/sig/ Self-Improvement General - Start Now Edition

Tell us what changes you have made so far and any differences you can see that it's made.

>started meditating
>started having cold showers
>changed to a better diet
>started going to the gym
>started nofap

So far, I can say that I'm in a much better place in a social aspect and definitely have more drive for the shit I want to do in life. I also don't feel tired a lot anymore, my appearance seems a lot better to me and I no longer have a degenerate porn problem.

What about you?

Other urls found in this thread:


I've been dabbling, but not taking seriously a diet. Today I started taking diet 100% seriously, I'll be doing a ketogenic diet paired with intermittent fasting (18:6)

Been lifting everyday for months and starting to see some muscle development, however it's mostly hidden under the extra chubbiness that I seek to rid myself of.

Been trading commodities and crypto's for money the last few months and it's starting to look like I'll be able to make a real self-led career out of it. feelsgoodman

I paid off one of my credit cards today.

>started meditating again
>started eating healthier again
>use porn wayyy less, mostly just my imagination
>drink only on weekends
>started reading more again
>smoking weed less
>take my job more seriously, put in decent time and good effort
>started taking my talents/hobbies more seriously, drawing more and trying to relearn how to animate so I can do some creative personal projects and maybe move into a profession/career in the arts.

All in all it feels pretty good. I already have been going to the gym regularly MWF for over a year with no plan on stopping in the future, I've been complimented on my healthy looks lately (I used to be 343 lbs 2.5 years ago, now I got down to 188) and I do my recycling so I feel like I'm doing good to Mother Earth. I would love to switch to a vegan diet but I hear it's too expensive for my weekly food budget ($75-100) and I'm afraid I wouldn't get my alloted protein for building and maintaining muscle. Anyone have info that says otherwise on those two fronts?

Does anyone have the similar pic were the nationalist Chad is standing next to the virgin skinny fat dude? It was a big guy with a tucked in shirt and jackboots.

Say goodbye to vegan protein worries

I just got a ThinkPad and I feel like it’s going to change my life. I’m actually going to apply to community college right now to get some training to be a network administrator (eventually) and get some certifications. Who else here is /thinkpad/?

Also shit I've done so far
>wake up early
>run for 30mins most mornings
>no more alcohol
>lost 15kgs
>fixed shitty posture
Shit I'm planning on doing
>go back to uni and finish degree
>get back into playing guitar
>read more books. Starting with The Republic when it comes in the mail
>grow moustache
The best thing I've done so far is the better posture desu.

>fixed shitty posture
any tips/good resources?


Muh nigga. What kind? I've been rocking a 14" T60 as my only computer for about 5 years now.

Consider getting a docking station and doing something like this:

>I'm actually going out for a jog on a regular basis now.
>Eating a little bit more healthier.
>Can do push ups now.
>Lifting handheld weights, 5 minutes for each arm
>Actually have muscle now.
>Started doing more social hobbies like tabletop gaming.
>Dropping a useless computer science major for an electrical engineering major with a minor in computer science instead
>A lot more responsible
>Planning on going to the US Navy for 4 years soon.

Life's good so far. It feels like my life has changed almost overnight.

I'd been trying to correct myself for a couple of years. What made the difference was back strengthening exercises and running, I think. Also when you're standing keep your eyes a little bit above the horizon. It will feel a bit retarded, but it help me.

>Dropping a useless computer science major for an electrical engineering major with a minor in computer science instead
Thats a good decision. I'm proud of you.

Well I went kind of crazy and bought 3 in a month. My first was an X200T, then an X220T and lastly a W520. Right now the X200T is my carry around. I really want to get an IBM ThinkPad though.

I have a fetish for tablets.

Also I do have a dock for my X200T

>Fetish for thinkpads
>Compsci is useless
I-is /sig/ secretly Sup Forums?

