Let's be honest

If the guy who did this shooting was a black or muslim you guys would be chimping out hardcore for months, but since it's a white guy you guys are quiet and coming up with stupid conspiracy theories and, of course, blaming the Jews.

The perpetrator for the biggest US mass shooting was a right wing white guy with an Asian wife (no surprise), let that sink in Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:


>right wing

Fuck off Muhammad, nobody cares about how many goats you fucked today.

Us yes, brainwash like media would hurt it though

why would a right winged white guy shoot up a country festival?

>Right Wing

Right wing guy shoots up a crowd of right wing country concert goers?? Ya, seems legit...

They were. Anybody listening to the police band this morning knows the official narrative is a lie.


>killing in the name of religion is the same as some mad guy going on a mentally ill rampage

When will you faggots realize that killing IN THE NAME of religion will never be the same?

That's why Muslims' cases are different.

>Not every single thread and a sticky for hour after hour.


why would a shitskin allah akbar himself in a crowded mosque?

why would a dindu kill another dindu?

do you actually think mass shooters can into logic like the rest of us?

A right wing white guy shooting up a country music festival is like a Black Lives Matter activist shooting up a KFC with a rims shop attached to it. You're very dumb and should fuck off back to your Orwellian nightmare nog island.

OP is a retard

He’s actually a leftist libtard, like you. Nice try though.

>why would a shitskin allah akbar himself in a crowded mosque?
The followers of that mosque were not correctly following the religion of peace

>why would a dindu kill another dindu?

Lets be honest, guns need to be banned in the US. The 2nd amendment was meant for muskets, not machine guns.

Sorry faggot it was a leftist cuck. So close, yet so far.

It was meant to shoot people like you when you try to take them.

Dude was part of antifa

He was a anti-Trumper who had bad luck in Vegas. What are we supposed to do? They story will die in a few days.

Don't you have some Muslim rape gang to support? You have no source for your bullshit claims.

The 1a was meant for ink and quill not iphones

Niggers don't have the discipline and mental capability to kill 58 people.
Best they could come up with is the drive-by shooting. Muslims improved on that when they decided to just drive into people.

>let that sink in Sup Forums.

Of course it's a white guy, if you want shit done properly it's going to have to be white.

What part of Sup Forums don't you get? We shit on treasounous lefty whites all the fucking time. Unlike the left.

Fuck yourself.

Lerd be honest if the guy was black or Muslim media would not mention his religion or race, at least try to hide it

Im fuckin glad that others are too retarded to kill that many. Imagine if every knife attack from mudslimes with only just a few injuries or maybe 1-2 deaths will be replaced something like that

Where is this antifa meme coming from, anyway?

The blurry photo of a Maryland resident at a protest that has a gray goatee?


>The 1a was meant for ink and quill not iphones

Pretty shitty comparison. Neither of those things kill people. Guns have gotten more advanced and they shouldn't be easily accessible to the public. The fact that nothing has been done to enforce more gun control in America goes to show how many dumb ass rednecks there are.

the old white guy is just chilling in the Philippines right now with the millions the movement paid him to shoot these people

>why would a shitskin allah akbar himself in a crowded mosque?

Because that mosque follows an opposing sect of Islam. The only thing Muslims hate more than kaffirs is Muslims who aren't the right kind of Muslim.

>implying the conspiritards are not always on Sup Forums

I'm just sitting here waiting patiently for a motive.

It's clear that the media and SJW have gone to far against white people crafting a narrative that makes people think that its ok to attack them and kill them en mass. Please It is not ok to kill and persecute white people. please, #STOPWHITEHATE #WHITELIVESMATTER

>Where is this antifa meme coming from, anyway?

Its coming from Russian disinformation teams. easy to track

>you guys would be chimping out hardcore for months

>The attacks come in daily

>The perpetrator for the biggest US mass shooting was a right wing white guy with an Asian wife (no surprise), let that sink in Sup Forums.

More like the biggest (and second biggest) US mass shooters were registered democrats. One with an asian wife who wanted to kill right wing country music people. Let that sink in, spakker

>source: suzanne littlejohn

Here's that url for you, thank me later

>you guys are quiet

Sticky thread & every thread is about the shooting

What the fuck is quiet about that?

We are still trying to figure out his motive, why would an old white guy kill a bunch of fellow white conservatives?

Well now you moved the goal posts from what the Constitution is about to what SHOULD be allowed. You've already lost.

>1 post by this ID

BECAUSE HE IS CRAZY. Jesus, why are we all trying to vote for what side this guy was on. He is a mad man. At what point to things stop being "political beliefs" and just become "crazy person beliefs." This dude needed help but instead it was easier for him to get guns.

Oh hi OP McShillerton how do you like these apples?

Just seen on C4 news in UK "America's worst mass shooting, with 58 dead. The shooter was a 64 year old white man". In what other atrocity news, before the motive is known, is it ever standard practice to state the race of the perpetrator?

Islam isn't a race and and is religio-political and so it is relevant to state an attacker is Muslim. Similarly, when the IRA were terrorising, stating a perpetrator was Irish would have been relevant.

But race? I can guarantee that the newsreader would never have stated "the shooter was a 64 year old black man/Asian man/Jew" etc. The white race is the only race which gets pathologised as a political issue in itself when no motive is known.

>do you actually think mass shooters can into logic like the rest of us?
>can into logic like the rest of us?
>the rest of us?
>can into logic