ITT: Forgotten Waifus
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I think you meant forgotten girls
who is it?
every female anime character has been Sup Forums's waifu at some point
also pic related to thread
She's my waifu, even if she's a deeply flawed girl.
everyone was crazy about pic related, just admit it Sup Forums
>implying she's waifu material
Yeah, no. A relationship with her is unsustainable and unhealthy.
Except that green haired yelling whore from Code Geass
not talking about CC, talking about that Freyja bitch or something
God I still hate her
I'm surprised I don't see this anime discussed more often on Sup Forums, I thought it was bretty good and the ending left me wanting S2.
Nigga she was my waifu for a whole month.
>unsustainable and unhealthy.
It's because of the sleep meme.
Sleep meme? I didn't browse Sup Forums when it was airing.
Hyouka was a well done adaptation. It's just that the subject material may not appeal to many people.
>Posting my waifu is as good as posting with a trip, because I'm the only person who even know she exists, let alone loves her
post lewd waifus
best girl
i never liked hayate no gotoku, but she looks like a nice waifu
Here you go.
It's kinda shocking to me to see a character who did gundam seed cosplay dressed as hestia. Is hayate like 10 now?
Wait wait I know this, she was from Zero no Tsukaima right?
If anything it's more shocking that they have smartphones and idols even though it's supposed to be 2005 or so in their universe.
Hyouka i-zzzz
Please be in season 5
That's not what the word means. And misaki is a manipulative selfish bitch, you idiot.
this anime was bad but hiromi 4ever
Misaki did nothing wrong
she was a quarterfinalist in reddit's best girl contest though, hardly forgotten
A forgotten gothic loli :(
There hasn't been a day where I haven't thought about Misaki.
Attempting to "fix" someone else without fixing their own problems first and enabling other people's self-destructive behavior is definitely closer to wrong.
mayaka was better
Chitanda came off as annoying
I'd never forget mai waifu.
>Liking that evil cunt
Shit taste.
Literally too soon.
They fixed each other.
>using waifu interchangeably with cute girl
You can fuck right off as well then
The term waifu is meaningless since Sup Forums latched onto it. Hell, I'll bet the majority of Sup Forums couldn't even tell you what a waifu is.
all 3 of them
but they are boys?
That's not what I got from reading the LN. The way it ended, it seemed like Satou just ran out of money and was forced into looking for a job.
He was completely terrified of Misaki when she latched onto him and wanted him to stay by her side forever.
what's her name?
90% of the people here don't read VNs.
that loli seems pretty comfy
I said Light Novel. And I'm pretty sure some of Sup Forums does.
Well a lot do, but it's an anime and manga board so why would you.
I didn't read it and the last time i watched the show was the time it aired. I remember the MC getting better in the end and then saving her forever.
In the end of the day you could as well argue about how why is it bad being broken while save someone else. Sometimes this is what you need.
Who /r9k/ here?
haha i get it... it's because she's fucking dead.
even comfier
Fuck off.
Why is there no Index/Railgun or Evan a Mikoto thread up right now?
no this is now a Misaki thread, take that normiescum
This is an 18+ website.
no this is now a Chiaki thread
Her existence gets erased from the world
The entire point of the show, which they explicitly spell out for you with Sato's internal monologue towards the end was that Misaki was not the one who fixed him. The fact that he either had to find a job or die; the comfortable lifestyle afforded to him by his parents and friend's support/income enabled him to live as a hikki. Every instance of Misaki trying to help only made it worse.
This is the most obscure waifu of all time
>reddit contests
Compared to other characters in the series she's from, she isn't really that known.
Manga misaki >>>> Anime/LN Misaki
I remember.
What the fuck why are they still using the salt meme?
i didn't forget her
that's the sensei from amagami is it?
get out
She is a winner.
I seem to be the only one.
from Love Hina
good taste op
More Birdy pls
/r9k/ hasn't forgotten about her.
Everyone else may have forgotten you, but not me. I'll never forget you Seras.
is this the episode of evangelion where shinji gets ripped???
Holy Shit
2 good 4 Earth