capitalism drives people insane, it has made life unbearable. atomization kills. people explode all the time - sometime they scream Allah Akbar before that and sometimes they don't.
we need a communist revolution in this country.
capitalism drives people insane, it has made life unbearable. atomization kills. people explode all the time - sometime they scream Allah Akbar before that and sometimes they don't.
we need a communist revolution in this country.
Other urls found in this thread:
>it has made life unbearable
for you.
when you finally grow up you'll realize it's the only answer, dumbass.
if a commie revolution ever happened in the united states the only thing the commie side would achieve is mass graves.
you do not know the fuse you are trying to light, young man.
Capitalism forces altruism (gotta give society something it needs/want to get paid). Without it why would anyone ever bother doing anything productive in society? Also life is perfectly bearable if you arent lazy and/or mentally retarded
>it has made life unbearable
>we need a communist revolution
how will people not explode, enough with the fake moral outrage, enough with the "hopes and prayers" and "we need to come together as Americans in days like this"
this is a political question
look at the quote of this smart man, people will continue to explode under those conditions
I wish welfare would be abolished to let natural selection take its place so lazy fucks like you that dont do anything for society and expect others to provide for them would all die of starvation and exposure.
This man was Antifa. Democrats as a whole are now fucking terrorists.
wrong it isn't the only answer. The right answer would be national socialism fucking end your newfag shit
And what of those who are mentally retarded? I just lost my job and I don't intend on getting another. I don't know what the future holds but I hope I find a good means of suicide.
you stupid trolls totally discredit yourself by screaming ANTIFA every other second. alex johns the moron is seen as a stupid snake oil sales man by america. go put your tin foil hat on
You must be really young seems like most ancaps are this way. really sad.
Oh yea Communist/Liberal revolutions always end well.
Oh wait.
They end with massive bloodshed and a totalitarian regime taking power.
French revolution ended with Napoleon taking power and mass executions.
Russian revolution ended with Lenin taking power and, you guessed it, mass executions.
Chinese revolution ended with Mao taking power, and more mass executions.
Cambodian revolution ended with Pol Pot taking power, and 1/3 of the population was executed.
Cuban revolution ended with Castro taking power and more mass executions.
On and on and on with this shit.
Take your failed shitty ideology and stick it right up your ass.
>Doesn't have any actual arguments so assumes age and attacks that
I'm in my mid 20's btw
Communism is the biggest cancer in history of mankind.
It's immoral in and flawed in theory, disastrous in practice. Turns men into working machines with no identity, pride nor morals. Completely ignores natural law letting the unskilled and lazy live for talented and hard-working people's money. Turns the market of value into the market of feelings, as there's no way to objectively define somebody's needs.
Your whole ideology is built on aggression and makes use of the mob's primitivity to achieve its goals. There will never be a successful communist country, but I'm sure there will be many attempts at creating one. And these disasters will be called "state capitalist" by idiots who will never understand that any attempt to implement this cancerous system is going to end this way, unless the people are made into mindless, desireless puppets without identity, emotion or creativity. As long as democracy prevails, communists need to be physically removed unless we're willing to submit to the tyranny of the majority and horrors of collectivism.
Communism is the only viable future we have. All societies face crisis. It is unable to deal with crisis because capitalism atomizes society into individuals. it makes it unable for the masses to plan for the future. The only remedy for pollution capitalist believe is legitimate, is a private party suing a polluter only after the pollution has taken place. In capitalism individuals exist only for their own individual benefit. This completely ignores the fact that humanity is not composed of one individual, but of many. If we are to resolve the issues we have, we must act as an us. We have to unleash our collective human species-being from the reigns of private property. The collective human species-being is the being that creates dams, hospitals and in the future it will create mass drivers, it will bring mankind into harmony with the earth. Right now we are just a collection of beings that are unorganized and running around with no heads. We are engaged in a struggle against ourselves. The sole cause of this struggle is private property. We have divided the Earth and its products into parcels that we fight over. Instead of uniting forces and using this Earth to provide for all, we use it to get more parcels. This does not serve mankind, but serves individuals. Who in the end are just serving capital. Capital is a living parasite that demands more and more labor. Capital requires growth or it disappears, this growth is supplied by human labor. I hope you realize humanity cannot have a future, where man continues to fight against itself.
Where has communism, or the attempt at communism, made life better?
why put that over a communist symbol?
the scripture preaches to do and ask all things voluntarily
force is satan's way, and communism/socialism FORCES
No man has to do this. You're free not to.
Yes because communists have never shot at anyone from a building have they?
>because capitalism atomizes society into individuals
Because Jews atomized society into individuals.
There fixed that for you.
no one wants communism stupid. that alone should show you it wont work. how are you gonna get people to do stuff without the incentive of capitalism when they don't even like communism?
We need a capitalization revolution.
...And I'm not talking about the economic system!