Remember to get strong and learn how to fight
>"When we win, do not forget that these ppl want you broke, dead, your kids raped & brainwashed, & they think it's funny." -Sam hyde

I may or may not go on Sup Forums to see their weekly bloat-complaint threads.

Good man. Using it on a dock and a screen like that is a revelation.

lost around 8kg since started training. Going to start getting back into self development books and shit. Plan to start a engineering degree at Uni next year instead of my shitty wagecuck gob at the moment.

My major problem though is my social life. It's so difficult to find friends to hang out with. It's not like I'm socially awkward or anything, As a matter of a fact I'm quite into pickup and I'm not that bad at it.

Anyone else have the same problem? I feel as though life wouldn't be so bad if I just had true friends who I had shit in common with.

>fairy lights up year round

He must be mad! Literally mad!

>big board (4 u) exam that I've been studying for over the last four months coming up tomorrow morning

Wish me luck lads.

You gunna use that bong to bone Karen?

You people are a bunch of fags. No wonder everyone hates you. Your idea of self improvement just revolves around the desire to hate yourself less and not to actually do anything worthwhile.

You're still DYEL as fuck

what do I do to look better if I have slightly wide hips

If you're bored, then you're boring

how do you expect to do anything meaningful or worthwhile if you hate yourself? hating yourself less is the obvious first step

Only worthless, spoiled and privileged people have the opportunity to hate themselves. Anyone that isn't a fucking manchild doesn't have the comfort to not only think about themselves, but to think long enough about themselves to hate them.


nice job user!

>Wish me luck lads.
Good luck!


bump, these threads are fucking great.


never claimed to be a greek god, we all start somewhere.

I wouldn't consider myself boring, probably the other extreme. The worst people usually say about me is that I'm overconfident/arrogant or unrestrained.

Trying to comeback from a depressed, hedonistic lifestyle. Currently 5'4, ~300 lbs at 20 years old. My biggest thing is sodas (Which I heared Zivea really helps to kick, along with water/tea) and stress eating which causes me to fall off the wagon.

Wish me luck lads, I've got a long journey ahead of me.

getting moved to /bant/ is fucking infuriating

Do it. We need you.

/thinkpad/ here. I have an x220 but I use a t430 right now. Got both for

you're 20 , you have your whole life ahead of you! make it one worth living.



This is the only thread on Sup Forums worth anything.

Ok I just completed my second curl workout. I know a lot of you said to just do it with the pain, but I waited 4 days like one user recommended. I was tracking my heart rate for both workouts and it was slightly lower this time, which I guess is a good thing. Can't wait for the DOMS tomorrow.
I have an actual weight bench, but it is acting as a storage shelf right now. I need to sort my shit out and clean my room!

>be me
>planning on going to law school
>can't afford Tier 1 school
>looking at Tier 2 school (still in the top 75 best)

I want to go into IP/Tech Law and move to WA.

Will I still make it /pol?

Are Tier 2 schools a meme?
Are Tier 1 schools a meme?

Good job on having one cold shower and abstaining from slothful masturbation for 27 minutes, now what are you going to do with the rest of your day you degenerate scumbag? Fucking kill yourself, how about that? Give some thought to those around you, get off of your lazy shit covered ass and get the job done. Just fucking hang yourself you slob. Nasty cretin.

so is denying that ambition is important

>discovers new britspeak

>Are Tier 2 schools a meme?
>Are Tier 1 schools a meme?

Ivy League is becoming more and more a meme, but Tier 1 listing isn't. You'll get what you pay if you're a hard worker and social

For law, tier 1 schools is a must if you have even the slightest opportunity.
Ivy league is a meme, however, like says

bitch you are a faggot I am having trouble stopping drinking and not taking xtc and coke

put down the soda you fucking faggot

Good luck fella

i started rolling bigger joints. Best choice

>having trouble quitting drinking and hard drugs
Is your skin of a darker persuasion perhaps?

Chad Nationalism the Podcast

How do I turn into a furry?

