ITT: people you trust to care of your children
pic related
ITT: people you trust to care of your children
pic related
>you will never tag team a shota guts with donovan
god please take me
>Gambino didn't find anything fishy about Donovan paying him to babysit Guts
> wow he want to take care of my son and even paid me
> what a nice guy, I should pay him more
Tfw gambino was actually just really dense and never hated guts
actually is a good nanny
This guy comes and slaps your son in the ass with his dick for 3 silver pieces. What do you do?
Yeah, he kinda prepares good mexican plates and keeps a very good eye in a plane two kids couldn't understand how to use. right?
Make him pay six
Did gambino ever pretend he did not sell him? I thought he nade it clear. Also
>ywn buy shota gutts and raise him to be your pefect husbando.
ahhh noooo
Donovan did nothing wrong, why would Guts just kill him like that?
Who'd be better than not one, but TWO renowned middle school-teachers?
It's because he's black, isn't it? Fuck Sup Forums sometimes, Donovan was framed.
I miss Cross Ange threads.