Goblin Slayer

> Has a full suit of armor.
> Hunts down monsters.
> Talks too much.
Come on, does he even praise the sun?

Other urls found in this thread:


c2 translated yet?

Hunting down goblins and wearing the full suit of armor is ok, though. Talking is the problem. Now he only needs to talk less and never remove his helmet. Praising the sun is necessary.

When will there be a true knight anime?

What would be your ideal knight?

It is with the yen press.

I posted in that thread that I wanted gaijin Knight sensei SoL but missed these posts entirely. 11/10 would watch and download

Ser Duncan the Tall.

Anyone rip ch 2?

Lots of sites that ignore copyright, is it just lack of interest?

Yen press seems to be more rabid than most publishers, their manga seems to avoid independent translation.

And I'm pretty sure they have shills here because "someone" kept posting misinformation and telling people to buy the chapters back when some user was ripping Kakegurui.

If the chapters cost a few bucks or something why doesn't someone do it and upload them to niggerstream or kiss or some other site that doesn't care?

Feel free.

Holy shit. I was prepared for a stereotyped fantasy world but his is fucking Berserk - tiers of awesome.

But I'm a selfish leech, people buy and share way more expensive things. I'm also patient, just curious if it's a lack of interest or even more sites becoming pussies about copyright or something.

So, a typical /tg/ campaign session turned into an anime ala Slayers?

Artorias, The Abysswalker

Well, Yen Press' series aren't hugely popular, especially since chapters are difficult to find normally. So low popularity and low exposure = smaller consumer base that might decide to share it.

>'Berserk -tiers of awesome'
>Dat "Anime" this season

Look at this fool. he is clearly a hollow and has gone mad from the CG abomination that defiled us all.

whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy so much potential wasted


How could you slay such majestic creatures?

I still never got the source for that image that day

not even the pivix

>implying I meant that CG blob of a Anime
>not the mango

Novel translations when?

inb4 the shitposters start posting about how edgy this is

Too bad he was a bishounen, i expected a fully scarred old man, beard well groomed etc
Well the girls almost wetted themselves when he took his helmet off so at least we can have that

What do we do with this goburin?

Someone translated it last thread, look it up in the archive.

It's in spanish too if you feel like reading that

Set it on fire

chapter 2 when?

Live-translation of Chapter 2 in this thread

Usagi Drop it



Alternatively, is also fine. NRFS is the broest.

Fire is the only answer

thanks senpai

no, the problem with Yen Press' series is Yen Press. These fucks take things that ARE popular in the community, and then release them at dick-shriveling speeds the likes of which make one question if they've achieved reverse-speed or something. Take Overlord's LN getting licensed -- 2 volumes a year. 2. Fucking. Volumes. How many volumes are out now? 10, and there's usually 2-3 coming out a year. We've had 'non-professional' translators pump out entire volumes within 1 month, their accuracy high and the jokes/puns/story not being lost in translation which is what tends to happen with 'professional' translation as a whole, not to mention that they'll probably localize the fuck out of anything that is infused with Japanese culture and water it down to something retarded. A good chunk of the people who would be interested in these series just know better than to be disappointed by buying into their favorite series being shat all over.

2 overlord volumes a year?

Well, then I can take it easy.

>spics have chapter 2 transalated
>not in english

>Believing in spic translations

It's going to happen, isn't it?

They just ripped it from yen press.

Also chapter 3 when?

Wait, Kakegurui was ripped? Wasn't really paying attention to this but can anybody link? Might as well backlog it if that's the case.


Only up to volume 3. That's only some 16 chapters or so. Should be on nyaa.

they've also translated it into Spanish, and it's not like the series is deepest lore so there's nothing to really trip up on with the translations, nor is it wordy.
it's a monthly, so we'll see a chapter every month. I believe the July one came out already (ch.2) so we'll have to wait till next month for it. we could also pool money into some translators and help them get the LN to translate it for us.

>long reach

What do we do with this crying goburin?

