Are cigarettes really bad for you? Or is it a Jewish lie?
Are cigarettes really bad for you? Or is it a Jewish lie?
theyre only bad for you if theyre made in the usa or if your genetically inferior
It can cause health problems, but if you're the type with a lot of anxiety and stress, a few cigs a day goes a long way. If they calm you down, there's a chance it may even lessen your chance of a heart attack. However that would depend on the person, with a lot of exceptions.
roll your own or use pipe tobacco, popular cigarette brands are made from the leaf of the jew
what isn't a jewish lie?
Are you really this fucking autistic? Fucks sake man.
Not the greatest. Plus that shit is expensive as fuck. In Afghanistan you can get a carton from the locals for like $3. We're getting jewed hard as fuck in that regard.
Bad? Everything is bad in excess. Personally, I've noticed benefits from smoking but they go away once I start smoking daily.
>Are cigarettes really bad for you? Or is it a Jewish lie?
nah no good in smoking sigs.
In order to escape the cycle of Jewish lies you must follow the noble eightfold path.
Started smoking again recently.
They've got to be bad for you but I don't really give a fuck at this point. I do think some of the shit in the media is overblown though.
The jewish trick was convincing people they weren't deathsticks
Take the tobacco pill
>roll your own
Confirmed. The quality of the cigarettes I roll is vastly superior to """tailor made""".
>Are cigarettes really bad for you?
Define "bad".
They definitely cause you harm, and will lead to you dying at an earlier age.
But if it's your only vice, I don't know how much worse they are than fast food, alcohol, soda, a sedentary lifestyle, ect.
Don't be a pack a day smoker, and don't compound your risk of heart disease by being a fat slob, and you'll probably manage okay.
Unless you die.
Jewish Lie.
The Queen Mother was a Chainsmoker and lived past a hundred.
Inhaling ANY kind of hot, combusted smoke into your lungs -be it cigs, marijuana, etc.- is bad for your lungs and your body as a whole. Smoke destroys lung tissue and subsequently lowers the lung's capabilities over time. This isn't just common sense, any doctor will tell you this.
Tobacco is fine and nicotine is fine. It's all the extra shit the companies throw into the mix that's bad.
Are you retarded? Cigs are direct jewish product.
You pay, you ruin your health and health of others, and if you smoke inside you ruin your property. All that for a bit of (((enjoyment))).
Suck a cock OP
They are bad, in excess. I'm a MD, MSc, and PhD by the way.
Eh, I'd say it depends on the person and the metabolism. Some people smoke 2 packs a day and they're perfectly fine, I run out of breath on a couple of cigs a day.
They are radioactive and coated in polonium dust due to fertilizer, theres a reason cigs didnt cause cancer until they were mass produced
they don't let me breathe very well when i run
Precisely this!
Quality post, my friend.
>Are cigarettes really bad for you?
What do you think?
Tobacco has been smoked by native Americans and Europeans far before the Jewish folks had a hold of all the corporations. I seriously doubt it's a Jewish plot. But like many have said in this thread maybe the modern cigarette has a bad mix of chemicals in them and are causing cancer. Fuck idk. You probably shouldn't smoke anyway, but I did see a study years ago that showed increased testosterone in smokers.
This one of the most stupid threads I've ever seen in my life. Actually no- the most idiotic post I've seen was when someone made a whole entire post asking if "Red tic tac pills are red-pilled"...
Someone off me if another thread like this spouts up.
Asktually fags kill cancer, but give you mouth aids
based rookijaba
Thank you for your input
You only need to know ONE thing, OP.
EVERYTHING that the jew promotes for white people is bad. EVERY. THING.
>are red tic tacs red pilled?
Unironically, yes
>Oy mate, can I bum a fag?
I don't think Tobacco is good for you, but you can probably make it half as dangerous by not smoking commercials cigs. That tobacco is drenched in industry chemicals and a long way away from what the Injuns used to blaze. Get raw tobacco or get some brand without additives, such as Pueblo and Natural American Spirit
not if you roll your own and buy not shit tobacco.
