so does saging
Do any of those nations in the study have as much, if not more guns than people like us?
Fuck of shilling fag flag. Saged
So what do Santaella-Tenorio et al. conclude? First, and most importantly, that gun violence declined after countries pass a raft of gun laws at the same time: "The simultaneous implementation of laws targeting multiple firearms restrictions is associated with reductions in firearm deaths," the study finds.
This finding doesn't highlight one specific law, like an assault weapon ban, in isolation. There were "so many different kinds of laws," Santaella-Tenorio told me, that it was hard to make good international comparisons on every specific kind of gun restriction.
Rather, countries passed big packages of gun laws, which overhauled the nation's firearm code fairly broadly, which all tended to share similar features. According to Santaella-Tenorio, they generally included:
Banning powerful weapons, like automatic rifles.
Implementing a background check system.
Requiring people to get permits and licenses before buying a gun.
South Africa's comprehensive Firearm Control Act, passed in 2000, contained all these measures. One study found that firearm homicides in five major South African cities decreased by 13.6 percent per year for the next five years.
it works everywhere it's been tried.
guns nuts time is OVER
a fucking leaf
Austria's 1997 firearm law, similarly, required background checks, limited access to powerful firearms, and imposed rules about how gun owners had to store their guns. Santaella-Tenorio reviewed two studies on Austria's 1997 law, both of which found evidence that the law had reduced deaths. According to one of them, firearm homicides went down by 4.8 percent, while suicides went down by 9.9 percent.
>what are niggers?
Eat shit retard, Vox uses some of the flimsiest research ever assembled to arrive at the results they want. Last gun control 'study' they did the folks used crude averages and just filled in numbers where needed.
>gun control reduces gun violence
well no fucking shit
>gun control reduces all violence
>without guns humans can't use other forms of weapons, vehicles, bombs, etc
Sure, we've seen the evidence of this all over europe, right?
One study, for example, looked at Missouri's 2007 repeal of its law requiring a permit to purchase a firearm, which in effect repealed the state's background check requirement. This study found that after 2007, Missouri's homicide rate jumped by 25 percent. No other changes in law or circumstance appear to be able to explain the increase.
Am I the only one reading stuff
But it doesn't. Plenty of hand grenades and automatics among the thugs here.
It didnt work in paris. Shut up with this bullshit, anyone who wants guns can still get guns even with strict laws.
>T. a guy from a country with strict gun laws where a man with an automated rifle shot up a shopping mall
That's weird how everything you said doesn't matter because you're only advocating to take away civil liberties.
You may go lick the underside of a black cock while contemplating all the legal and responsible gun owners laughing at you.
Also, your demanding that people be unable to defend themselves means you implicitly endorse rape since rape victims would be defenseless.
You shouldn't sleep at night you anti-civil liberty rape-apologist.
yeah, in mostly white or east asian countries that are islands or have strict border control. Doesn't work in Brazil, South Africa, Mexico, France, etc.
>Gun Control works
chicago proves it doesn't.
Its funny cause pot is supposed to be illegal for everyone yet here I sit getting high.
Why do gun-grabbers think this would be any different?
It didn't work in the UK. They basically banned guns but gun crime didn't see any significant decrease, pretty sure after handguns were banned it massively increased.
i'll guess at the content since OP didn't archive it.
>gun violence decreases with less guns
>if you actually look at the figures all other forms of violence increase in response.
>article doesn't tell you this
>talks about japan and the UK
>doesn't talk about mexico or brazil
>lots of emotional language focusing around shame
how accurate am i?
everytime a shooting happens you faggot ass liberals have to politicize it, fuck you
Except Charlie Heebdo and Bataclan and Jewish Museum shooting and France shooting
But yes, it does work, now they use bombs and cars.
>They used South Africa as an example for saying gun control works
>if you ban cars there would be no car accidents
I'll bite
Humans are humans and if they want to commit evil acts they will find a way. The UK has endless knife attacks each day and yet guns are banned? These knife attacks end up being massive in some cases as well. So the real issue is psychos and damaged people, how about we focus on figuring who these damaged individuals are in our societies instead?
Nope. Never does, especially not in a country with as many guns as this one now has. The solution is, as always, to get rid of all non-whites. When this country was 90% white and fully automatics were everywhere, they weren't nearly as many mass shootings.
