Naruto, OK, but nothing else is worse than that.
It's for girls!
>Tumblrshit anime
shoujo trying to pass off as shounen.
still butthurt about the whole kikyo thing
Repetition is the only thing it does worse than those two.
Maison Ikkoku is best Rumiko work.
Inuyasha says Kagome's name 568 times
Kagome says Inuyasha's name 971 times
1539 times each name was said through 167 episodes total.
they got busy mad quick
I think it gets a bum rap because of the anime filler. I read the manga a few months ago and it was better than I thought the show was.
Although the anime had some God-tier music
The music were godly.
Fuck i want to ride Ferris Wheel in the middle of the night on winter.
I thought the dub was decent enough
>Kagome is supposed to look like Kikyo
>they are actually two of the few females who don't share a sameface
Read the manga while listening to the OST
Great OST, openings, endings, animation has aged fucking amazingly for something from the year 2000 and the english dub is probably one of the best english dubs ever. Still love it despite its flaws.
Why do Japs love Kikyo so much?
Thank all gods it finally ended, now if only Sup Forums would stop fucking talking about it and started talking about far-superior Rinne we'd be living in a righteous world.
Manga was better. Anime started fine but went to crap after the director/head writer change.
Here's what i think
Music was top tier
girl for refined gentlemen
man children need not apply
Shippo was a cutie.
I distinctly remember being able to see kikyo's tits in that episode where the witch brought her back to life. Yet when i downloaded the entire series just to see them again they weren't there.
I could just google for them but it wouldn't be the same.
Is the anime watchable by skipping filler or is it too mixed in like I think I remember bleach inserting it's shitty filler characters into non filler arcs?
the filler episodes are the best episodes and I'm not fucking kidding you
the manga is fucking trash stop it
koba literally disappear
kagone NEVER kisses inuyasha
Inuyasha never goes to present japan after that mask thingy
rumiko was stuffing her ass with money from ramma that she forgot almost everything
Garbage. Setting got boring, Monster-of-the-week was fucking lazy, manga went to complete irredeemable shit after they made Sesshomaru the undeniably best character, but only used him for the shittiest plots.
>the manga is fucking trash stop it
No, it's my opinion that the manga is good.
that's about 10 times per episode if you count both of them, feels like a lot more than that when you watch it though.
I squeal every time it was a Kikyo episode.
Then, I jump with joy every time Kagome gets BTFO.
I was a 12 year old boy back then. Fushigi Yuugi really did fucked up my childhood.
Great soundtrack and I'm really nostalgic for it, which is part of why I'm afraid to rewatch it and watch the new season/arc. I don't want to ruin the nostalgia.
the manga shares the same problem the anime had, the anime just did it more; its full of what amounts to filler arcs that drag the whole thing out to the point it becomes a chore to read. Theres some good arcs i nthe but on the whole it gets very tiresome
i was going to say this
Z or original?
A nice setting, enjoyably flawed characters and some decent romantic tension to give it flavor.
That said the villain is boring, the plot is cyclic and predictable and it's really just famous for being user's first well-dubbed shonen.
Around 30 volumes too long.
Which version of the dub is better, Animax or Viz?
Kagome was worst girl.
My waifu