I've yet to see a single image or video featuring bloodied victims. I mean, with hundreds injured and dozens killed one would expect the scene to be a bloody mess. This reeks of a false flag.
No blood?
Other urls found in this thread:
contrary to popular belief you don't spray blood like in the movies. most of it is contained by the clothes. unless it's a headshot you won't see much blood senpai
There was blood everywhere. You should have watched the news as it was happening.
Bullshit. If you get fucking shot hard enough to drop your ass, you're gonna bleed.
>that one guy standing upright and spreading his arms like he's all "COME AT ME, BRO" while everyone else is cowering on the floor
lmao based
Why do you assume she's lying on the floor because she was shot? They reported that around 500 people were injured, I assume that's not because most of them were shot, but because most of them got trampled in the ensuing panic and chaos or just hurt themselves escaping.
>This reeks of a false flag
everything probably reeks of a false flag to you. it's way more fun that way, isn't it? to feel ahead of the curve?
humble yourself.
>Quick mama, we must preserve the white race before you bleed out
Chad always down for the one on one.
Here is your blood OP.
Is she kill? I don't know.
Here's one, though
Less quality and late.
Story of your life?
Maybe she just forgot to bring a spare tampon.
Looks like he's doing this.
If she was German I would think she was raped by a Muslim, but American, so getting shot isn't really a surprise.
This is the only one I've seen posted anywhere. The only one. Singular. And it's a strange one, just look at those blood patterns.
That could easily be from a heavy flow day...not convinced
how much time have you been shot?
I think because blood is hard to see in the darker pics. Multiple people in this shot have blood on their cloths and body if you look close.
Yeah liveleak is full of vids of people getting shot without a single drop of blood.....
Are you fucking retarded or just shilling?
It almost looks as if the other two people are using her corps as a shield to protect themselves.
Literally the only pic with blood and it raises more questions than it answers. Because the pic is weird. The way the blood runs down the legs. Very unconvincing pic
CNN was on in the cafeteria of my school. They showed an interview from overnight with a woman covered in blood. Well supposedly blood. All over her face and legs. Dried of course.
oh yeah she the blood exploding just like a hollywood movie
Vegas user here.
3 acquaintances shot and 2 are dead.
Not ruling out a false flag, shooter could or could not Stephen Paddock
>these anons thinking they know more about people getting shot than brazilians
What the ACTUAL fuck ?! How high was this guy ?
Are you retarded? It doesn't have to spew out like a hollywood film, but generally when people are wounded critically they bleed a lot. If hundreds sustained injuries and dozens were killed there would be blood leaking out of them continually, getting all over the ground, themselves and other people.
Americans are some crazy mother fuckers
there was blood.
but retard thinks there should be a pool of blood.
lurk more, lots of bloody shit has been posted.
Right there. Both shoes are missing.
also 702 here
>Professor of Defense
>Weighs 220 lbs (all fat)
Does he even lift? What is he defending; his McDouble?
a fat guy just killed 60 people lmao
We got ourselves a blood splatter expert here!
>Get fatally shot
>Bleed down from torso, blood drips between legs
>Falling unconscious due to blood loss, sway from loss of balance and people shoving and pushing
>Bleed to death just trying to have a good time with friends
>Some guy on the internet who has watched too much CSI and Dexter thinks he's suddenly an expert on blood patterns says it's fake
>Picks the 2 most grainy videos he could find.
The only one that talks about exploding blood is you, shill.
We are saying that if someone puts a hole through your body with a bullet, chances are extremely high there will be some blood.
Now, i know you are just shilling and earning your money here by posting these retarded things.
But i just want to have it said.
There is blood though.
You're right user, this was a false flag. They got 20k people together made them listen to some shitty music, and then had a person fire blanks from a building. Then while the gunfire was going on that was peoples que to rub fake blood all over there bodies and lay prone. Then after that was said and done the entire las vegas police force was sent in to claim the body of the shooter.
Show me.
I'm a gore enthusiast and i've been looking all day.
Cant find a single pic that confirms a gunshot wound.
provide me a video where a bodyshot creates a pool of blood.
most of it gets contained by the clothes while spreading down their legs.
>Not knowing the difference between a false flag and a total hoax.
Educate yourself.
Politics are weird, and I can see our govt. staging shit like this. But being there is so many people in that state that are probably fucked in the head from smoking their vape nations all day long that it's more likely someone just went haywire.
Yeah I haven't even seen a dumb country thot with her head splayed open on the pavement lmao it's sin city after all
Yeah let's draw attention to this big crowd of people just to prove you can die like a bitch anyway. Fucking retard.
Now that's a rare flag
lol, you've never been to liveleak
Since it was a fake event he wasn't in any real danger and probably got pussy afterwards for being so brave or some shit, or perhaps he was simply sperging out
I would have been knuckle deep in crisis actress poon during the confusion, not fear humping my like this beta in pic
i don't need to, my country provide 60% of gore content on the internet.
i'm living the real thing.
