Obviously the idea of taking guns away from citizens isn't the best answer when it comes to solving the gun violence...

Obviously the idea of taking guns away from citizens isn't the best answer when it comes to solving the gun violence problem, but what would a real, efficient strategy that would stop both street shootings (Chicago, for example) and mass shootings (last night)?

While I think the left's "solution" is bullshit, I have yet to see a strategy emerge from the right.

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Is that some sort of butt plug?

It's an AR bolt you faggot


can i stick it up my ass?

It's worth a shot.


>me knov masine part
>me smaaaart

Come back when you can design and sell such a thing.

Going by the tryhard tone, it can only be either part of car or part of a gun. I inclined for the gun though.

Want gun control? Go fucking kill yourself.
Just as many people can be killed with a VBIED. What then? Whats your answer to that? You take away fundamental freedoms and you accomplish nothing.

Niggers can still kill 6,000 of each other per year with stolen Jennings pocket pistols, and terrorists can still inflict massive deaths in an instant. So what good is your tyranny? It serves no purpose other than to give the perverse state more power. The solution is to shut down Jew owned media and stop them from inciting this sort of violence. This is exactly the sort of thing they wanted when they started the #RESIST bullshit immediately after they found out Hillary lost.

ban guns from registered democrats while giving the police laws allowing them to legally search any democrat or independent for any reason

even better force them to wear armbands


Worth a SHOT... LOL

And if you BF can't handle the recoil of a real rifle (ie an SKS) so he settles for the faggy AR then you have a GF.

my first thought was looks like a bolt to a gun.
yaaaay go me! i feel so gendered!
::flutters eyelashes::: :::lisps.. lisps...:::

Get a G43

Even I don't know what that is, I am assuming its some sort of car part or bullet?

t. sub 10 iq

Lol enjoy your penis substitute at the shooting range while I dick your wife faggot

Take guns away from niggers and spics

I counter your question with a question: why bother stopping it at all? More people die in car violence each month than by guns in a year.
>Muh automated cars will solve that
Then they'll just automate mass shootings. Check mate. King me, bitch.

Gun violence is the solution for the right since they want to see poor, middle class Americans dead.

>you aren't a male if you can't identify a part from this burger rifle
Just lol

>republicans in power, dont fuck with your gun rights
>left winger shows up to concert to kill a bunch of people

>left wing in power, go after your funs
>right winger shows up to a city near you, blows a bunch of people to bits & shoots a bunch of people up

hmm really makes me think


Make it so only whites can own guns and we will have European crime levels. That's what should be done, but it's not politically practical. The it's easier to lower the crime rate than it is to stop mass shooting. That is never going to happen.

Mass shooting are responsible for like .00002$ of homicides in the US. We make mass shooting seem like the biggest problem rather than every day shootings that kill more people. As long as that is the case, we will find no real solution.

Why would a real man need to know what an AR bolt was?

it would be extremely painful

What does a trailer hitch have to do with guns? No one cares what you can fit in your ass, fag.

and give him terrible hemorrhoids.

>middle class
The only people who vote left are niggers and retarded college kids.

You're a big guy

Perhaps if you turned up to wars on time, you could have a better job than hitching trailers



if your "boyfriend" knows what that is, you have a girlfriend.


I've got it, it's a dick enlargement device

the truth is that nothing will stop these attacks but utter totalitarian government surveillance. Things like this are the price we pay for freedom.

Any you should owe us reperations for saving you in both World Ears. PAY DENBTS NOW!

>t. Sub10 iq
Makes sense that you put your few autismo iq points into guns then,
The US marines will sure enrol you with that mental prowess

What is that a vagina stimulator?

>An SKS recoils significantly more than an AR15

Lmao you pussy

physically remove democrats

>Complains about US land theft

kill yourself, limey faggot

The "strategy" is keep doing what we're doing, bear with it, and to understand that in a country of 300 million there are occasionally going to be shootings. This is the price of freedom, or at least what freedom is left.


Oh fuck I haven’t seen this God tier level Sup Forums posting in a long time!

Are there any US anons here that don't own guns?

Anyone need advice if you want to get into it?

Part & Parcel?

lol you inexperience 12 year old.
Get back to us when you have fired more then red rider BB gun.

>this triggered septic cunt

Disallow only full auto, you dumb-dumb.

What's a bolt

>vs AR recoil
>point made
>point lost on idiot.

It looks like a pinion gear of an input shaft.

I own and regularly shoot a 45-70 with full power loads you massive faggot.

Slavshit gun owners aren't even gun owners in my eyes

Already done, mongol

I used to have 2 guns, a Remington shotgun and an old Ruger Blackhawk II .357. I had to sell them both in 2009 and I regret doing that. Still haven't got back into guns, and I don't expect to until I start working again.