Smoker here. Can confirm they're bad for you. They might have a few benefits like increased testosterone and use as a quick stimulant but the damage on your lungs isn't worth it.
I know unironically that the color of it is red...But its literally just a breath mint candy. It has no philosophical basis into to it at all. The person who made that thread had probably came from
If you look at this the following thread objectively and not look at it using the equivalent of the narrow lens of man-made climate-change believers "dude, it's settled the science proves it" , you will come away amazed.
Not only does it prove that anti-smoking science rests on thin ice and isn't scientific at all, it will convince you that tobacco is good for you.
Read this and save it. One of the best threads on Sup Forums in the past few weeks.
Check the stats for psycho killers - all non-smokers.
The burning plant matter is what causes the cancer, though I'm sure pesticides don't help.
But it is important to remember that your risk for smoking related cancer is tracked in pack years: smoking a pack a day for a whole year. In other words, multiples of 7300 cigarettes.
I believe increased cancer risk starts at 10 pack years, but I might be wrong on that.
If you smoke significantly less than a pack a day, it's very hard to estimate what your risk is.
It's not negligible, but you're not the demographic being discussed when the risks of smoking come up.
Stop pushing this fucking meme kike.
Trying to make us look like we believe in the most absurd conspiracies and therefore anything we discuss about the jews is equally as ridiculous.
Not going to work.
It will make your dick smaller. Other than that nothing.
Anecdotal evidence does not confirm anything. It is also debatable whether or not the lungs are even measurably damaged. Tobacco smoke contains potent anti-oxidants like Coenzyme Q10, which themselves would yield protective properties against actual pulmonary insults.
If I quit smoking will my penis grow?
For how long are you are you a smoker?
I went from being a cigarette addict to a nicotine gum addict, a year later I hiked to the top of a 14k foot mountain, I couldn't have done it smoking.
What are you getting out of them, except for "not wanting to smoke again" for 5 minutes? Is that worth all you're paying for them? Those are the questions you should be focusing on.
Well I only smoke natural cigarettes which I roll myself and I have major issues with coughing and hacking. Not as bad as when I smoke Marlboro but it doesn't seem to effect me well. Maybe it's anecdotal but there's also plenty of real evidence out there to show that putting all of that smoke in your lungs isn't good for them.
Pretty bad for you
t. smoked 20 years and felt much better after I quit, breathed easier, etc.
Stop consuming the nicotine Jew.
I'm 33 and I've been smoking since I was 18 years old.
I wake up in the morning wheezing and gasping for air. Then I spend the next few hours hacking up black phlegm. This is until I have a few cigarettes and properly lubricate my lungs.
Its eventually going to be the reason I die. I can't quit. I've tried dozens of times without success.
Don't start smoking. Its awful.
I'm 33 and I'm two weeks off. This is the longest I've ever gone and I really think it's permanent.
Try Allen Carr's book. It's the redpill for smoking. Everything else is jewish tricks.
Just dip instead and enjoy not smelling
Schlomo wants to convince all these "evil Nazis" to pick up smoking to kill themselves and profit off of their addiction.
non smokers talk about how smoking is good for you
There is nothing conspiratorial about being a skeptic when it comes to anti-tobacco science.
You are like the global warming alarmists who call climate skeptics "deniers who think global warming is some big conspiracy theory".
Dismissing a scientific counterargument as nothing more than an allegation of conspiracy, is a thinly veiled ad hominem.
Rather than dealing with the counterargument, you are attacking the the man framing it. Pathetic.
The tobacco threads are well framed and do not deny epidemiological studies but raise question to them. There is not some elaborate conspiracy alleged as the basis for them either.
I don't see how the fuck you could group this on the same level as "absurd conspiracies" if you actually read the threads.
