Please, I posted on a previous thread about my frustration at my failed attempt to migrate into US, EU, Canada.
Please anyone willing to assist me with advice, tips and general information is greatly welcome.
I am currently trying to even go to Argentina after been deported from half dozen western countries.
I am a 26 year old unmarried white South African female.
My email address is [email protected]
I love working & living in a snowy climate.
I am desperate to get out of South Africa and make a life for myself somewhere.
I am a qualified teacher by profession, but I am willing to do any job as long as it is not sex work or pornography.
I was working as a waitress, house cleaner and care worked in North America, Europe & even New Zealand before I were deported.
Thank you in advance and God bless.
I am a South African female trying to migrate out of SA
Tits or GTFO
...Are you pretty?
Too old
fuck off we're full
This, and show face, and timestamp, if you're semi decent looking, I'll take you in on the condition that you don't engage in nigger culture or participate in chimp activities.
'Convert' to Islam and just show up at one of the many EU states, they won't lift a fucking finger to remove you. All you really need to do is buy a plane ticket.
Come to NYC to bear my children and I give you American citizenship via marriage.
Listen, we certainly need people like you. The best thing to do is simply come here and overstay your visa. Sounds scary, but its by far the simplest and most effective way. People will help you here through the process but just get here. There are always methods of working under the table or getting a permit. Best of luck to you, my white sister. If i can help use [email protected]
Blackface + sweden
Ik zou je graag in mijn huis nemen
maar ik woon nog bij mijn ouders
What do you look like
Show a little human deceny and try and help someone who needs it
I reported your thread lol
Fuck off nigger
Show tits and I promise this site will find a way to get you to where ever you need.
Tits with timestamp to be specific.
If you are white and attractive I can fake marry you and let you off here in sweden , Its What swedish women do with niggers and afghanis
I wish I was rich enough to help you, I'd employ you.
Where can I send you money to unlock your recently deceased father's bank account
pls respond fast
can't flee the malema
malema boys coming to kill u
you must be new around here
Reddit faggots get out of my board
...But I don't know how badly she needs help until I know if she's pretty or not, user.
It changes the situation from "I feel bad for you!" to "I'll personally do something to help!"
If I was rich I'd let you come crash with me, but I'm not. Keep trying though, there is nothing hotter than a woman in a desperate situation.
show spread vag with timestamp
>1 Post by this ID
The absolute state of this board
If real contact different countries embassies and see if they can help, Russia might be a good option.
i can't imagine why more help isn't given to get whites out of south africa at this time makes me mad!
Try with Eastern European EU countries first to acquire a visa or even asylum.
A girl I know from SA came here to Austria via the Czech Republic.
You know, once you have the right to live in any EU country, even if it's Romania - you are allowed to then move to any other place within the EU.
If this doesn't work you Russia will take you 100%.
It's safe there and you can make good money too, but it's different culture.
But if you think that your life is threatened in SA it's better to survive there than facing what the niggers might do.
Hi. 30 year old white male in Canada (6'1" tall). Looking for qt redpilled white wife. We can get married but it would have to be real marriage with sex and children.
Also this
you're embarassing us all. please leave
>1 post by this ID
>I am currently trying to even go to Argentina
>I am white
This sounds fishy OP. If all else fails try Namibia at least, qualifications count, no language barrier and out of South Africa. Canada apparently is accommodating towards teachers even one from South Africa.
>I love working & living in a snowy climate.
Why were you deported? It seems to be an important point in my mind, but then I have been known as a retard at times.
What's so embarrassing about helping her? You do know that they kill whites in SA because of their race?
I'm starting to grow concerned that OP isn't pretty at all! If she were pretty, she would have sham married some autist or tricked somebody into marriage so she could stay.
26 years old, you see at this age as a woman you are basically trash so yeah no we are full.
Yeah look into all countries that will take teachers. Some pay for you to get there and living expenses.
>women in civilized countries
>women in fully enriched countries
>deported from several western countries
seems fishy, you literally cannot be deported from france
don't believe me, just check official statistics: 93% of illegals are not removed from the country
now guess what's the average ethnicity of said immigrants, and what are the odds of police investigating a white female
hop on a plane, start living here, charities are plenty to get you up to speed
"muh globalists" might be at the helm, but your average helper is hare-brained and colorblind and will happily help you
what are the odds of OP being who she says she is, to be in the situation she claims she is, and having been rejected as many times as stated?
exactly. zero.
it's not about wanting to help
it's about all you gullible faggots falling for this shit, and let it slide other threads
sage and hide
Russia has visa free traveling for South Africans. "She" is larping I guess or maybe she is a real South African girl.
Most of our girls are cuteys but our bottom of the barrel girls are crazy AF.
