this is pretty boring
This is pretty boring
I agree with you, i cant get trough episode 1 its such a slog
Fuck off back to /o/, I'm so sick of this meme
>these ADHD faggots
I fell asleep during it
I'm not even kidding
It's OK, you're not the only retard with utterly shit taste around.
maybe they should have used some music or animation
it's like a slideshow, seems to be people like it because they feel they need to like it
It feels like it's trying really hard to be something suspenseful and deep but i don't need a million years of silence and still shots to do so.
yep, couldn't agree more.
>maybe they should have used some music or animation
Are you legitimately retarded?
nice argument my man
when you are dumb
When nobody argues against op but expects everyone to know why.
You must be. Not every show needs to pour its budget into an animation extravaganza to create decent atmosphere. Besides that retarded point, the animation was fine.
I sadly agree. Ther first episode was felt really long and I was relieved when it ended. That was months ago.
I still want to give it another chance. I believe Sup Forums when it says it's good, but you gotta admit it's not an entry level anime. It really needs some dedication to watch it, or at least to get into it.
A shame you seemed an honest man.
i don't remember what i've watched at all, this is yet another pretentious garbage
Nice buzzword.
Underagefag please go
Nice (You), could you please give me another?
With a little substance this time if you can.
you don't seem to understand
I had a basic idea of the plot, and the first four or so episodes were pretty confusing. Up until the last two or three it was "What the fuck am I watching: The Anime"
Once the pieces fell into place, though, holy shit. This show was years ahead of its time, the concepts it tackles apply today far more than they did on its release.
Back in the days when I found out about Lain I thought for sure it was one of those obscure niche anime no one cares about and got sad thinking I'd never find anyone to talk about it for a couple years
It was pleasantly surprising finding out it actually gets the love it deserves
it's still boring af
Nice argument.
Boring is a suitable reason for someone to dislike something. It really doesn't need any argument.
It's boring but good. Same as texhnolyze.
I'd agree with you were you not the one who asked for an argument first
Texchnolyze might be more boring.
How does it try it's hand at suspense?
Let's all l o v e l a i n
I like my anime good and entertaining
Agree, these are anime which you understand a few days after watching
But more sense...
Yes, Let's all love Lain.
................. PRESENT TIME
>Once the pieces fell into place, though, holy shit. This show was years ahead of its time, the concepts it tackles apply today far more than they did on its release.
This. I gotta marathon it again, it's been like 5 years since I last did.
I want to love Lain with other anons. At the same time. With dicks.
I love Lain. Let's all love Lain, user
I want to batter the back of Lain's love canal with thick, heavy spurts of my love and leave her frail, thin white legs spread open and quivering, each breath she takes in ragged and rough, and her hair a sweat-slicked mess in disarray as she basks in the afterglow as my love drips out of her, forming a small, warm puddle under her.
zzzzzzzzz show about a little girl becoming god. typical otaku bait zzzzzz
>Not loving Lain
You don't seem to understand
A shame he seemed an honest man.
I'm with you. I bought the original DVD release on a complete whim back in 2000 when i first got into anime. Blew my damn mind. I had to show everybody. Nobody wanted to watch it, looked boring they said. I scoured the internet looking for any nuggets of info or discussion. A few fan sites with theories, not much else.
Years later and Lain is a damn meme. It's crazy.
muh shitty scifi flicks *tips normalfaggotry*
Please do the world a favour and kill yourself.
Wanting to connect with her through pleasure is beautiful, user. Every expression of love is.
It's one of many steps to truly understand each other.
No its not
yes it is
it's only boring because you're retarded and have shit taste.
give me 2 reasons you think it is a good show
Boring is a state of mind, so calling something boring is more a criticism of one's own inherent biases and shit taste than an actual argument on the subjective quality of a work.
I started watching it recently and I can agree that the first episodes were kinda boring. It started getting good when the guy at the club suicided becauae of Lain and you see her personality change. You should stick it out a bit, maybe to episide 3 or 4.
It's thought provoking as fuck and has a brilliant atmosphere
And you don't seem to understand.
what thoughts am i supposed to be thinking?
what thoughts am i supposed to be thinking?
It's like watching a child who,when faced with a new situation, turns over to their parents so they can spoon feed them information. Or a helpless dog, turn over to its owner, desperate for help. Or an idiot... Need I go further?
Maybe K-On! is more of your speed, faggot.
I like the premise and direction more than anything. It is pretty boring, but it's got neat ideas behind it. Lain being this technogod born from the soup of information in the wired and trying to learn who she is and her godlike abilities is a cool idea to build from. The non-traditional direction and editing, with cuts to disconnected scenes and mixing abstract fantastical scenes of the wired with real world scenes makes it come off almost dream-like and it fits with the theme of the wired being this mess of telecommunication information.
No it's not
No need to be upset, I was just asking a question
I'm not. Just disappointed. Don't ask what "am I supposed to be thinking." Just think.
Sorry dad
It's okay. I forgive you.
Does your mom still hold your hand when you cross the street?
learn to think for yourself.
AOTY 1998
that's bebop