Are green or hazel eyes better than glue and why?Discuss
blue*im a dumbass
Greeneye are direct descend of reptilians
Blueeye are direct descend of angels
Browneye (red) are direct descend of satan
No they are intermediate between blue and brown. Certainly part of the European phenotype, but not comparable to pure blue. You would be spared from the gas chambers for not having brown eyes, so you have that going for you.
So where do green eyes come from?
More white
why didn't Hitler send Goebbles to the gas chamber if there's something wrong with brown eyes?
Blue eye masterrace here
Green eyes are beautiful but from a genetic standpoint nonwhite tier
Am I white?
I have green eyes. All of this eye colour hierarchy stuff is divide and conquer.
FYI my grandfather had brown hair blue eyes and my grandmother black hair brown eyes and three of their five children were blonde haired and blue eyed so fuck this autistic shit.
It's basic genetics, you dumb faggot.
I have OP's eyes and I always thought they were considered hazel.
So I have green eyes eh? In my opinion, actual green eyes > blue eyes > "hazel" > light brown > shit tier
Not having light eyes doenst not mean that you're not white just like having blue eyes doesnt mean you're white. Race is far deeper than these petty things.
Those are Hazel. Notice the brown/yellow around the pupil. True green eyes are very rare.
Having blonde hair does not make you more "white".
Honestly yes. I was thinking about the same thing today. Blue eyes aren't really rare here so you get bored of it quite fast unless it's really beautiful (like dark blue or very light blue).
Green eyes > everything else.
No one is trying to divide anyone here, we're (mostly) all white however some are "whiter" than others
If only you were right... I would be ANGEL N' SHIEET
Will you gass me pol? My grandpa was in the waffen SS
Makes you more white than people with brown eyes and brown hair. Not much difference between green and blue, though.
My dad has blue eyes and my mom has green eyes and i have green/brown eyes what does this mean
i never asked to see your fucking eyeball my man i was eating
>tew i'm a hazel nigger then
what if you have all three?
You got the poo genes
>Makes you more white than people with brown eyes and brown hair.
How? Are you saying Benjamin Franklin wasn't white?
At least you have pale skin. (Which is a good thing)
Get a haircut.
No. I have eyes like pic related, they are fairly nice though blue is usually better. Not all blue eyes though.
Both are good. Love all the eye colors of the white man (i.e. not brown).
Wow rude.
I have green hazel eyes :3
How the fuck do you even mistake green for hazel? I have hazel eyes and they look brown when dark and green-ish under sun/flashlight.
>be me
>green eyes
>still ugly
No, that's just a color. Unless you want to feel special or that you are better than other people for something you didn't even achieve, it's just RNG
>he fell for the racial genocide shekel
Why hello cutie pie. Want to suck my dikky? I put it in your sticky mmmmmmm :)))
True. and i did. It used to be long and blonde reaching down my back (metal phase) but now its short slightly below my ears. I dislike how it looks darker now though.
all inferior to brown eyes
I'm not saying people with brown hair and brown eyes are not white. Just "less white" than people with blue eyes and blonde hair.
Poopdick eyes.
>blue/green/gray/hazel chameleon masterrace reporting.
>Eyes always matching shirt color
your mother fucked a beaner
>Battleship Gray Eyes Masterrace reporting in.
Hazel is not green you shit-eyed subhumans. You have unhealthy diet diarrhea eyes.
Well at least in my situation (noy me but same type of eye) it depoends if you look at the center or the outer part
People with blue ages age like shit
Serbia no pls. Also i have a gf sorry.
>Just "less white" than people with blue eyes and blonde hair.
How? And what does "white" mean to you, for that matter?
I appreciate blonde haired blue eyed people but I don't think they're more white.
I'm a nigger too!
I said greenish you stupid yank. I'll post a pic if you like.
>green eyes are nonwhite tier
Your country's name literally has ''negro'' in it, so check yourself, shitskin.
Nothing wrong with that. You are a part of (true) diversity.
My parents both have green eyes. Dunno why life decided to cuck me and my siblings lol. But my mother is convinced they will turn more green as i become old.
I wouldn't call that green.
Don't change Sup Forums. God I love these shitposts.
You still got blue/green as majority so dont complain lol.
Are you a girl?
>tfw reptilian
>But my mother is convinced they will turn more green as i become old.
similar situation here, both my parents have much lighter eyes than me
Greece and Spain (just to provide easy examples) have been invaded by mudslimes and their gene pool has been diluted. They are objectively less white than northern Europeans.
maybe you dont know biological parent:)
don't know if better is the word, but green and hazel are more manly than blue
Yes, green eyes are like a fire. Blue is just cold and boring to me, blue eyed people seem kind of soulless.
Black eyes blonde hair reporting in, am I white?
There's a little circle of green in there perhaps you will also get slightly greener eyes as you become older. (Eyes kinda fade out because they become weaker)
Do people ever get freaked out by your eyes? Ive been told mine look orange sometimes.
disgusting bug eyes. do you have graves disease?
I find blue eyes beautiful but green eyes too. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder though. My gf likes my amberish/brown eyes but idd much rather have her beautiful blue eyes.
Who is whiter Sup Forums?
Someone with blue-eyes and brown hair or someone with blonde hair and hazel eyes?
Green eyes are master race.
Blue eyed subhumans need to be blinded by spoons.
Damn son wheres your soul? Interesting but that really is fucking dark. Do you even see your pupil dillate with light?
Sup niggers
>tfw grey eyes with little bit of brown
how low tier eyes are these?
>pic is basically the same as mine
No, i have similar eyes to the pic but not me
Blue eye masterrace reporting in
Pretty cool desu
>Starts yet another eye color thread.
>Shows individual with super obvious Iris Heterochromia and not true green eyes.
How do I know this "personal experience" pic related
Tfw my eyes glow in the sunlight
No you must be from Bosnia, you faggot. get the fuck out you cromagnon
Do you shave your uni brow?
Are you a nip
Well my eyes are green, so obviously.
>white people
very pretty!
stop looking at the sun user
Someone took a shit in your pretty grey eyes. What a shame.
Aha yeah.Whenever I go out with friends always a couple women always end up noticing my dark eyes say that my eyes make me look mysterious whatever the fuck that means.
No, I was just super tired when I took that picture. My eyes aren't normally buggy, the opposite in fact.
What about a shitskin with hazel eyes?
Because only faggots care about eyes in other men.
t. Green eyes master race