Why the fuck does Toriyama hate Vegeta so much?

Why the fuck does Toriyama hate Vegeta so much?

Cause hes a cuck

Because you didn't use the catalog, newfag.

Cell & Gohan have it worse. Heck, Piccolo has it worse.

But there isn't a thread up for that specific topic, faggot.

I see 0 Vegeta threads other than this one on the catalog

Because he is a comic relief character

Its something that could easily fit in a db thread. Fuck off, newfag.

>DBZ ends on a high note for Vegeta, with him finally accepting Goku as the number one fighter
>Super makes him go back to the whole "WHY MUST KAKAROT BE ONE STEP ABOVE ME I MUST TRAIN HARDER" routine
Toriyama is a hack

Super just keeps regressing characters, see Chichi.

Because Toei thinks they are funny putting Vegeta in situations more suited of a bad fanfiction. Then repeat the joke over and over.

Make me faggot.

Super is literally retconning everything user, even the ending to z will also be changed to suit it.

>Watching R of F movie
>Vegeta turns bluepersaiyan and starts fighting Frieza
>Oh man Vegeta is finally gonna get his revenge against this asshole
>Nope, Goku killsteals and saves the day

Because he realized having a genocidal monkey turn ally was a stupid idea.


Because he really doesn't deserve it.

>wanting to encourage general culture

Just because he made peace that Goku is better doesn't mean he should no longer strive to become stronger (since that's going against his whole species' instincts) or that he can't still have a rivalry against Goku. He's developed to the point that he'd be willing to humiliate himself if his family, friends, and planet were in danger (BoG), and not act heartlessly antagonistic to become stronger or show off how strong he is (fighting future Trunks to let Cell absorb 18, allowing Babidi to make him evil again to get a power up).

Wasn't Piccolo stronger than regular Frieza after fusing with Kami?

Shouldn't he be a fairly even contender against the not-frieza by now?

>calling an user that follows board culture and rules a newfag
>encourages newfaggotry behavior of making generals
You are the cancer in these threads. Fuck off back to tumblr wannabe faggot if dragon ball triggers you so much you spergy NEET Sup Forumsutist.

No, because unlike Frieza who just sat on his laurels and never trained, Frost was constantly on the front lines fighting. So Frost is closer to RoF Frieza level of strength, rather than Namek saga Frieza.

kill yourself

>Vegeta fags
Vegeta is not the main fucking character, so stop acting like he is. Where's Kuririn's win? What about Tien and Yamcha epic fight with the main villain? He's a supporter character that got too popular with annoying arrogant fans that think he deserves more spotlight than he should.

Because Toriyama loves fucking with Vegetafags

Making a thread for every little thing is even worse, Sup Forumsnons that complain about generals are retarded.

Vegetafags think that if Gohan got to kill a major antagonist that Vegeta should get the glory too, even though it was because Gohan was originally supposed to take over as main character but Jump's editors and DBZ's Japanese fanbase were retarded and demanded Goku to be the MC again.

Gohan got more screwed over than Vegeta. This is pure unbiased fact.

Fucking this. Goku and Vegeta are still rivals, but that doesn't mean they can't be friends.

If goku didn't kill steal then RIP to vegeta's life.

>making shit up

Toriyama toyed with the idea of making Gohan the MC but in the end decided against it because he didn't fit the role, he said as much in an interview.

And while we are at it, Toriyama also said Vegetables was his least favorite character.

>decided against it because Gohan didn't fit the role
[citation needed]
>Toriyama also said Vegeta was his least favorite character
[citation not needed]

>Vegeta doing a Kamehameha
What in the goddamn

Now that I think of it, didn't Toriyama say in the end Gohan was the most powerful unfused character? Then EoZ isn't canon anymore.

That's a Galick Gun moron.

He's still somewhat of a douche. His future son gets beaten within an inch of his life and he still goes on about muh saiyan pride and how he shouldn't have turned tail. You'd think he'd be over that by now

>Toriyama toyed with the idea of making Gohan the MC
He toyed with a lot of things, user. At this point every non Goku/Vegeta characters are fucking irrelevant. Piccolo lost to Blue Frieza.
He is right. I think Toriyama realized Gohan taking seriously his job as Earth's main protector would be like FTrunks getting the job done and fighting for the sole propose of keeping peace, unlike fighting freak Goku.

You're wrong
Toriyama doesn't hate Vegeta
He hates Vegeta fans

Galick Gun has both palms together facing the firing direction.

>this shit again
The polls had Gohan as number 1 character during the cell saga

Not hm but I heard it was in a interview from Daizenshuu 2, on Vegeta being one of his least favorite characters.

Generals are shit. Die already.