It's funny because only a few months ago, a EU report with a cost of 600.000€ on gun crime outlined that the more guns there were in a country, the less crimes there were. The study was quickly swept under the rug since it didn't fit the narrative during the voting of the EU gun ban though.
fuck off shill.
Just make murder illegal, problem solved
A huge study of faggoty, faggot countries shows that they act like faggots and fight like hoes? Shocking!
>One study, for example, looked at Missouri's 2007 repeal of its law requiring a permit to purchase a firearm, which in effect repealed the state's background check requirement. This study found that after 2007, Missouri's homicide rate jumped by 25 percent. No other changes in law or circumstance appear to be able to explain the increase.
Wow, could it be that missouri is filled with fucking nigs and hicks and that the 2007 recession led to an increase in crime :O
No it must be ze guns obviously.
Fucking dumb fucks.
We pay a price for freedom
> The Supreme Court held:
> (1) The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.
>>(a) The Amendment’s prefatory clause announces a purpose, but does not limit or expand the scope of the second part, the operative clause. The operative clause’s text and history demonstrate that it connotes an individual right to keep and bear arms.
>>(b) The prefatory clause comports with the Court’s interpretation of the operative clause. The “militia” comprised all males physically capable of acting in concert for the common defense.
> The Antifederalists feared that the Federal Government would disarm the people in order to disable this citizens’ militia, enabling a politicized standing army or a select militia to rule. The response was to deny Congress power to abridge the ancient right of individuals to keep and bear arms, so that the ideal of a citizens’ militia would be preserved.
>>(c) The Court’s interpretation is confirmed by analogous arms-bearing rights in state constitutions that preceded and immediately followed the Second Amendment.
>>(d) The Second Amendment’s drafting history, while of dubious interpretive worth, reveals three state Second Amendment proposals that unequivocally referred to an individual right to bear arms.
>>(e) Interpretation of the Second Amendment by scholars, courts and legislators, from immediately after its ratification through the late 19th century also supports the Court’s conclusion.
>>(f) None of the Court’s precedents forecloses the Court’s interpretation.
Scalia drove a stake into the heart of all anti 2nd amendment arguments, all at once. There is nothing left since 2008, every argument killed there.
tell me how well it works in a country where 40% of the population is non-white and actively despise the white population
Remember, the ONLY reason they want it is to be able to massacre whites with ease.
It will never work in the US, there are more guns than there are US Citizens, we have an unsecured border with Mexico thats full of guns (a lot of them gifts from the US gov't), we have too many niggers running around and the real conservatives left in this country aren't the type to give up their upper hand over the gov't because of feelings.
Its not happening
Doesn't matter if it works or not.
Cold dead hands muthafucka.
And guns
Fuck off faggot
I was posting that Mexican countries have the most murders. African countries are probably worse, but they either don't keep stats, try to downplay violence, or don't care.
>(((Experts))) paid to come to conclusion come to that conclusion
How many of those countries had 1.2-2 guns per capita? How many of those countries had the constitutional right to keep and bear arms, resulting in the proliferation of 370~ million unregistered and essentially untraceable guns around a 3.8 million sq. mi. country?
You can grow pot in your back yard, your basement, even in a closet.
You can't grow a gun.
Wasn't he the one that died under "mysterious" circumstances?
you still don't get it
it doesn't matter that it works
thats not the point the point is SHALL etc
its part of freedoms sorry
banning fast food would make people less fat too but sorry not gonna happen either
you don't get america we are the best because we are the best
Whether or not gun control works is entirely dependant on the country. Lets use mine for an example.
>Port Arthur happens
>Guns are made almost impossible to legally own
>Even if you do have one it has many many restrictions applied
>Australia is an island nation with tight af border control
>Nearly impossible to smuggle guns in
Now lets look at America
>Guns are a core part of American identity
>Literally in the founding documents of the country
>America is/has been flooded with guns for yonks
>2-3 guns per American
>Mexican cartels sneak them through your shitty border
>People call for gun bans everytime this shit happens
For some countries it does work for others it can't. America is one of those. Banning guns is not going to help much when you can probably find someone to illegally sell you one in the time it took me to write this post.
