Shows that started off great but turned to shit a few episodes in

Shows that started off great but turned to shit a few episodes in

It went to shit after Biba desu

All of them

You first Bear

Every anime ever? I dont recall a single anime I wasn't disappointed in at least a little bit after 5-6 episodes in.



The 5th episode of Cowboy Bebop was Ballad of Fallen Angels.


>Dat MireiĀ“s final form


This. Nobody can write an ending for shit.

Galilei Donna looked fun at first. I still remember the disappointment.

Techno loli, faillawyer, bratty middle sister, I remember them still.


you might want to reconsider your hobby then it sounds like it's just not for you

I picked up that one episode to make a webm of the sandman rape illusion. I have no regrets.

Iron Blooded orphans

I know Sup Forums hated this show from the get go but it started off amazing and then had a shitty rushed ending

started off shit anyways

looks like their faces got slightly rounder/wider but both look fine to me

i enjoyed this show


the second season of tokyo ghoul

Aldnoah was alright for the whole first half, I think.

The second half failed in some critical areas that resulted in a chain reaction of awfulness.

Dropped after 3 eps.

Darker than Black left me just confused and un-desiring to even understand what they were trying to do

Coyote Ragtime show... man that first episode was great... and then the actual story kicked in from episode 2 onwards.

you guys must watch some serious shit

>implying EoE isn't the pinnacle of all medium

It went to shit after the first episode once it became about super powers and not will power.

I'm really trying, but I am just so invested that it has become hard to enjoy other things. How do I get off from Japan's wild ride?

Tokyo Ghoul
Musaigen tits world

It was great the whole way.
Kill yourself. You can even name a better action anime this year.

Implying "effort overcomes everything guys" wouldn't have been about 100x worse.




>Ep1 was great

>ep2 onward was terrible

i'm normally superficial when it comes to quality but holy fuck, season 2 bombed so hard

Fuck off, Charlotte was AOTY.

This garbage.

kabaneri was pretty good for a shounen, especially since it was made by the snk team.

the winner of this thread is clearly pic related; how to you fuck up that hard

You have really shit tastes

s2 was good beyond the first 2-3 eps


this is one of my favorite anime, kunihiko is a genius.


Enjoyed it from start to finish.

Fuck anyone who thinks otherwise.
I'll happily take more of this any day over the flood of moeshit.

Try the 'Legend of the galactic heroes'

>started off great

I bet you are proud of the 20 anime you watched.


implying the "humanity is on the verge of collapsing but shinji saves the day at literally 0.01 seconds remaining...again!!!" doesn't become hackneyed as fuck after a few episodes

please PLEASE kys

I dropped it at the end of ep 4.
Action ended, all seemed well and apparently the action slows down. Saw no reason to continue.
For those four episodes, it was rather alright.

>implying the beginning episodes weren't slow

first episode was ultimate manime, rest of kabaneri was consistently entertaining, though not great. I actually liked biba.

>first episode was ultimate manime
First episode was kinda boring. The premise was more interesting than the entire action or show.

Something something I still have nightmares about Aldnoah Zero.

really? I got really excited when ikoma strangled himself to prevent himself from becoming kabane. There's understandably a lot of exposition, but the high budget animation kept me going through the lulls in that episode.

Well that part was pretty awesome but I got SnK copycat vibe when the guy with the glasses started bitching about people's fear and all that crap the entire episode. I dunno, it felt too obvious.

But that strangulation part was pretty awesome. I was more hyped from the premise of hard to kill zombies steampunk with trains than most of the action or events.

Episode 1 was fucking amazing.
After that it was a steaming pile of shit, how do they do it?

Iron boring orphans: Kudelia sugoi went to shit the moment they went to space.

>Aldnoah was alright for the whole first half

>Not remembering the barrier shitstorm

literary 80% of anime

I enjoyed this show.

Don't remind me of Kuma Miko. I just watched the last episode, what the hell was that shit?


God that anime was so disappointing.

First episode was godly, cant believe it turned into complete shit by episode 13, what went so wrong?

I didn't realize why the right looked subtly wrong until I noticed their eyes. What the fuck happened to their eyes? I never watched Moyashimon, but I fapped to Kei before, and Kei is just not as fappable that way!

stop smoking weed, start lifting weights

This cunt.

Jojo. Boku Hero

To me it started tumbling down when Ikoma went from a 'humanity fuck yeah' guy to 'muh mumei'. Someone should do a Mumei counter to see just how many times he screams 'MUMEH' dramatically.

I'm still pissed that the anime was too 'anime' and refused to go as dark as the manga
>mother's new boyfriend interested in her because he's a lolicon
>serial killer almost killing her rather than the serial assault attack bullshit in the anime
>mother only came back to steal money from her daughter and tells her ''you're not even worth the stains on the floor'' before leaving

I've also never seen a show go from AOTS hype from all the rage to no one making a thread when the episode came out by the end.

Fking kek

First season got better facial structure but also those eyes without pupils


What a piece of shit.
Dropped from a solid 8 to 5 for me after 4 episodes because muh Mummy and Biba. The amount of edge was insufferable.

Took a few episodes before the massive plot holes became obvious.

>tfw mumei is just 12
there's room for growth. se2 when

Went to shit post-lucifer

Anne happy episode 8

One of best animes I watched. Besides you cant really compare them.

Something about this anime got really really boring few episodes in, After 4th or 5th episode I couldn't really give a shit what will happen. And last episode was really meh, no emotional impact, no nothing.

But then again, that's just me.


I knew it would turn out this way from the second episode.


your opinion is shit


Kiss Your Sister Many Months?

It's trash, Julian ruined it beyond redemption


Death Note.


As generic as it was, the start of SAO was pretty fun. Then the elf shit happened.