>not being a superior Axeknight

Bash its skull in

The ideal knight would be:
> Speaks very little to no words at all and speaks through gestures.
> Wears a dark suit of armor.
> He will take any other armor out but NEVER the helmet.
> Can wield any weapon but mostly a sacred sword.
> Doesn't bother with people saying their monologues and just starts stabbing the opponent.

>Sacred swords
He picks up anything that can be a weapon instead, but mainly carries a mace and dagger or broad sword.

And most of all,
> Takes off helmet.

Wasn't there a better chart of this with more types of knights?

YenPress also licensed the LN for Goblin Slayer, it comes out later this year f I'm remembering right.

Will someone be a based user and upload it once it's released by YP?

Well, using my shitty translator machine in the WN he once tells something along the lines about him liking the Sun after getting out of dark dungeons.

Where can I find this spic translations?

old man with beard and scars meme needs to die, it's being overdone now in vidya and the last thing I need is to be reminded it's being overdone in mangos. there's no perfect solution to this since a fuccboi is just as bad, but currently the old man meme is just worse imo, especially since that shit reboot/reimagining plastered with God Of War's name on it.
yeah, it's coming out in December iirc from the last thread. I hope we can gib money to our bois to translate it, since I'd rather not take YenPress's filthy localized written screeches.

He actually has scars on his body.
Source: when healing his injuries after fighting a notOrc on steroids.


Man, did not think of that one. Thanks.

Alright. Thanks. Will add to my backlog.

Why not a mature adult human male? Then again the ripped underwear model type is fujobait.

How about a strongfat guy who is kind to kids and has a major moral dilemma when it comes to killing orc children and the like? (his solution is to just kill them anyway and he donates to orphanages as a way of atoning for it)

How about an MC with an intelligent but nonspeaking pet?

What if he's just a soul inside an armor? Then he'd still be fucking badass.

He took off the helmet. That is his identity. This guy is much better at this point.

Hello Al.

Did it have a shield knight.



What a racist mc, lumping together the good and bad goblins.

Doesn't Al literally praise the sun?

Magic summoned goblins don't count.

>Not green skin.
>Not fugugly
>Has horns

So why is this not a semen demon from the 2nd circle of hell?

Slay it's filthy hide of germs.

shouldnt axeknight have the longreach perk as spearknight does?



where can I read this niggs

>their accuracy high
Hahahaha, nice machine translation

/tg/ here, picked the fuck up

The goburin is now vulnerable, what do you do?

You knightfags only appear when new issue of Goburin Sraya is out. Tell me more about your ideal knight MC so I can draw this shit up when I git gud. See you in half a year.

Doesn't show up on the archive, too late probably.

it's like you've never seen English written before
that's a valid way of describing something.
i.e. they walked with their heads held high
or another example: palms sweaty, knees heavy, mom's spaghetti
seriously, just get out of here if you're going to pretend you're not retarded, because you're clearly not very good at it.

Does he have protection against red or protection against goblins? Maybe First Strike.

But does he praise the moon?

It's been linked in the fucking thread. Do you not have eyes?

>hoes think they got anything on the lord

>Goblins actually raped the monk
shit makes me sad senpai.


>Suddenly le edgy rape scene xDD
Who thought this was a good idea? Your series is doomed if you have to resort to a bait n switch to put a dark theme. Writer can write for jack if he is unable to make the world dark and brutal without sudden death orgy.

Fucking edgy shit,it could have been good if writer actually bothered to put some effort into it


I speak too soon

How about Arthur motherfucking Dayne

There's a live translation of it here user Just finished reading it and eating some dim sum, feeling pretty comfy.

Because Ser Duncan was a knight who did not forget his vows.

>first chapter
>already rape


He's probably trying to strawman that most LN translations are gussied-up machine translations. In this case, it's true, the guy who does it is a machine that translates Overlord.


D-DOOMO, Goburin Okashira desu. K-kisama! How dare you kill all my men, you temee!

You can always buy it.