First we shoot all of you (((((right wingers))))) and then we establish a new communist society where there i no money and everyone gives what they can and takes what they need. Also this society wouldnt be established in a day. It would take a few generations for the people to be "reeducated" , so that they forget greed and develop love for all people.
I want to have a dragon maid. Why capitalism not allow me to do it?
"supply" and "demand" are the scylla and charybdis of human enslavement, once we have liberated ourselves from them the future of man can begin.
You're conflating two different things. The entire point of socialism is to rid of exploitation, this happens when you have to work more than what is socially necessary E.g. employees of Amazon are working for the share holder's/board of directors' decadence. You could avoid this with labor vouchers which do not circulate like money, so there's no capital accumulation and technically no means to be an exploiter. Also, money is only a motivator when it comes to menial task; when tasks are more abstract, say, programming, the opposite is true.
In other words exactly what most of Sup Forums want
>postinga list of jew synonyms
good one, goy!
Liberate yourself from the ancient enemy of man and his ideologies, comrades!
how many has putin killed?
"should" doesn't mean "be forced to" you illiterate fuck.
>forbes 400 discounts royalty, money families and country leaders in making that list
Really stirrs my strudle.
Why are you posting a bible quote, the soviet union was completely atheist you fucking retard
Stop being retarded please. I find history is a good way of looking at what succeeds and does not.
Jesus never forced anyone to do anything.
Also, I noticed leftist pussies like you love quoting the bible when it comes giving to the poor and immigration, but when it comes to killing faggots and race mixers you discard it.
You're not even a Christian, nor is America a Christian nation.
Kill yourself.
Alright, now let's see your superior source.
i kinda like food
You would kill half of this board.
>Capitalism forces altruism (gotta give society something it needs/want to get paid)
You don't "gotta give society" anything.
An ideal economic actor will try not to fuck over his customers because it's not in his best interest. Except people do it all the time when they think they can get away with it.
Capitalism doesn't make you altruistic.
>this country
If you didn't hide your flag next time you post, I'd know what country you meant.
The reactionary European's financial exploitation and oppression of ethno-religious minorities is part and parcel of the current fascist order. This is the Holocaust all over again.
I agree. Famine and starvation is natural selection, but we prevent it. The nigger population would go extinct, along with half the leftists.
The money I make is mine, I worked hard for it, and nobody has the right to say otherwise.
You faggots are worse than the Climate Change hoaxers, claiming Capitalism caused 'fill in the blank problem' ripped from the headlines.
kys. Literally.
Be an hero.
You tried to make it. Your parents hoped the best for you.
You gave it a shot.
No shame in taking your self out.
I said a superior source with actual wealth and ethnicity statistics, not a clickbait meme list.
>Spreading commie ideology on the internet, a capitalist invention.
>Believing that people won't prosper under conditions of competition and self motivation.
>People live happier lives with total wealth equality.
How can things be valued if everybody has them? Luxury cars are sought after because they are unique in correlation to the other cars you see on the road. Now why would somebody pay more for a car that can do everything that an economy car can do legally? Because it's an expression of individuality. It makes the driver feel cool while making everybody around him envious. It reminds the people around him of what they could achieve if they do more.
Now imagine that you are in East Germany in 1985. You drive off in your piece of shit like everybody else does and nobody knows any better. You have roll up windows, no rear seatbelts, 15hp two stroke motor, and no radio. Little do they know, the filthy capitalists are driving badass muscle cars, motorcycles, and sport cars. Also they have better looking clothes and magical food stores with stuffed aisles and no mile long queues.
Pic related, the east german piece of shit.
>Except people do it all the time when they think they can get away with it.
To be fair, you do need some common sense and most of the time when people get scammed is because they are fucking retarded.
Today a new campaign launched against phishing here. 20% of people still click links in e-mails and get scammed out of money or identification. You can't protect anyone from retardation, but you can try to make people smarter with good education, which is also a problem in a lot of countries.
And communism starves people... capitalism gets an edge here
Is it wrong that I want to fuck that communist cat?
The internet wasn't invented by capitalist mechanism. It was a government funded program.
Does that apply to party members too who take all the bougeoursie spoils while we starve?
Do you just say whatever you want and automatically believe it?
Honestly the truth. Any ancap flag ive ever seen has the ideals of a child.
>mid 20s
Case in point
Underage b&
CERN is funded by privately, not through taxes
>capitalism drives people insane
Only commies
It was a shame that we had some bad harvests, but really, those Ukrainian reactionaries had it coming. Ungrateful pigs.
Also please address the rest of my argument
>communist calling people Jews
ironic, isn't it
This country came from a liberal revolution.
>only left wing revolutions are bloody
Are you stupid or just ignorant?
>inb4 kulaks were literally hitler
How does the system you described work, with labor vouchers and whatnot? How is that different from money?
>capitalism is literally killing us u guyz :DD
>crime rate, quality of life, etc. is the best its ever been under capitalism
what did he mean by this
>dude futurism lmao
Pro-tip : There will always be supply. There will always be demand. Why? Because there is a finite, limited amount of resources on Earth. And as long as there is scarcity, which will always exist, as all resources are finite, there will always be supply, and thus there will always be demand.