>she actually notices the recoil on a fucking SKS
Post tits

Fuck off cunt.

You want to stop most shootings? Obey the Constitution, and allow all men the right to bear arms. Abolish the ATF and related, and stop regulating the purchasing of firearms.
In all states where open/constitutional carry is legal, gun violence is extremely low compared to neighboring/comparable states. Let's do that, but in a nation-wide sweep of reform.

Why aren't you working?

Come and get them

All post-1986 full auto arms are completely illegal for civilians

if one person had a gun last night the shooter could have been stopped.

>he thinks that either of them have noticeable recoil

>If your boyfriend doesn't know what THIS piece of organization-dependant technology is, he might be an Obammer-worshippin' FAGGOT! I define my worth as a man in how many football negros I can name and how many power tools I've bought from Walmart.
>This is a bird house I made with my own two hands. If you don't know how satisfying it is to build something from the ground up, I truly feel sorry for you.
>If your boyfriend isn't an ALCOHOLIC, then you might have a girlfriend!
>If YOUR BOYFRIEND has a triple digit IQ, highscool diploma, or knows what a "soiree" is, well then he's just a giant poofter, aint he?!
>I've been working since I was 4 years old. My daddy's farm. If you can't find a job, that's your fault, entitled millennial. "You can't always get what you want"--that's a song from the Rolling Stones, which is a band I like!


What one may do after acknowledging there will occasionally be shootings, to also recognize that the danger to the public by them is the remotest of the remote.

Then fucking explain how did he guy hit MORE THAN TWO HUNDRED PEOPLE with semi-auto? Maybe he had full auto? Oh no, wait, but that's illegal, so he violated the law?

Yes! It actually is!

I don't know if one useless tard with a gun would have done much. you need to know how to use it.

That's because, there is no strategy that can prevent gun deaths.

You outlaw guns, and the criminals still get them, and people still die.

You do nothing, people are still gonna do stupid shit, and people die.

Unless you can remove every gun from every hand across the globe, there will always be gun violence. Maybe, just maybe, the left pushing people as hard as they have to "rise up" and the blind eye toward telling feral city nigs how fucked they are (not to mention, not putting massive jail time to those who have guns illegally) are why things are what they are.

I wish Murica would make drugs illegal, that way there would be no drugs!


I'm a 110 pound, 5'5" manlet faggot and the SKS doesn't have any recoil to me. Neither does the AK.

Haven't shot a Mosin Nagant though.

Deport metzios and niggers, problem solved

>who have guns illegally
thats the problem you retard. Guns should never be illegal. if everyone had a gun last night the shooter would have been stopped immediately.

>middle class
Nice try shill

I feel the recoil with my AK, but I dont give a fuck! Underfolders are sexy as hell looking

Don't. You'll become deaf.

You know it's not very hard to convert a semi-auto to a full, right?

I was a depressed for a while and didn't know what was wrong with me. I ended up going to therapy, never got put on any medication and don't feel depressed anymore since I quit being a literal soyboy. Am I fucked when trying to get a gun?

Muh ARs!

It is if you ask /k/

It costs like $30 to get the parts necessary to convert a semi-auto back into an automatic, and that isn't regulated in most states.

Yes you penis. But wait! That's illegal!

Bring back real parenting, and real authority in schools. A generation of snowflake pussy individualists have led us to this. In the 1950s every teen had a gun in their pickup truck, but nobody feared like this.

For you.

>he dosn't want killbots
sandniggers aren't going to kill themselves
or at least not at a fast enough rate

1: Deal with inner city crime. Keep kids out of gangs, help restore the family.
2: Deal with this nation's terrible mental health care. Get rid of the stigma surrounding mental illness and fix the system to allow more people to be treated.
3: Quit overdiagnosing children with mental problems and giving them pills if they are not needed. Not every hyper 5 year old needs to be put on Prozac, which is a common element to mass shooters.

Do these, don't ban anything. Done.

Real men shoot longrifles and shotguns.
Op, as usual, is a fag.

>not Mauser master race

Huh what is it
>my flag
pls no bully

Then why can't they?

That's the thing, Russbot, criminals dont care about laws and shit.

If he knows what it is, but sticks it up his bum, is he still a girlfriend?

It only matters if youve been committed

Its an American Nigger Whistle©
Used to drive niggers away

>he doesn't get a comparison.
>his face at all times.

An AK is lighter than an SKS, so there's obviously going to be more perceived recoil. Nice gun by the way.

enjoy your meme gun. Whats the effective range on that thing? Rate of fire? Reload time? Availability of parts?

1984 style dictatorship. Seriously that is the only thing that would stop them all.