Seems fishy to me too.
Did it ever cross your mind that they would deport whites because they want your country to be blacked?
Why the hell would Germany otherwise refuse to accept Ukrainian refugees?
For very obvious fucking reasons, they are white and right wing.
In case youre serious and not just playing, here is my Facebook account. We can inbox each other please.
Please, i am not interested in your money. My dad has money. Not rich, but i am not poor. I am not begging for money. I will never ask for your money. I just want help migrating out of South Africa
someone write her and see what happens
>tfw no afrikaans gf
Sounds sketchy, OP. Not the place to post this. I am happy to help fellow whites, but you're retarded for posting here. If you are legit, try talking to this guy, he's also trying (or did) get out of SA and may be able to point you in the right direction:
>[email protected]
Wtf someone uses Yandex outside runet?
Timestamp or im gonna assume you are just trying to ruin some poor girls day
You really think some girl would turn to the cesspool of the internet for help and even post her facebook profile here?
I will marry you and make you a citizen if you don't mind my girlfriend
ofc not thats why im asking
Tons of nazis do it 'cuz it's not jewish and don't censor as much. But I think they also believe that Putin is the savior of the white race meme, a bit too much as well...
fuck off stay in your shithole and make it better
Maybe she's really desperate to escape the jungle hoards over there.
Still haven't added me. I also noticed that the other guy was saying that you never gave a timestamp.
Do you need someone to fly you to a location and agree to house you?
what is this proposal?
I'd be down if this wasn't Sup Forums because I do have a spare bedroom in a location with a ton of jobs
How many nigger dicks did you have inside you?
Well ive given the best advice i know, but i can tell you about different areas of the US, where you might get more help and have an easier transition. Still, just best to come to the US and work it out from there.
That begs the question that must be answered. Has she been shitted?
Why does Facebook say you're from Aspen, Colorado?
Why? She's desperate and in need. I wouldn't mind sheltering and feeding her
>my cock
>I am willing to do any job as long as it is not sex
So marriage is not an option?
If your family has some money just go study for a year in a European country. The requirements for work visas are often less strict after you obtain a degree in the country you want to stay.
Timestamp lass
English teacher in far east can make decent money. They give u free housing and whatnot. Also if u r white its a plus Yandex is a Russian multinational technology company.
I use yandexmail because we get to use it as free internet via mahalatime app (free internet).
The ANC government has strong ties with Russia. Yandex is very popular here
Apparently she also uploaded all of her facebook pictures on a single day.
I am 100% convinced this is a larp, but I gave her a blank facebook account so it's all good.
Probably just trying to get some edgy Sup Forums neckbeards to get all horny.
Oh, you're serious. Then please ignore my retardation here haha
I'm not in a position to help though. I hope someone can help you though, best of luck to you.
Yandex is popular my ass
For the last time i use yandexmail because we get to use it as free internet via mahalatime app (free internet).
The ANC government has strong ties with Russia. Yandex is very popular here
I knew it, those fucking Russian bots got us again.
How do I get a saffer gf to reproduce with?
Kek What a lowlife
You're not good looking enough, sorry
Do you work for the hacker anonymous? Don't lie to me or I'll backtrace your IP
Guys everyone leave this thread.
Joline Weaver is a confirmed LARP.
She uploaded all of her pictures on a single day.
This is a honeypot. Abort, abort.
2nd picture. September 28th for all of her pictures
FAKE! All the pics were uploaded just recently. Sep 28th or 29th. No friends, no nothing. Didn't that Asian bitch who had a sign saying "only white dick" wanted thirsty Sup Forums betas to buy her book and give address? PROCEED WITH CAUTION YOU HORNY ANONS!!!
Post a photograph of yourself with todays date written on your hand, it's the only way people will know you are serious and not just trying to ruin some one else's life by pretending to be someone else.
post timestamp, you don't need to have tits out although i wouldn't mind
Respond to this and prove yourself as at least able to talk Afrikaans. I am literally just going to type a sentence with spacing the words and with one spelling mistake.
3rd picture. She has alteast 6 pictures on her account, all of them uploaded on 28th of September.
She never once gave a timestamp of herself.
wait a minute that nose
Ignore the Semites here and just try to get into the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary or Poland.
Or the US of course if it's possible.
Afterwards you can freely move to any EU country that suits you.
ps: timestamp is a picture of you holding a note with the current date written down, duh
She already posted her pussy
Im sorry goy but the International jewish agency wouldnt allow you to migrate enjoy being eaten by a horde of niggers
First post hand with timestamp musotho
im really digging this new larp porn fiction, getting pretty hard desu Sup Forums BTFO
Post your face with timestamp and I'll consider letting you marry me
James, is this you?