Thanks for the replies, anons.

What if I got my JD at a Tier 2 but got my LLM from a Tier 1? What effect would that have?

Again, thanks for the advice.

How do I deal with the feeling that there's nothing about the last century that's worth saving?


find a more redpilled meal than pic related, cuccbois

- join a gym
- start attending church

- track nutrition on diet application (keto for now, seems to be well-tolerated)

This fuckery in Vegas reminds me:
- work on aim (preferably pistol)

I'm actually starting to have a social life again and going out more. Have to keep the drinking in check though.
Here's my day.
>school cancelled for the day
>worked on recording for a few hours.
>went to the boxing gym
>felt slouchy at first, but the session turned out great after I warmed up
>conditioning is getting good
>one month out from my first amateur fight
>starting to feel better about myself, been a while since I've been really down

X, coke, booze because sluts.

fuck yeah dude

Wrestler here wanting to become a more well-rounded threat...gotta rely on Groupon or something though, I can't afford another membership

My man

Consume the supplements in the picture daily.

>B12 1000 mcg (2 tablets)
>D3 5000 IU (1 tablet)
>Fish Oil 3600 mg (3 tablets)
>Turmeric Curcumin 9000 mg (3 tablets in morning and 3 tablets at night)
>Magnesium Glycinate 400 mg (1 tablet)
>Magnesium L-Threonate 566 mg (2 tablets in the morning and 2 tablets at night)
>K2 180 mcg (2 tablets)

If you take these daily, your body will heal and your cognition will be greatly enhanced. I've tested these on myself, which these are the max thresholds. If you exceed the dosage for Magnesium L-Threonate, it'll have the opposite effect due to oversaturating your brain with L-Threonate, causing cognitive impairment.

I'm of Irish, German, and Russian descent. Research and experimentation is ongoing in creating a master diet.

Thanks man, I can't wait to test myself in a real fight. Hope I don't freeze up or panic too much.
Have you competed a lot in wrestling? What's it like?

Why does pepe have no arm? You guys are literal retards. Carry on.

I'm sorry I can't give you first-hand advice, and you should take it with caution, since I'm saying based on how well it went for my friends. If it is possible, get both degrees at a tier one. As for which one of them should be tier two if you can't go to a tier one for both, I can't say. The connections and networting opportunities as a lawyer you would make in a tier one school is ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE by comparison to a tier two school, which would be a waste of time if you have the choice of both degrees at a tier one.
Also: No offense, but why are you asking on Sup Forums? Have you already made up your mind? Because you won't find any useful (or credible) advice about career paths over here. Maybe you would get something worth a grain of salt in the old /sig/ threads that were much more active, but not here I'm afraid.

You should try replacing that fish oil with Kriaxanthin. Much more potent.

2x HS state champ, wrestled D1

It's fucking intense. That's why I consider wrestling a better test of your mettle than even MMA--because of the extreme physical intensity. There's a reason the best in the world only wrestle six minutes and still get beat on conditioning all the time. You have to put out so much effort, so much energy. It's great for developing the spirit. You gotta have BALLS.

You think lifting helps you NoFap? Get a taste of wrestling.

A lot of great wrestlers are also great kids. The punks are the exception whereas they're the rule in, say, football. Wrestling is too hard for prima donnas. It attracts--and makes--ascetics. Redpilled sport. Highly recommended.

You will never feel better than you do after a good wrestling workout. Drugs, sex, and God can't even approach it.

Almost 22, 170 cm, balding. Partially /fit/. Can I get any taller? What do about falling hair?

Fixed for you autists. Use this one from now on.

>Hang upside down like Agent Cooper

How do I stop procrastinating?

MIS grad here, I just had my compTIA A+ class canceled at the community college. Where should I go to take it?


What's the difference between rogaine and minoxidil?