Anyone who looks at that thread and actually reads it and thinks about the claims made and look at the OP's qualms over epidemiological studies will either come away convinced or at least saying that he made a good case.
>Been smoking since 16.
>31 now
>Don't gasp for air like most smoker.
>Don't have a smoker's cough.
>Never cough up any phelm.
>Trying to quit, again, because my son was just born.
>Just can't; cigarettes are too ingrained in my life.
Pretty much this.
It's definitely no lie. Cigarettes are terribly bad for you. You chances of hardening of the arteries or a stroke go up by a factor of 25.
A can can solve this.
You still smell like shit just like every other smoker. Your breath smells like shit too.
so what did (((they))) gain by tricking us into thinking it was bad for us?
>implying tobacco is hedonistic
It improves self-control and increases connectivity to the prefrontal cortex.
Tobacco/nicotine use would make the user engage in less hedonistic activity, not more.
Yes, goy, that's right, breathing smoke is good for you. Remember to buy more cigarettes, they're good for you.
Oh shit, I used to have one of those. What was it called like Amaze-pipe? or something that sounds like Simpsons writers named it.
It's why I smoke. I did a brief stint with the pill jew for my anxiety and went off it recently. Still smoking, but cut down drinking, cut out meds, and am relatively fit. Smoking is next to go, but I still think it's been beneficial to me.
Genetics plays a big part, that's for sure.
Never tried smoking and I'm glad I didn't.
About 5 years now. 22-27
Anyone else /NoSmoke/ /NoAlcohol/ /NoDrugs/ /NoPorn/ here?
Feels absolutely great to not rely on drugs or addictions to achieve greatness in your life.
ya maybe if you're a pussy
Read the linked thread, good explanations are provided.
Tobacco is a powerful nootropic agent (it increases cognitive ability, concentration) that allows the user to not just retain information better but to think more critically. This is unsurprising---it strengthens connectivity to the frontal lobes. A critically thinking population is dangerous.
Here is a copy and paste from the thread explaining the rise of tobacco demonization and the reason for it:
"Anti-tobacco "science" began as a moral crusade where people were trying to demonize it through dishonesty under the guise of science. The first "hard" study, did involve dogs, however, it was proved to be patently falsified, as admitted under oath by researchers involved.
After the anti-tobacco crusaders realized the hard science was not on their side, they switched to soft epidemiological studies, that intentionally would provide a result they were looking for.
The government gains control, a pretense for further taxation.
Moreover, the enhanced cognition yielded by tobacco use is despised by those with power.
Scientists gain funding.
Smoke-haters gain a world filled with less smoking.
Eventually, even well meaning scientists bought the lie, simply because of the "overwhelming" amount of evidence, without realizing that this mountain of evidence was all baseless and not predicated on any hard science (there is so much of it, they took for granted that there had to be something behind it), eventually carrying on the flawed non-randomized epidemiological work of their dishonest predecessors.
Also, their funding is largely dependent on vehement anti-smoking organizations like the American Lung Association, which will cease funding them generous grants if they provide epidemiological evidence to the contrary (as was the case with the Japanese Paradox)."
Fuck off and die, shill.
No one is buying your bullshit. Why do you keep trying?
>Trying to quit, again, because my son was just born.
>Just can't
So like every smoker your a child abuser. Congratulations.
Yes, what does someone gain by convincing people not to buy something they're selling? Who knows, its a conspiracy.
Everything but porn here.
Only because I have certain conditions that would shorten my life quicker than normal. I would absolutely drink and smoke right now if I was a normal person.
>It improves self-control
>being an addict improves self-control
Goddamn, I hate you shills so much.
>Just can't; cigarettes are too ingrained in my life
The hardest part to break is the 'just having one in your hand'. I smoked a pack a day for ~20 years, quit ~6 months ago (when I turned 40). I spent 2x as much on gum and nic-tic-tacs for about 3-4 months as I ever did smoking (the kikes get your money no matter what). Anyway, after the hand to mouth habit gets broken (took about 6 weeks to not be looking absentmindedly for a drag), the gum and shit are fine substitute. The patches are a complete waste of money though. I also drink 24-48 drinks a week as well, that certainly doesn't help
>So like every smoker your a child abuser. Congratulations.