Doubt he got any pussy but the bottom of the barrel stank. He's a dipshit for trying to look tough when there's people legitimately afraid for their lives and unable to fight back. Would have kicked the shit out of him if my family was there.
You tinfoil hatters are legit fucking morons.
>He's a dipshit for trying to look tough
> Would have kicked the shit out of him
There are pics and video's of murder scene aftermaths all over the internet buddy.
I dont have to provide you shit. You'd try to refute it with more retardation and shilling anyway so why should i even bother doing the work for you?
You are right man. In 999 out of 1000 bodyshots there is literally NO blood all.
They are like mini lightsabers, they singe the wound as they pass through and the little blood that comes out is contained by blood..
You are just a well trained pussy with a famiweeee who would even consider going to some lame country concert lmao no. Leave this board, this is a pussy grabbing board. If I ever see a crisis actor I am grabbing their crotch.
>contained by clothes
Ah man, critical thought sure pisses you off doesn't it.
Where are the body bags?
Is the site totally covered now?
I am pretty sure the initial reports were that there were 2 dead. Meaning 2 probably instantly died. I heard some people carrying injured people away on tables and by the time reaching a safer place near by they died. Some guy (Medic? Off-duty police? Forgot) even said at first there were 2 deaths, but from the looks of the people it was going to be in the 20s. Ended up being more, with more dying now. So I think a lot of the blood is just spread out, so to speak.
Aftermaths mean they moved the body, draggin the blood across the scene.
You are overestimating the amount of blood someone loses when they get shot.
maybe everyone is busy running or hiding for their lives?
The ONLY one...
No bodies, no cellphone footage, no gore. This reeks of false flag.
lol you're just sitting in your controlled little neigbourhood and wont even dare to come close to the favelas you pussy ass faggot, dont front and act tough you little shill.
>living the real thing
t. Le edgy kid
His flag can answer that question for you.
Here we go... that's TWO.
>he takes every Sup Forums post seriously
your double digit IQ is showing my friend.
It's a smashed blood pack between her legs.
bullets don't make you bleed unless you hit a vital area. hot metal usually cauterizes the initial impact zone
>Aftermaths mean they moved the body,
Oh really now? Dude you have to be over 18 years old to browse this site...
Now fuck off..
Yeah because more than a decade of social media and smart phone technology has taught us that people don't tend to record even the most fucked up of shit despite danger. Oh wait
Wow the only semi-realistic photo I even may see one puddle of blood hmmm very perplexing. So where is the rest?
critical thought lmfao. sure bud.
Yes, it was a false flag. You'd have to be really stupid not to see it. Our lives and everything around us, the history and the future is a hoax. Drumpf is just another plant. Polsters are just as naive as plebbits. Russia, China, NK, Israel, EU, Turkey, Saudis, they're all in it together, been for a long while. It's not about black or white, never has been. The white/black right/left propaganda is just a distraction. Makes everything seem normal. Tell me a country/govt that would give a single fuck if one of you lowlifers died. Yeah.. But ohboy, what would you know. This board is controlled opposition, just like its nemesis. There's only one true path. Redpill my ass
dude plays way too much dark souls
>shills in absolutely retarded manner
>gets shit on
>heh heh..... It was just a prank bro, gotchya, betchya feel pretty stupid now eh?
>show me blood
-blood is shown-
>she is bleeding -wrong-
neck yourself, lol
please explain how i'm shilling.
In some states death certificates are not public record.
> I-i-i w-was just joking dude, HA j-jokes on y-y-you now!
This is the most objectively false/retarded thing I've read today. Holy shit.
Protip: He shot maybe a dozen, and almost every death was from the stampede. The hundreds of injuries are normal for a stampede.
The bodies were never really punctured - does a really bad bruise bleed?
>Are you not entertained?
Or at least splattered on there.
really stupid to not see it huh?
ok why is that
movies show way more blood than people have
hollywood is not real life
>Doesnt know how gravity works
Literally 0 argument you kurwa
I got stuck in the leg with an arrow when i was 9. (It went all the way through my calf).
It hit tendon and no major arteries. Yet i bleed so much that it killed the grass on my friends lawn where i was carried. And they spent the next 2 days drying it up with towels and went through every towel they had.
Youre a dumb fucking idiot if you think bullets dont make a mess
that guys head is tiny
wtf is he doing
There are way more than two in that pic. Walk to the nearest bridge and jump.
this is the photo i was looking for, like the bataclan one
This seems like traditional nordic mating custom.
I already said it run downs the clothes. I'm trying to teach you something here liveleak.com
A fucking shotgun to the chest. 0 blood splatter.
Until i see a closeup of opened craniums and feces spilling from someones stomach, it is a flase flag.
finally a good photo fucking americans and their pussified media
>arguing just to argue
what is it like with autism
Well now all we have is proof that the crisisboos used blood packets.
Because the bullshit that comes out of your fingers is so retarded that nobody with a brain will even remotely agree with you.