I need to trim down a 750GB anime folder in an old drive. What do I delete, Sup Forums?
I need to trim down a 750GB anime folder in an old drive. What do I delete, Sup Forums?
Keep every other odd item
Just delete it all and start over. Most boring taste I've ever seen.
Delete your desire to not buy a new hard drive.
Delete everything you're never going to watch again.
It's not that hard, big boy.
>only 750GB
>Most Gundam
Otherwise, just delete what you want. You can download anything you feel like watching again or move it to your new drive.
Everything because keeping anime you already watched is retarded like yourself
go buy more hard drive
Can i ask why??
Delete all the mecha. It won't fix your shit taste, but it will be a start.
People who never rewatch things.
People who never reread things.
I just don't understand.
Also it's our duty to archive this shit for when it's hard to find.
Don't say that never happens. All of the Turning Girls torrents seem to be dead. I'm going to have to IRC it or find it on DC++.
Whatever you liked the least and/or have no desire to rewatch. If you haven't seen it yet that's a good part of why you got it in the first place, thus you need to see it to know if it's a keeper.
Really the obvious answer is to just get a new drive though; memory is cheap and plentiful.
Check the shows which you like and the rest delete. Or buy a new HDD, 1TB ones are surprisingly cheap now.
Yeah. Get yourself a REAL hard drive. External. 4 of them. You need back ups.
>external drives
Fucking disgusting.
>as cheaps as internals
>far easier to transport between computers
I'm not seeing any problems.
>1TB ones are surprisingly cheap now.
That's because 1TB is tiny. Last time I check 3TB was the sweet spot for price.
NAS is the way to go, preferably on a different breaker, in a different building, far from your home. You know, in case of fire or battles to the death.
>far easier to transport between computers
Not only do you fail at green text but you also fail at home networking.
You shouldn't be cutting you should be bulking.
>home networking
top lol
Eva is really the only thing worth keeping and thats because the movies aren't done yet.
Just go to the youtube page thats where they originally were from anyways.
Not him but the portability really is a bonus. Might be better to say they're easier to transport from place to place in general. Including outside of your networked house. Doesn't require any sort of wireless connection.
I only have a laptop so it's not like I have a choice between internal and external, but really if you're just going to store anime on it there's essentially no difference between an internal and an external, is there? Aesthetics?
Wireless is for pleebs.
Your home network should also be on the Internet.
Surprise! You can move data across the Internet.
I'm not saying there isn't a use for external drives, but I don't see why most people would need them.
Delete everything and just leave Bakemonogatari series, Baccano, Code Geass, Evangelion, Katanagatari, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Gundam series, Psycho-Pass and Spice and Wolf.
Thank me later.
Wireless connection includes Internet connection in this case, too.
Personally I need one because I don't own a computer that can be expanded with any sort of internal drive. Externals and internals are around the same price, though, and read/write speed doesn't affect your cartoon watching experience in the slightest, so I'm not really seeing a fundamental difference here.
Network Attached Storage
>conserving hard disk space in the year 2016
I need external drives for when I depoly to shity places with no internet.
>All of UC except ZZ and CCA.
Internet connection as in, good luck watching any of your dozens of cartoons if you ever leave your house.
Granted where I'm posting I should assume that's generally pretty rare, though. Again, main benefit of external is it's tiny as fuck and you can physically move it anywhere.
Stream your shit over SSH.
This guy has a real reason for his external drives: Most people do not.
Why the fuck would I stream it when I could just plug my external drive in and play it from there?
I'm not seeing how what you're offering is more convenient or less limiting in any way. You couldn't do that without a wireless connection either, and it would work like shit if I did it from anywhere outside the house.
You don't need to fill out a form listing reasons to buy an external hard drive, you just fork over the 90 bucks and it gets sent to you in the mail.
Where are you watching anime?
In my house.
Delete the shit that is easy to download and keep what is hard to find.