I doubt the second hand smoke meme. I grew up around second hand smoke all my life and my lung problems didn't start till I actually started smoking myself. My only issue with people smoking around kids is that it normalizes putting toxic smoke into your lungs. If my entire family didn't smoke I might not have started although that certainly doesn't absolve me of my own choice to start smoking.
Same here but I compensate by drinking a lot of coffee
>Smoke cigars
>Don't inhale
>Girls come over and try to talk to you
>I doubt the second hand smoke meme.
Don't doubt that shit, it's fucking deadly and for people with sensitive respiratory systems I can attest to the fact that it literally fucks up my day, if I come into contact with second hand smoke i will literally get stuffed up like I have a cold for the next hour or so. It's weird cause I can smoke tobacco and cannabis just fine, but second hand? it's brutal for some reason.
>be a fag
>tell lies to look cool
Nobody thinks you're cool or manly for being a gay faggot.
Yep it's a Jewish lie! You'll be so cool just like the Hollywood heroes that have smoked!
Go smoke a pack a day just like the negroes!
Naaa, m8. They're harmless. Smoke 5 packs per day, it's ok.
Yeah all of those white trash and black smokers have been thinking critically for quite some time.
>Smoke destroys lung tissue
Absolutely incorrect said for localized cells on the cilia which come back even stronger.
>Inhaling ANY kind of hot, combusted smoke into your lungs -be it cigs, marijuana, etc.- is bad for your lungs and your body as a whole.
The smoke isn't that hot by the time it reaches the the lungs. Furthermore, the smoke isn't just some ill-defined "burnt plant matter" but instead is comprised hundreds of small organic compounds, many bioactive, containing potent anti-oxidants like Coenzyme Q10 and polyphenols (some unique to tobacco).
You have naive rationale ("dude, inhaling smoke, wtf) that upon closer examination falls apart completely considering that the smoke itself, especially considering many components are beneficial.
Troll thread with strong kike undertones
Why do you fags bump this
>smoking fags
>Putting fag in your mouth
get out of here you degenerate
Sample selection bias.
Just because they represent the overwhelming majority of smokers does not mean tobacco itself is responsible.
Pick any great scientist, musician or thinker from the past 500 years and most of them were tobacco smokers. Would you put them in with the trash you mention? I would hope not.
Have you considered the possibility that the reason they smoke is because they are self-medicating for their low IQ? If it can make these losers semi-functional, imagine what it can and does do for bright people.
I'm not telling people to go out and buy some Marlboros or Newports, no, these are toxic and laden fire safe chemicals and contain defective filters.
I only advocate pipe and unfiltered cigarette usage. Cigars are decent but they are lacking in effect and often deliver undesirably large amounts of nicotine.
Any smoke that's put into the air is highly deluded. I'd think that the effects would be minimal at best.
>that shit flag
kill yourself pussy
Oh look another slide thread. Sage
Anything in excess is bad, try drinking 40 coffees a day and see how that goes.
As long as you aren't one of those leather face chainsmolers you'll be fine.
The kikes are simultaneously making cigarettes, selling them, taxing them, and charging hospital bills. They are both the one pushing that shit onto children to create new lifelong consummers, while being the one talking about "muh health", how the prices need to be raised and nasty pictures of diseases added on the cover.
Smoking truly is the ultimate bluepilled act.
The only thing that could make it worse is if they started talking about how cigarettes are all white and that's racist and there need to be random black and brown ones as well. Then smokers would be having a black or brown phallic object near their mouth at all times.
>500 years ago
>average lifespan of 50 years
They didn't live long enough to develop cancer
bump to make ptg and r/t_d mad
If it's not *just* tobacco you are kiked.