Just found out about this. Most of American west coast belonged to Mexico.
Why the fuck does Trump and americatrds act like they own it. Mexicans have right to live there.
Just found out about this. Most of American west coast belonged to Mexico.
Why the fuck does Trump and americatrds act like they own it. Mexicans have right to live there.
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We bought it, you fucking retarded wanker
because it's our land.
Not anymore, Im hispanic and Im glad the US owns the West or else it would be a cartel ridden, poverty stricken shithole, although CA is already like that
What do you mean they didn't teach you the Mexican American war.
I am sure they did teach you, just a retarded monkey like you didn't pay attention or remember. Go back to spice land native American mutt nigger.
we should have taken the entirety of mexico, maybe then it wouldnt be the shithole it is now
Manifest Destiny motherfucker. We came, we saw, we conquered. Maybe Mexico should have fought harder to keep it.
Mestizo didn't own shit.
And the Mexicans stole it from the Spanish, who stole it from the Indians.
But neither the Mexicans or the Spanish had much of a presence there, they just claimed it, like I claim Mars.
>just found out about this
this is common knowledge, op.
very common knowledge.
check our cities in the north, the are shit, USA should take the whole country.
We stole it fair and square. And yes, the Treaty of Guadaloupe Hidalgo is considered general knowlege for passing high school history.
Just found out about this. All of Mexico belonged to Spain.
Why the fuck do mexicotrds act like they own it. Spaniards have right to live there.
>Why the fuck does Trump and americatrds act like they own it
Because we do own it and there isn't a damn thing you, your country or any other on the face of the planet can do about it.
Basic conquest idea. If you can occupy and hold land with military force it's yours. If your land is taken by military force it is no longer yours.
We made it all the way down to Mexico City and could have seized land all the way down to there, but we didn't.
We won it fair and square you dirty paki
>they don't teach this
Lol they made SURE we fucking knew it in our public school, plenty of times. They don't teach it because youre in the UK and the white guilt wouldnt affect you, instead they market you with other white "sins"
>but we didn't.
do it now.
Americans can use that land better and they did, you can't tell me Mexicans will do anything close to what Americans did in the silicon valley.
Congress actually debated briefly annexing all of Mexico after the US Army took Mexico City.
But then it was pointed out we would have to figure out what to do with all those Catholics and half-breed Indians. So it was decided better to just take the empty land rather then try and integrate Mexico into the Republic.
We should have went further.
>act like they own it
>1 post by his ID
We fought and defeated the beaners in war for that land. We also paid them off, which they accepted.
It's our land, you fucking nigger.
Texas cracks me up the most
>silicon valley.
dude, you don't know what you talking about, Sillicon Valley has tons of Mexicans, Indians, Japanese and Chinese
in 7th grade we had an entire year dedicated to state history (Texas) where we got to learn about when we btfo the spics and captured their president. why wouldn't they teach you about this glorious history in bongistan I don't know
>Mexicans have right to live there.
As much right as the people who sold me their house have to come back and squat, right?
Fuck off and kill yourself, retarded OP.
there was a manlet calling himself the napoleon of the west so we slapped his shit and everything turned out ok
This, plus hispanics live in these areas anyway. They have jobs and houses and no cartel members beheading them so nothing to cry about
1) America paid for it.
2) America allowed every mexican living on the land when they bought it to have free citizenship. 85% accepted.
You should have went all the way to Cape Horn the amount of whites who died in the stupid civil war would have been enough to do it you fucking nigger loving cucks had to kill each other to free the slave
Thats because cali is full of hispanics. You seem like a smart guy, don't let spic nationalism cloud your judgement. Im born in southern europe and if i were writing an immigration law for a country id only allow in ethnic Northern europeans (and japanese) not even southern europeans. The land isnt magic, the collective intelligence level of the citizens is what makes or break it.
Because we do own it, first we invaded and conqueried mexico (we occupied mexico city) and then after we returned most of their land (didn't have to, could have just annexed the whole thing) we paid them for the parts we kept. Mexishits need to quit bitching, it's ours, if they dont like it then they can try and take it.
Hispianic U.S. Citizens live peacefully among us.
Mexicans must go though.
>We, as Burgers, are really sorry for beating our britistanis brothers retarded.
We honestly didn't know it would cause the collapse of the entire empire and cause battered women's syndrome for a hundred generations
they had five guys on there, and they had stolen it from Injuns.
You just found out, public school?
btw Brits out of Ireland.
and scotland
and wales
and falklands...
and gibraltar...
do you realize its the actual mexicans themselves ruining mexico, not the soil or the weather?
If we took all of mexico and expelled everyong living there, sure.
There's still time
Rightful murrican clay
Mexico is free to declare war and try to invade to retake "their" land.
I know your English isn't too great but that's the past tense Ahmed
>Im hispanic
You have to go back
I love when Americans are like this. You little brainlets have no idea what hubris is.
Burgers also don't know about the support or creating of taliban, Saddam, Iran, Bahrain, and the fascist government of south Vietnam.
Key word, >>>belonged
Mexico claimed the land in the 1820s and we took it 20 years or so later. Therefore Mexico had owned the land for a little over 20 years while the US has owned it for over 150 years. We have far more claim to it then they do.
Should all of central America also go back to Mexico? Should the British get their entire colonial empire back just because they owned it once?
Fuck you I claimed mars when I was 5.
But yeah you’re right
There were also a few Germans and Russians in Northern California long before it belonged to the US.
>Hispianic U.S. Citizens live peacefully among us.
Kek, best lie of the 21st century. You are all trash.
