(1° than all, sorry for my eng)

(1° than all, sorry for my eng)
Guys i need ur help.
My sister is diying, he has 17 years and leukemia so avanced.
Today she was looking in Sup Forums and she saw this draw, now she is trying to draw herself in the past, when she was healty, but she just cant, is so weak and now she cant stop cry.
So guys, my only request to all of yoy its pls, make a chibi os this style but whit a 17years girl, long hair, her guitar and a collar of a guitar pick...
Pls, i will be rlly thankfull whit the person who make the draw, she dont want a worked drae, just only a simple chibi of this style

lmao get rekt fag

Tell her to just die already.

Electric guitar^

Guys if you want to say shits of a 5 years old child inteligent better shut up, thx

Draw it yourself, faggot brother

I dont know how to draw, already tried

Did you try fucking her cunny?

Cmon 4cham, i know u are better than that retards saying shits

Kill yourself.