"Ainu are for ______"

"Ainu are for ______"

Driving up north and taking land from.

non-consensual intercourse

My wife Machi is so cute.

Stealing land from!



Loli hardcore sex

Intermixing with until their culture and gene pool disappears entirely.

Forced assimilation

That's no Ainu, she is half-breed.


What were the sales of the first BD?

Fuck off Yamato scum.

Ainu is pure descendants of Jomon people. In recent studies it is said Japanese have about 20% Jomon genes on average.

Whats going on in that image?

Interracial breeding in action.

I dropped kumamiko. Did it really went that way?

Listen, the pan asianism ain't free. The formation of Dai-tō-a Kyōeiken gotta be littered with the blood of gooks and chinks. Hirohito and Dai-Nippon not european imperialism ok. Chiang Kai-Shek is not my leader and probably western agent as well. Tenno heika banzai ok?


They're not even of the same species, user.

You're confused, Yoshio is the molester. Natsu just watches while stroking his phantom dick.

>dropping the best feel-good bullying and beastiality anime of the season


I certainly did not feel good after watching the last episode. Only subtle rage.

>Hurr Durr the boonies are da best after all

You can't spell "Ainu" without "inu".

You also can't spell it without "ai".

rhymes with Snu-snu

>Hurr Durr the boonies are da best after all
I don't understand why a lot of people are so mad about this. I laughed so hard when I saw that this was really how it ends instead of the usual believing-in-yourself success story crap.

Kind of refreshingly honest, really

the bear is an eunuch though

As a city kid, the anime made it sound like a scary urban jungle which is upsetting. It's like if a country boy watched Shiki or Higurashi and depicted country hicks as murderous cultist zombies.

And the way Kuma Miko handled this was backhandedly mean as well. Like some twisted Aesop's fable which I guess is what they're trying to go for.

How does that bother you, change is scary for most people, especially kids. Any kid who has lived out in the country their whole life would initially see the city as some scary urban jungle, and anyone who sees machi knows that she's a retarded autist.

She's not retarded. She's sheltered and isolated. It's her grandma's fault for keeping her in that musty temple with only a talking bear as a friend. Might as well have locked her up in an attic.

The show always made it clear that the meanness of the city was all in Machi's head.

She's too cute to be bullied

Cultural appropriation.

this is definitely a you problem.

Genociding then making a holiday where we pretend we were BFFs. I just assume they're like Native Americans or something.

I want to see her BEAR!

I want to fap to this but I'm not going to download the whole thing. Which episodes have the fanservice scenes?