Could you beat Karen in a fight Sup Forums?
Could you beat Karen in a fight Sup Forums?
Yes, I'm around 32 cm taller and 70 kg heavier.
I don't know what that is in america but you sound fat.
Araragi was taller than her and he got kicked through a highway
Karen is taller than Araragi by a inch or 2.
He's not taller
It's 12.6 in and 154 lbs in American
Araragi is a manlet
I think I can but I will just lose if it means I can fuck her
karen is a big girl
Nobody wants to fuck losers, not even 2d girls.
You mean she's not a dwarf, right?
Then I beat the crap out of her
big relative to everyone else
Probably not but I wouldn't mind getting pinned down by her.
reminder that karen kicked araragi through a highway
>213 cm
>browsing Sup Forums
what the fuck are you doing?
Maybe some Chads have realized the wonders of 2D.
let's hope not, only wizards know the true power of 2D
I'm socially retarded.
I'd rather take a bath with tsukihi desu.
I would not win in a fight, and as punishment I would have to brush her teeth.
Why tomboys make for such likable characters?
>213 cm
jesus christ user
>He's not Sup Forumsfit/
If I get to fuck her when I win? Then yes, I could beat her in a fight.
karen is cute
Honestly, I'm not sure.
I'm a 1st dan black belt, which is a lower rank than her, but judging from I'm a full foot taller than her and probably 50lb heavier. But she's much more agile than I'll ever be, and she managed to kick through solid concrete. Don't know how much of that was Araragi's unreliable stylized narration though. It's something I'd actually want to find out.
why would i fight such a cutie
>1st dan black belt
she isnt cute fuck off
What the fuck,all of them are manlets except ara ara
fucker is 175 max if his hair and footwear aren't included.
They are teenagers.
they're asian
Theyre 16 or 18 which means theyre manlets.
Cant asians find nutrients in their rice?
>implying any faggot on Sup Forums could beat her
I never realized how tall Karen is in comparison to the rest of the cast. She's taller than all of the highschoolers. Pretty embarrassing for Arararagi
Post more Karen.
Will she pin me down and rape me if I lose?
God damn, I've always been a Hanekawa fag, but damn, Karen makes my /fit/ sense tingle.
Ignore the sample file name.
I couldn't even beat my own genderbent version.
r9k not welcome
karen is a qt
Everyone in monogatari is a qt desu.
>heels of the ground
This is some fucking disgusting shit now I'm fucking triggered as fuck.
>Johnu Cena-sama anime never
>It's time
>It's time for the you-know-what
>It's time for JOHN CENA
>Powerup sequence parodying TTGL
One man can always dream.
Probably. I'm sort of alright at martial arts and she's about 20cm shorter than me.
Except snek.
She's cuter than anyone else.
I agree, she's my waifu
I see you have patrician taste as well.
I know but it's not my fault she's so damn adorable
Being the tomboy she is, I'd let her keep her pride and pin me down.
Then i'd flip her over and kiss her as she realized she's mine
>Flip her over
No you wouldn't. She's ridiculously strong and the only reason she ever let's Araragi tease her is because she already loves him.
But can she beat the cock?
don't fool yourself no one can beat the cock.
I'd totally let her win
Can't beat that cock, man
I would sit on her. And then shitpost on Sup Forums as she struggles underneath me until she wears herself out.
Then I'd drag her exhausted body into my room to completely defeat her with cock.
Maybe if I had more hand-to-hand training, but they stopped training us in that because people kept dying in bar brawls.
Oh well
I'm pretty sure I can still flip her over, grab her breasts and she'd probably bring her hands over her chest.
That's when you flip her
>needing training to be lethal in bar brawls
>what are stools
>what are mugs
>what is a counter
That's when you go at it with the intention to kill.
If you just want to beat someone up and then out of reflex punch him in the throat, well, that's kind of shit
Post the karen squat webm
Wait Areola-Kissass-Oreo Blade-Induced-Cardiac-Arrest is only 182? I though she was supposed to be like 2 meters tall.
Makes sense. Still, it seems better to train you and then encourage people to drink responsibly. Awareness of your surroundings is also an important part of self defense.
Not that anyone will ever pay attention...
If i can grab a hold of her, then maybe. She probably won't put up anymore of a fight then a cow's calf and i've been wrestling those for a few years because farm life sucks like that
This is the only correct answer. Anyone that thinks they can beat her anyway is delusional.
already been posted
But can you run 42.5km on a whim?