We need to spread this everywhere. Tell your family, friends, even normies. They can't keep getting away with killing us for money. Here's a link to the archive if you don't think the image is real.
We need to spread this everywhere. Tell your family, friends, even normies...
Other urls found in this thread:
So, time to buy stock in those companies then to get some of that dosh
I think the image is real, but the message is bullshit. October 1st does not come after September 11th, so this person just got lucky with a prediction.
Maybe read through the posts again slowly this time
that's a pretty big fucking coincidence
What is their stock abbreviation on the exchange? I wanna invest.
Mediocre prediction, pretty good prophecy
>pretty big coincidence
>off by two weeks
O gee golly guise stay out of the USA tomorrow some of you are okie dokie didly pokie and when i say tomorrow i realyy mean between now and the next two years so i can summon kek and claim to be a prophet and rub your almonds together for full activation mode!!!!
Second this. I wanna capitilize on usa going down the drain
If the only thing you shills have to point to to discredit a very big fucking coincidence is muh next day bs, fuck off.
>They can't keep getting away with killing us for money
Hold my Manischewitz
It's just too perfect.
user mentions how it will involve a team of people (black vanS) in Las Vegas and the end goal will be increasing security at casinos, then spreading those measures into other public areas. The scenario that played out ("""officially""") had a single crazy gunman bring a heavy weapon INTO THE CASINO and fire down at crowds, who could not have defended themselves with personal firearms due to the nature of the attack. It's literally a perfect fit for advancing the plan user describes.
Unless some TLA went and hacked the damn archive site to create this prophecy after the fact, we might be looking at a legitimate leak. Which means we have a general idea what the next step will be...
Lo and behold:
Only days ago too.
>guy fishing for 9/11 (You)s
>happens to pick the right state for shit that happens a month later
well this was posted september 10th and the shooting was on october 1st so...
Holy shit... Anyone want to start looking through footage for 3 black vans?
How did you find this?
you think Sup Forums is just for the goofs???????????
Well he got
Nevada right
Casino right
And gives us the next step which we can see if adelson does it
It is so weird. Also Chertoff and Adelson are bad news. Chertoff was the head of DHS and an architect of the PATRIOT Act.
You mean that corporate fat-cat that gave a buncha money to Trump's campaign? I wouldn't be surprised in the least.
This will not red pill anyone.
Also, it’s probably misdirection. This attack is about exploiting political division, not about selling body scanners.
Save your reputation, do not share this stuff outside conspiracy forums.
>t. meme flag and homosexual degenerate
A broken clock is right twice a day
Thanks firbthe stock tip bro.
what hte hell is that
cia/fbi/something else fatherly advise
always be wary of it on Sup Forums
Not posting an image of Sup Forums/4plebs on any social media for more boomers and old people to come here and call Natsoc socialism when its not, sorry
/biz/ BUY BUY BUY fuck your memecoins
osi systems that's OSIS on the nasdaq
chertoff group, I repeat BUY BUY BUY
So...the attack was planned as a way to further the political divide and continue with the US Spring or the Pink Revolution or whatever the hell Soros is calling it?
Why would we then literally play into their plan by worrying about the political angle, when we're finding out this was done so sloppily we can accumulate real evidence that it was staged in the first place?
le larp thread XD
best post in the fucking thread
>prediction off by three weeks, "i can't guarantee"
>mentions Las Vegas
>mentions "large crowds" as a potential target
You have to admit that this raises eye-brows at least.
get this to [email protected] immediately
Time to invest into their stocks
fuck off darinthis is yuge.
"Theft of 3 vans prompts Italy anti-terrorism"
alert news.xinhuanet.com/english/2017-09/11/c_136601364.htm
Link not related as completely different continent but would be nutty if 3 black vans show up in the LV videos
>inb4 that was in italy
So Alex can mix in alien third dimension shit to mindfuck people to think that the core idea theory is bullshit cause once have an anchor to total bullshit you can't think clear about the core? Fuck off
shareblue is back to red dit faggot.
Air force academy or something like that, there were reports of of gun shots and stuff got crazy, apparently it was nothing
Wonder if John works for a rival detector firm
Anybody remember what FBI user said about the Orlando shooting?
Here is the video for reference:
Ok, totally not a shill guy.
Fuck off shill nigger.
yeah, fuck yeah
american business motherfuckers
Dates change, most of the time in operations like this nothing is set in stone till the day it's happening
I don't understand, why black vans? Isn't taht really fucking suspicious.