KYS Britfag! As your history we'll shows, might makes right, and you take someone's shorty country when you kick their ass. We kicked Mexico's ass twice, plus with one small purchase, so the land is ours.
of course it was Mexican land, you fucking retard, this is literally 5th grade Geography.
>belonged to Mexico.
And it is being filled to the brim with Mexicans currently!
Karma's a bitch!
Lol at Americans wondering how OP didn't know about that. Guess what, not everyone learns only american history in schools.
Well he’s not wrong, there is literally nothing anyone can do about it
In an absolute timeline
>also include 54’ 40’ or fight.
So if the mexicans had somehow won the war , would you go and demand the mexicans to return American land ? OP , you need to suck a big fat cock. And since you seen so keen on it , suck Juan's cock.
Its still America now and not shitty Mexico
>Most of American west coast belonged to Mexico
For about 20 years
>do you realize its the actual mexicans themselves ruining mexico, not the soil or the weather?
kek , thats not even true, USA education is at same level at 3th world countries and they behave as sheeps like in Mexico, the difference is that a big part of the global elite lives in USA and see Mexico as a backyard.
>Used US white citizens to push out the Indian infestation in the highlighted areas.
>In exchange for land and mineral rights
>Mexicans Re-neg and want all whites to get off
>Try to fight peasant white Texan farmers with largest military Mexico has ever had, Lose
>Come back years later disputing the territory agreed apon during US annexation of texas picking fight with the US military
>lose in a months time
>US buys land from pathetic Mexico government
Its not theirs anymore, also what would they have done with it?
no the fuck they do not, texas won and fought hard for its independance from mexico, fuck you bitch
>They owned it at some point in time that means they own it for eternity
do you realize how retarded you sound?
Won in war or paid for fagget.
I KNOW what i'm talking about, i know that Asians, Mid Easterns, Indians etc... all exist there, i'm talking about majority.
Adobe by - John Warnock
AMD by - Jerry Sanders
Apple - by by Steve Jobs(half Arab), Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne
Cisco by - Leonard Bosack
Intel by - Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce
Tell me would Silicon valley be the same under Mexico's control?
The land would not have been lost if... Mexicans had not lost.
That's how it goes.
>I just found out
Is this a new millennial meme?
Admitting to ignorance, then somehow it's someone else's fault. Read more books.
Texas is Texas soil, bitch.
Always has been, always will be. Freedom from Mexico was won.
- now. It has tons of those subhumans now.
When my father and his brother came here from southern europe in the 70's it was a whole different place. They tell me it was awesome. White people, beautiful enviroment, booming economy. My father cemented his name into silicon valley and now is very wealthy off of it.
All those mexicans, chinks, Patels all swarmed us like crazy within the last 25 years because of the success of this place. They didnt make this place great, they say it was great and ran here.
That's like saying flies buzzing around a good meal are what made the meal great
1 we bought it.
2 spics didn't live there in any great numbers. It wasn't until the 70s did they start to flood and the 90s when they really flooded in.
Yeah, fuck Croatian history, only American is important.
>3th world country
Looks like we have a Mexican intellectual here.
>legally purchase land
>retarded descendants demand it back
Fucking Indios.
I was tought this you fucking shill
Only retards and niggers act as if this is news
Did you get put through special ed or does your country just not care about US history after 1776?
Every US History class in the entire United States teaches about the Mexican-American war. We took the land from them from the war. Then just a couple years after that, bought even more of that land from them through the Gadsden Purchase.
>3th world countries
>*3rd world
US education isn't bad when compared to what you got.
>mostly empty land
>Americans get it from Mexico
>make it awesome
>Mexicans pour in by tens of millions
Wtf this Mexico now
Because we beat you for it. Just like how you beat Spain for it, and they beat the Aztecs for it, and how they beat the Pueblo for it.... Getting the picture? The only right anybody has ever had to any territory is through conquest. If you want it back, come and get it.
Why you want us to?
Wtf Mexicans aren't what make Mexico shitty now
Mexico stole it from the Navajo, and they stole it from giant sloths. Deal with it.
They do teach this though, autist. Not our fault you're retarded.
Dudo mucho que si quiera hables otro idioma maldito come hamburguesas, yo por lo menos aprendí inglés por mi cuenta.
Thanks for the correction my friend as you know English is not our primary language here in Mexico.
"Silicon Valley" is created by whites (with Jewish funders)
It has nothing to do with any shitskin immigrants buzzing around today's Silicon Valley.
Even Steve jobs, who is your one example of a non white, is half white and raised by white adoptive parents.
My parents sold our house and now the new owner says I can't live there. Like WTF he even called the police on me and had me removed.
They don't teach us that, I just know it because I'm a fucking history nerd and because of St Patrick's Battalion.
now explain them they didn't won the WWII but Russians.
I went to a very good public school.
The only American wars we even covered were WWII and the civil war.
>The only American wars we even covered were WWII and the civil war.
And just the jew version of course.
Guys did you know that Rome used to own Britain? Maybe those bongs should just move
All of the US belonged to indigenous people.
And now it doesn't.
Really made me think, OP.
We didn't even touch the eastern front or the pacific theater. We basically learned about the holocaust and normandy and that's it.
>spoils of war
That territory was granted to the United States as part of a settlement at the end of the Mexican-American War to cover Mexico's debts and costs incurred from the war. A war which MEXICO started.
Calling it a stolen birthright is like calling the Louisiana Purchase a stolen birthright. It was a business transaction.
Wtf my school covered American history from colonization to the Gulf War.
>to cover Mexico's debts
the sad part is, we are still in debt.
Talking about the Gulf War would have taken away time from one of our semester long units about the civil rights movement and America's banana republics.
We should've kept going south