My waifu can beat your waifu

>My waifu can beat your waifu
Prove me wrong

She's dead user.

And she already had a husbando

gg ez

>my waifu controls your waifu
>i now fuck both of them
>this user is now NTR'd

Pshhh..nothing personal kid

She's all in his now

iirc medaka ended up being useless and got steamrolled by shiranui



>implying Ajimu doesn't have the power to negate mind control

My waifu has enough plot armor to survive to the end of her series. Ajimu knows that plot armor trumps everything.

Ajimu can beat plot armor's, but she dont want change the history

Show me or else you are bullshit.

The fact that she couldn't negate mento's proves she was full of shit

Ajimu is literally god, but she isn't the MC, she don't want change the plot, but she can.

Sure user, sure.

She can just come back to life too huh?

Ajimu literally has 12,858,051,967,633,865 abilities and you think negating mind control isn't one of them?

That's assumption, not fact. It's possible all of her abilities have to do with anal glands and nothing actually useful, who fucking knows.

Any waifu that's a shounen MC can bet Ajimu. Ajimu can't win against MC powers

The real is can your waifu win against your dick

If your waifu can't even do that, she's small time

She can't beat the cock

Reimu outside of spellcard rules is broken.

Resistant / immune to psychic attacks
Can use Fantasy Heaven without a timer,
Have the ability to float from anything, even reality.
Her armpits smells like cock after hours of intercourse.

>Her armpits smells like cock after hours of intercourse.

That's pretty hot.

Yes she can!
At least that's what I desperately believe in vain in my heart of hearts...

Why would you even have interest in a girl if she can't even beat the cock.

Don't all armpits smell like cock?

I am not sure what cock smells like, but my armpits do smell like my brothers' boxers

That's funny because she have that skills too

>even if you fuck you die a virgin

If you can't beat the woman you love with your cock you don't deserve her.

What do you call the woman who wins against all cock?


>chasity love
>even if you fuck die a virgin
>she's still FRESH

All who try get skewered.

>implying someone incapable of reproduction by themselves can be perfection

sealed ajimu >>>>>>>>> unsealed

brown hair a SHIT

That's why god made futa


I miss those butts

y'all can stop posting now

>Change opponent fetish skill [Freud was right]
One of these days I'm going to have the patience to read all of them.

beat everyone

>implying you need futa

But can she beat me?

Tfw no 2d mistress

>all have the exact same butt

a long time ago i read all the skills in the manga pages, was funny, she have the power to increase her tits

>implying Ajimu doesn't have the power to negate mind control
None of her listed or described powers explictly blocks mind control or mind-altering effects. She could remove her weakness to mind control if she was using [Weak Pointless] at the time it's used on her and was aware what the other party was doing.

>It's possible all of her abilities have to do with anal glands
That would be covered under [Inside Hormone], and is only one power to our knowledge.

She has a lot of fun powers.

[Success Succeed] Ensure fertilization
[Octopus Dinner] Tentacles
[Big Mouth] Grow mouths on your body
[Paranoiza] Forces a fetish on some one
[Self Protector] Makes the target think you're cute

Medaka Box characters are all extremely broken when removed from their in-series plot armor. If it weren't for kumagawas anti-plot-armor, he could solo everything and anything.

Change Gender Skill is canonically called [Ladies and Gentlemen]