The Trabant was shitty because industry was under centralized state control and consumer goods like cars were low on the state's priorities as opposed to necessities and heavy industry. Thus they didn't bother making a new model that differed from the model of the 1960s, when a lot of features we take for granted weren't widespread.
>capitalism drives people insane
Worth it
>it has made life unbearable
>atomization kills
Hopefully some commies
>people explode all the time
Blame commies inviting them
>we need a communist revolution in this country.
The difference is that you get to have a single choice on each good and you must Wait for a long time before receiving it
>literally hippie-tier "let's all hold hands and sing kumbaya" ideology
I hope you know there's a reason you always fail
Kill yourself or move to Cuba you communist piece of shit
Right. Just don't look here:
(32 more pages in russian language)
And especially here:
(Andrei "i like Marxist-Leninist philosophy, i've read all 55 Lenin's books" Chikatilo)
that car looks comfy and is not all made of plastic to increase profits like current cars
>look at the quote of this smart man
Thank you for pointing out that you are a high school faggot.
>Communism is the only viable future
Wrong. Its not even a viable option and proven to be a failure.
>Capitalism has made life unbearable
>Lets make life even more unbearable with a system that doesn't work
>Now imagine that you are in East Germany in 1985.
Better Imagine USSR. 50 car per 1000 people. Aka people just don't drive cars. They drive bus this is "their choice" *wink wink*:
>cars are made of plastic
>communist """""intellectuals"""""
>crime rate, quality of life, etc. is the best its ever been under capitalism
Crime rates here are low, but Eastern Europe is still more dangerous in many areas than it ever was during the Soviet era. This area has problems too. Life expectancy is decreasing, mortality for people not in old age is increasing, suicides are increasing, political polarization is increasing daily, and of course, there's an epidemic of drug use in this country that kills tens of thousands each year.
this is about as low energy as it gets, i dont care what system of government you have as long as you're an ethnostate, if you're a white one, you're bound to be successful regardless of what conflated ideology they claim to adhere to.
Literally USSR.
agh this insanely high standard of living is just driving me bonkers
Western countries NEVER had cars as bad as the trabant. The trabant is one of the only two stroke cars ever created. Two smoke motors drive like shit and they smoke really bad because they burn oil by design. THIS WAS DURING THE LATE 1980s. We were beginning to put computers in our cars while commies couldn't figure out how to make electronic windows economically feasible
Do you see anything in here about companies competing for profit in pic related?
CERN didn't come into play until the 80s
I don't know anything about East Germany, but your argument boils down to West Germany was better because they had faster cars, cloths, and restaurants. None of these things are an indicator of a healthy society. Having faster cars doesn't change the ETA when you're driving in a city with speed limits, wouldn't having better public transportation translate to a better functioning society? Cloths, I've heard East Germany having good fashion, kind of a moot point. And, on food, I'm sure East Germany had better nutrition/public health seeing that they weren't the ones eating fast/junk food.
There's a book called 'Towards a New Socialism' by W. Paul Cockshott it details how a socialist economy would work. Here's a video preview:
Cars are made of plastic because it's much safer. Plastic absorbs energy better than rigid steel bodies do.
Also the trabant was not comfy. It didnt have heat or AC, it went 55mph max, and it had a reputation of filling the cab up with blue smoke
How am I supposed to accept this facist government where I always have food and shelter!? LITERALLY FOOD RAPING ME!
Fucking AmeriKKKa
Though even this was unreachable luxury for soviets. Capitalists pig spoiled by abundance can't comprehend how completely different commie world was.
The car thing was an example in luxury. All western goods were plentiful and of good quality and choice. Meanwhile, communists had one choice of mediocre/poor quality and not always available. Also you are retarded if you think luxuries don't make people happier
The bible doesn't say "whoever has two tunics should be visited by the Cheka". Socialism has nothing to do with sharing.
The quote clearly implies the existence of property rights and free choice.
Its chassis has also has higher material costs and unnecessarily heavier and its besides arguable aesthtics vastly inferior in any other aspect such as space, speed, power and almost zero of the electronics and liveimproving systems modern cars can afford due to lighter synthetic materials and is much less safer due to the lack of shock absorbing synthetic and aluminum parts anti progress communist retards seem to despice because of some nostalgic ignorant delusions.
>wouldn't having better public transportation translate to a better functioning society?
Ask any soviet and he will always choose personal car over """public transportation""" as car has over 9000 more consumer value, it was his life time achievement, you spoiled by wealth cant even comprehend levels of misery and debasement that car allowed soviet citizen to avoid.
And of course soviet public transportation sucked big one.
In socialism materials can evolve more efficiently, if people vote to have better stuff in a democratic planned economy
I don't believe that everybody was given one of those. USSR couldn't even give everybody food lmao
>Do you see anything in here about companies competing for profit in pic related?
Apparently you are too retarded to see it.