Why do liberals immediately push for gun control in the wake of a tragedy?

why do liberals immediately push for gun control in the wake of a tragedy?

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Because they don't have shame

Because they are masters of exploitation.

Lobbyists and that it sells guns causing stocks to soar, making them fucking rich.

They want whites disarmed so we can't fight our replacement.
That and more broadly they don't want anyone fighting back when they go full NWO

They have no souls.

Because muh fee fees are the only argument leftists can come up with.

Because they hate freedom and have a passionate instinct to control and subjugate all free men. Appeals to emotion are their only chance to do so as no one in a calm, rational, state of mind would ever willingly give away their own rights.

sure is doublethink in here

Same reason you immediately push for border control


>appeal to emotion
Hero complex

Because simple minded liberals are easily swayed with emotion rather than reason. It's easy to push an agenda on the graves of 58 people than it is on your own logic/beliefs.

That's their programmed response and makes them feel like they are the good guys and fixing the problem.


Oh wait i know this one

It's because people with mental health issues shouldn't have access to automatic weapons.

How did I do?

something bad happens

one more rule will fix it

is that supposed to look like mummy? becuase it doesn't

Am I crazy, or does her head look disproportionately large for her body? She almost looks like a Bratz doll or something to me.

Dont we also push for muslim ban when they send trucks of peace and other offerings?

Because they're immoral enough to push a political agenda in the wake of a tragedy.

isnt it ironic that Nevada is an open carry state yet not a single civilian was able to return fire??
or are amerifats wrists are to arthritic to lift a pistol anymore?

And they don't. Now what faggot?

tho only thing that can be done

Because when nearly every day there is a mass shooting it's hard to not bring up gun control after such tragedy occurs.

Isn't it ironic that yet another mass shooting occured in a gun free zone? It's almost as if this is a pattern...

Because it’s easier to use people’s emotion to pass legislation rather than logic especially when you can’t logically defend why said legislation should be put in place

Because America is literally the only place where this happens the most out of the rest of the world, and you don't have gun control.

Weird how logic works.

This guy did.

Now what faggot?

who knows

If you could have stopped that shooter from what, 38 stories up, and damn near 200 yards out with a concealed carry weapon, I would like to shake your hand, and possibly fire your.... sniper pistol?

How fucking retarded are you exactly?

because they think people need to stop being killed


Because, OP, liberals NEVER let a good tragedy go to waste for not capitalizing on to push their retarded social justice shit.

The same reason if a conservative is invited to a University they want speech control.

Yea like a pattern of selling guns to insane people leads to more mass shootings

>every day
If the "everyday" mass shooting count, then 99% of mass shootings are black gang members with pistols.


Because anyone with half a brain would do the same thing.




Why do right-wing retards push for Muslim ban in the wake of a tragedy?

I like that gif


Never waste a crisis.

Nice b8

Go butter your rounded edge toast with your government approved non-lethal butter spreader.


triggered lol

you never heard of anyone legitimately calling for a 'muslim ban' in the US. The imagination of these people.

I love when eurotards pretend that all of their mass shootings don't count for some reason.

He had no history of mental illness.

It boils down to a lack of empathy, they don't have the critical thinking skills to understand most things, It's the same reason you'll see republicunt lawmakers flip flop when their kid turns out gay

If you'll notice, the reddest states also happen to have the lowest test scores, and pretty much every other bad quantifiable measurement

tl;dr- we need more guns

>anyone with half a brain wants to immmediately mobilize one hundred million angry white men against themselves

You're right, gun control really is for retards.


Full auto are illegal without a tax stamp which he obviously didn't have as the ATF would have known everything about him including what hand he jerks off with. He bought those weapons illegally you stupid fucking faggot. Also the police said he had no history of mental illness.
You can hit a stationary target at 200 yrds with any standard rifle. Any mediocre shot would have a reasonable chance of landing multiple hits with a 30 rd mag. Pistols I'll grant you but gun free zones include rifles too.

Didnt you know if you put a 4x scope on a desert eagle its essentially a mini sniper rifle?

look at the size of that head

Just don't talk about all dem niggers shooting each other with illegal guns.

Why do conservatives immediately push for travel bans in the wake of a tragedy?

Because islam isn't compatible with western civilization.

To hide the fact that most shootings are done by Democrat voters.

Because they don't know what death feels like in your immediate circle. They're sheltered from pain.

>Prevent gun sales to mentally ill
>Ban military-grade assault rifles
>Limit magazines to under 10 rounds

is this really so much to ask?

Americans became 30% less white in 40 years and what they did ? Nothing
I don't see the point between the replacement and the 2nd amendment

Yes, everyone needs to carry that

Are we pushing for people to carry rifles?


No, that really doesn't happen ANYWHERE else in the world.

the reason islam needs to be banned

These, and given that their fundamental long-term objective is to install an authoritarian socialist regime, they know they need to disarm the populace in order to do so.


How out of touch with reality are you if you think after your massive fuckup in the '90s you are ever going to get what you want?

Define military grade assault rifle

Because their satanic puppet masters want to push slavery unto the masses and gain all possible early advantages before civil war erupts globally to overthrow the false kings of revelation currently occupying seats of power through corruption and deep state subversion. Nothing new in the playbook. If libs were serious on gun control they wouldnt have sold em to cartels for $$$. Actions speak louder than rhetorical appeals to pathos.

wonder what her ass taste like.

why does Sup Forums immediately push for kebab removal in the wake of a happening?

Because liberals are all tyrants at heart, but also cowards, so they know the only way they can get the power they crave is if they can disarm the populace first.

because they havent besides a few shills on msm

the discussion started up and turned into a shitpost festival on Sup Forums before the bodies even turned cold


>he had no history of mental illness
>he used an automatic weapon which is already illegal
>people are unable to reload
Congrats, you're a faggot with the thought process of a child.

every time

Yes, the cowards are the ones who need assualt rifles to buy oreos at walmart


So we buy more.. DUH

because that is what is always pushed for?


You're certainly pushing for, and have succeeded in many cases, in banning rifles.

Probably the same reason people pushed for something to be done after 9/11.


No shit, these scared ass gun nuts sure are making these gun companies pretty rich right about now

It's almost like a six year old could figure out this scam


>Are we pushing for people to carry rifles?

I personally don't have a problem with this.

In a more safe environment, you wouldn't need to, but with all the threats (Mossad or not) facing the world today, it's more like the old west. You wouldn't travel into town without your pistol and rifle in the old west and you shouldn't do it now.

the same reason conservatives immediately push for immigration reform when it's a minority (even when the minority was born in america)


government issue security blanket

During the WH press briefing today nearly every question was about muh gun control. It was DNC talking points all the way. Un fucking real.


Damn, sure would be bad if a certain political party took this logic, got their voter base riled up with threats of terrorists, muslims, and minorities, and made a boatload of money

Just as many Americans die from any kind of rifle, as they do from batons and hammers. Should we ban hammers? Maybe tactical construction tool belts should be banned too because they can hold multiple dangerous weapons at the same time.

Someone shop her face onto this pic

"liberals" isn't one person

lol fucking retards

You mean how conservative act that current US immigration law actually be enforced while liberals ask that current US Constitutional law be thrown out entirely.

Did you see that news story where the guy attacked 600 people with the hammer?

Brought me to tears m8

According to Sup Forums it is, Soros. Whoever that is.