>Never meditated as I don't see a use to it
>Why cold showers?
>Have always had a good diet
>Have always worked out, so I am sort of riped
>can't spend a day without fapping

no fuckin idea

Do you know you sound a meme?

Get to work man
you're still young, you can still fix yourself, being small doesn't mean you won't get a nice girl

Inspirational af, user. Always admired the torturous discipline and training in wrestling.

>A lot of great wrestlers are also great kids.
This is definitely a problem with boxing. It's filled with thugs and chavs.
Pic related is the best that boxing has to offer in my country.

why the cold showers? dont they just close your pores?

>Been tracking calories and losing weight
>Started nofap

Looking for good book recommendations though

Cold showers are a meme. The only experiment correlating cold water and test proved a decrease of testosterone production.
A warm shower with a few seconds in the cold at the end will work

Take up wrestling or BJJ?

Tbh, I don't mind thugs that much. Say what you will about their morals, but they are more men than the average beta

Cold showers and no fap amake you go bald due to increased stress on the body. Nobody should be taking advice from Sup Forums

That said, moderate workouts reduce depression and help you improve your physique--especially cardio workouts. Also, drink lots of water (if you can afford imported, then go with that--water filters can't actually get rid of xenoestrogens in the city water and they're a crock of shit, so don't bother with them).

>>Never meditated as I don't see a use to it
What kind of meditation? I hope you skipped over the new age popular garbage that is purported as """"""meditation"""""". If you want to really get into meditating by being able to do it properly, see its benefits, you'll need to develop a good understanding of various traditions (there are many types of meditative practices from all over the world) in terms of their history. You can (and sometimes should) pay attention to important scriptures, for example, because it is absolutely necessary to fully experience the fruits of disciplining your mind otherwise the whole act of practicing feels shallow and meaningless when taken from mainstream source, like the various secular humanist and atheist types spreading misinformation. You can avoid those parts of meditating if you feel it is too "religious" but you're only missing out on what could be a step closer to understanding the practices (e.g. most Buddhist traditions).

True, they stick to themselves for the most part. You'll be fine, as long as you don't bother them or get too close when they're drunk.

Started a keto diet by proxy. Wife is doing it to control her migraines. She cooks all meals for me except breakfast. I am in charge then. Bacon and eggs with a mix of any of mushroom, halloumi, asparagus, broccolini, green beans, salami, baked kale. Also started double cream in my coffee instead of milk.

Started hunting. Enjoying it.

Planning renovations on back deck areas.

Sex life is going off. Wife asked to slow down to let her pussy recover.

Nofap prevents balding since you lose zinc when you cum. Lack of zinc has an effect in hair loss.

>wrestling with another man is better than having sex with a woman

Found the faggot.

But no fap lower your test production.

Obv I have my bias but wrestling
>is an older & more popular and thus more highly developed sport
>can be done for close to free at all-ages clubs, or even HS or college rooms once you meet people
>is more physically demanding and thus will get you more /fit/ by itself
I am the only wrestler I know of in my family tree. Kind of got my dad into the sport. Now he always says
>if you're worried about the youth of today, just go to a wrestling tournament and you'll feel better.


Fuck off nigger. Women will trade for a 'better' man in the blink of an eye. Combat sports and the friends you gain from them are priceless.

It's vastly better my dude no homo

/sig/ is not a fuckboi thread

What are you trying to slide now, Brock? Just testing how much impact you can make during a happening?

tfw in my desert state i cant take cold showers because it eventually warms up to lukewarm or hot

that pic is outstanding. OC?

Quitting pornography and masturbation is the most beneficial thing I've ever done and it has a snowball effect in regards to perusing self-improvement.
People think it makes you horny but the opposite is true. You feel free from your sex drive. The trick is not to become aroused (avoid sexual thoughts, stimuli) and this is easily accomplished if you have other things to do.

Idk about that. You do lose some test immediately after sex. Fighters are known to go NoSex, NoFap for months before a fight.