>there are people on Sup Forums who unironically believe Alex Jones
There are people on Sup Forums who unironically believe Alex Jones
Are you implying Alex Jones isn't right? He said trump would win and guess what happened. He exposed pizzagate before it was cool to talk about it
>gets his news from a defunct wow guild
I fucking knew it was OJ Simpson!
Jumps on trends so idiots buy his crap
There are OP's on Sup Forums that unironically repeat fake news without going to the source.
Controlled opposition. He drops redpills in a sea of lunacy to discredit the believable claims.
>9/11 was an inside job
>also, interdimensional shapeshifting pedophilic vampires
Yo faggot, last time i checked, alex jones was 100% right about stuff he talked about. Prove me wrong.
Protip: you can't
Hey britkike the stuff works
His narratives are all around the place though
What political ideology to I have to subscribe to in order to see all Infowars readers lined up and shot? I don't want anyone else shot - just low IQ conspiracy theorist sub-humans.
>.10 cents deposited into your account
Drink LSD with enough bleach to achieve that goal faggot.
>they are putting chemicals in the water to turn the freaking frogs gay
What a crazy conspiracy theory.
Show me proof of just once when he was wrong in the past ten years.
2012 End Times
Nice meme flag faggot. You eating your brain force pills? Taking your super male vitality like the loud man tells you to?
Or are you from some backwater shithole just here to stir up shit. Fuck LSD bleach, my suggestion is to grab some drain cleaner, mix it with the bleach and inhale deeply
Last time i checked was after 2012 giganigga. :^)
Listen here, punk. Super Male Vitality changed my fucking life.
I stumbled upon some InfoWars videos during the lowest point in my beta NEET life. I was 22, addicted to vidya, living in my parents' basement with very little ambition. Each day was the same routine: wake up, browse chans, fap, play vidya, fap, browse chans while eating tendies, fap some more, sleep, repeat.
On a lark, I ordered Super Male Vitality to see if, perhaps, my T-levels were lacking. Holy fucking shit, I couldn't have guessed what it would do to me...
Within the first 24 hours, my cock had grown three or four times its normal length and girth. My balls dropped at least two inches, both of them swelling substantially. My previously bare, bird-like chest grew wild ursine hairs. Both my brow ridge and my jaw began to jut out further in those first few days... It was so shocking that I considered going to the emergency room to get checked out.
But the physical changes were nothing compared to the mental and behavioral changes. I was sharper, clearer, more aggressive, more animalistic. I immediately took control of my surroundings. Within a week, I had fought my father for "control" of the house, bested him, and humiliated him in front of my mom and sister.
I also claimed both of the women in the home (my mom and younger sister) for myself... I pounced on each of them, went balls deep, and didn't stop until I'd deposited a virile, piping hot load of MAN CUM into their bellies. They now feed me, pamper me, and do anything I ask them to do. Like natural concubines, they fear me, resent me, respect me, and adore me all at once.
Feels so fucking good. I've gained 70 pounds of lean muscle, created a multi-million-dollar businesses, and claimed hundreds of women as my live-in sex slaves. Hoping to up my progeny count into the thousands by next year.
Try it. You won't be disappointed
Alex Jones mixes some truth (facts) with lies (his opinions). He's a disinfo agent.
> Wants proof about whether or not frogs are gay
Sandy Hook
> muh controlled opposition and disinfo
So what's the disinfo then?
>9/11 was an inside job
>also, interdimensional shapeshifting pedophilic vampires
Which of these are the lunacy?
I guess saying the government is run by reptilians, shape-shifters, and the anti-christ isn't disinfo?
Alex Jones is one of us.
So he keeps company with low iq nazi larpers and irrational an-caps.
Who have done more for this country than all the politicians before Trumpo
Calling someone controlled opposition and disinfo agent because they say something that might not be true is trendy not an accurate label.