If America gives up it's guns the entire world is fucked beyond all hope.
I've mentioned that a few times. If people think guns are dangerous, with 300+ million guns there should be millions of deaths every year.
I'm actually pro-gun, perhaps not to the extent of the U.S. in regards to the U.K. though I have absolutely no opinion of it existing in the U.S., but you're talking utter shit. We have the 1908 Pistols Act and the 1920, 1937, 1968, 1988 and 1997 Firearm Acts.
Unless what you're referring to is the 1908 firearm's act, in which prior to it all that was required for firearm ownership was a license which cost 15 shillings from the local post office, then GUN crime has absolutely not increased after any ban. After the Dunblane Massacre occurred and handguns were subsequently banned, gun crime decreased in all fields massively. We have approximately 15-80 gun deaths every year, some of which are self-inflicted suicides.
Homicides and crime in general is at an all time high in England and Wales, obviously in account of all the non-whites in the U.K. now, but gun crime is low.
There's literally nothing to discuss.
The gun control movement committed suicide more than twenty years ago.
It's really time for you faggots to get over it.
Lack of gun control in majority white countries works too, funny thing that.
>He can't make a gun in his hobby garage
Europe pls. Besides I could still buy them off your Aztecan rape babies crossing the border.
Can you post a link to where it says this please
>what is 3d printing
lol gun control will never happen, no matter how many vox and slate articles you shill OP
stay BTFO
and to my americans bros&sisters never give up your arms, its your guarantee of liberty
One study, for example, found that you are a faggot.
And that you think people shouldn't be able to protect their children in the event of an armed robbery.
This means you're cool with children being murdered.
Not only are you a massive faggot, but you openly defend child murder.
Go fuck yourself.
Acid attacks and peace trucks.
End of discussion
Can you imagine how much money would be lost? Businesses already saw a slump in sales and stocks when Trump was elected. Some had to lay off dozens.
Bit ridiculous to use those. I'm not even pro-gun control to any extent at all but one of those was Raoul Moat who acquired some section 2 semi-automatic shotgun that had been homemade and didn't even claim a single death, the other was a guy who used a legal firearm in Cumbria to gun people down from his vehicle.
Fuck you and the rest of the world, faggot.
How does it feel being wrong?
>South Africa's comprehensive Firearm Control Act
Aka one of the most deadly pieces of legislation ever passed
I wish you boys the best up there.
Everything's heating up.
Get a .22 at the very least.
Aren't you lot not allowed personal ammunition? Soooo paperweights
kys faggot
Yeah but in how many of those countries could the civilian populace wage a war on the government?
Checkmate, atheists.
The liberals always defeat their own arguments
"Ban guns! It will reduce crime!"
>Then how come El Salavador, Honduras and Brazil are full of gun crime when they banned guns? Compared to Iceland which has lax guns laws and very little gun crime?
"W-w-well that's because Honduras is poor compared to Iceland..."
>So you admit that gun violence is more determinant of various factors including poverty, rather than whether or not said guns are legally accessible?
It doesn't matter you hopeless retard, we own them all. If you banned gun ownership tomorrow, we still keep our firearms.
You're just too late :)
We don't even crack the top ten for suicide rates, we don't need to reduce overall suicides.
Come to Brazil, we have strict gun laws. It works perfectly!
those countries are also 90+% white
>(((international))) study
Why do ignorant retards have this weird obsession with demonstrating how utterly fucking ignorant they are in public?
It works in that you can limit the access to arms for the law abiding population, no shit. So if you're a hunter you need to let a shrink probe you every 5 years or whatever EU wants to do next to make sure that you're not about to go on a spree. I think in Sweden the average is one legal weapon is used in a crime every year out of hundreds of thousands. Criminals still have access to every type of weapon with 0 restrictions on magazine sizes, select-fire etc. Criminals will also keep shooting everywhere they go with no regard of bystanders or anything which is happening a lot here. So if you apply this to US statistics, what have you actually changed?
depends on what the offences were to be honest. when new legislation comes in of course it goes up as more offences to commit. Can just be possession for things that previously werent crimes.
Other countries dont have free speech. Should we get rid of that too?
>but the rest of the world does this
That's why we're #1 faggots.