Why is no one talking about the fact that ISIS declared he is a soldier of the caliphate?
Why is no one talking about the fact that ISIS declared he is a soldier of the caliphate?
Here is english
>I can't believe I am biting this bait...
Because ISIS takes claim for all sorts of this they didn't have anything to do with, in an attempt to dick wave to their home population for recruiting.
fake news, this is al-qaeda, ISIS never claims shit they didnt do
t. terror expert
They have never done that
>ISIS takes claim for all sorts of this they didn't have anything to do with
Any examples? Everything I can think of ended up really being ISIS inspired.
Probably cause at this point ISIS is a meme that tries to take credit for everything an an attempt to be relevant.
Because a dog could shit on the lawn of the White House and Isis would try to take credit for it. They do this every fucking time.
What the fuck are niggers talking about they have only claimed responsibility for their own attacks
Everything Isis has claimed has actually stuck. So saying it can't be Isis when they have never lied seems illogical.
No, they do not.
shills, they have never done this
ISIS is losing relevance in this world (and power), so they need to claim as much shootings as possible.
He was in the mideast for 6 mo last year
muslim internet defense force is quick
because its a fucking lie. They would even take responsibility for the fucking tornade that happened last time if they wouldn´t be ashamed too much.
Isis, the altright and Israel are best friends
They literally never do. Occasionally they'll over-report the number of enemies they killed in an engagement, but they never falsely claim terror attacks.
Although there's no evidence besides ISIS's testimony, I still think it's likely he was with ISIS simply because ISIS said so. Their word is worthwhile here.
On the one hand, they usually do this.
On the other, his behavior before the shooting matches up with a typical jihadi.
To all the faggots beliving it was ISIS. The investigations have not shown any sign of IS terror. Secondly and more importantly, that guy killed himself.
The ISIS ideology forbids suicide. Read it up.
And the people saying ISIS never lied, I just say manila where a guy killed people in a disco or something. ISIS claimed it. Found out, that the killer was a man who lost a lot of money in a casino.
you faggots say this every time they claim something and it ends up being true that they were isis affiliated.
it might be a foreign concept to a pussy like you but isis actually fights for what they believe in. they don't sit online posting memes and whining about women not fucking them.
ITT clueless retards don't know the difference between Al Qaeda and ISIS
that haven't even been going for 24 hours, you're a fucking idiot. investigators have yet to say a motive so how would you know what the investigation knows. quit running your coward mouth kraut.
because ISIS is basically trolling Trump. And all his followers.
Isis al israeli
>The investigations have not shown any sign of IS terror
because that would damage the narrative
At this point without any manifesto I think it could be either side of the argument
ISIS is dying. They're just using this to promote themselves to expand. They claim any attacks to boost their image.
This has Antifa written all over it.
>Why is no one talking about the fact that ISIS declared he is a soldier of the caliphate?
Because the FBI has already said there are no ties
ISIS have never claimed responsibility for an attack unless they were involved.
The FBI also said they couldn't tell what James Hodgkinson's motives were.
Public statements by law enforcement mean less than dog shit.
His dad was a bank robber on the FBI most wanted list
The amount of shills trying to bury this is amazing, considering ISIS even named him by islamic name.
>two ISIS attacks in one night in North America
>one overshadows the other to such an extent it's almost immediately forgotten even in the city where it happened, because nobody even died
Reddit lefties always come out of the wood work after a happening and try to muddy the water when it looks bad for them.
That's now how you greentext retard
You smell like a wet dog man. Anyway lol there had been investigations. The mans house has been combed through etc etc. I dont know what your media is telling you.
You can´t decide who did what. Isis has every reason to claim every damn terror attack. They want to get into the spotlight. They are getting weaker and weaker and every terror act is like protein for them. Americans are srsly the most retarded ppl I know. I mean they fucking elected the autist trump. Wtf can you expect from them.
They never claimed that, especially why the fuck would they claim it from a white boomer fuck if it wasnt true?
I have seen the same shill posts over and over, on the DM too. Is this a try to make us forget this?
Lol dude I am sorry but his name actually is abu rad al mahmuk.
Why would you not belive me, can you not see my proof???
it's well established that Abu Sayyaf in the Phillipines has ties to ISIS and have been hitting Manila hard.
It's an attempt to bury it because religion of peace and #guncontrol.
Isis claims responsibility when it rains and ruins a picnic
Except they don't, you dumb kike.
>ISIS wouldn't lie
>why would they just want to claim they created the biggest shooting in us history