Left-Right Discussion & Debate

This thread is for sincere discussion between left-leaning and right-leaning Sup Forums posters. Ask questions, share views, find common ground.

Don't reply to spammers and trolls.

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there's nothing to discuss.
leftist ideologies want over-compensating amounts of structure.
>"apply a 'liberal' amount of governance to the problem."

they can't grasp the very simple concept that society is completely fucking irrelevant to actual reality.

we are not civilized creatures.
we are just patient ones.

But isn't that a self-fulfilling prophecy? How can we ever hope to be civilized if we just think we inherently aren't? It's a slow, gradual road to true civilization.

communists invite STRANGERS to their house
patriots keep it TIGHT

Would you prefer a tranny faggot son saying refugees welcome on your properties, inviting black criminals, trannies, pozz faggots, muslims and all abominations or a straight kid, who run things thinking on the loyalty and protection of the family? Fuck your welcoming, freaks.

Good thread, bad timing. Right now there's a big "yay or nay" debate on whether gun control is necessary, so everybody is at each other's throats. Try again in a few days, when the blood has cooled and the streets are scrubbed clean.

>kids on left side
more like dead fetuses

More likely sex trafficers, user.

Thanks, I will.

Anyone got an edit w/ the left side being killed and raped in a razed field?

I'd be a hell of a lot more sympathetic to Lefty's if they weren't trying to erode the relationship between the sexes and turn my future son's/daughters into faggots/whores...

Why do Lefty's hate the family? Whatever happens to bluecollar, family friendly Commies?

This is a buzzfeed thread now

How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions.

1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society).
2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power).
3)It determines what is held sacred in that society.

For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions.

1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII.

2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on.

3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust.

The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative.

Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction.

Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story.

Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity.

Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.

Im actually just a centrist that leans opposite way of whover is the problem at any time, right now leftists are trying to destroy the world, so im on the right side, eventually the right wing will go bananas again and i will flip over once again, om the balancing weight in the middel that keeps the world from falling to either side

>I'd be a hell of a lot more sympathetic to Lefty's if they weren't trying to erode the relationship between the sexes and turn my future son's/daughters into faggots/whores...
Where do you see them trying to do this? Trying to pass laws allowing homosexuals to have equal rights is very different from trying to ask or force others to be homosexual.

The weakness of humanity can be lessened by structure. Most people are too dumb to be in control of most of their decisions. By establishing strong social contracts in the form of laws and regulation individual weakness is lessened. Right leaning conservatives take far too much credit for their own lives. None of which would have been possible without millenia of society.

>lefties welcoming
Is that why they shun conservatives and live in white neighborhoods?
Is being welcoming necessarily a good thing?

The reality of that picture would be foreign hordes tossing the welcoming people off the cliff and stealing everything they had.


We will be a stro1nher civilization. With so much meta data being collected, predictive algorithms will be able to negate some of himanities less desirable traits.

Because men is egoist and envious, when the society isnt built to project violence in the outside it uses that violence against itself

You mean like the foreign hordes that came to America, stole the land and property of the natives, and massacred them?

I believe i would prefer a liberal child as opposed to an oppressed and possibly closeted homosexual. Plenty of kids kill themselves because of overbearing parental pressure.


>inb4 I'd rather have a dead kid than a gay one



thats something everyone can agree on

This is an interesting theory but I don't really buy this. Much of the cultural themes and archetypes you see in the US existed before WWII.

I think WWII played a big role in contributing to America's sense of being a defender of democracy and guardian of the world, but the others are a bit tenuous. For example, America was very nationalistic before and after WWII.

If anything, the simple and obvious answer would seem to be the Revolutionary War.

>1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society).
Democracy / freedom from tyranny by standing up to it.
>2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power).
Democracy and freedom are good, totalitarianism and control are evil.
>3)It determines what is held sacred in that society.
Liberty, individualism, individual rights

yes. the indians should have probably built some kind of barrier or something

When government institution plasture the rainbow flag all over their tax payer funded buildings, when parades of dildo wearing, naked cokeheads run through the streets, exposing themselves to any child unfortunate enough to have brainwashed parents, when it's taught in schools that sex and gender are separate concepts, or that there's no such thing as hetrosexuality, just spectrums...

Don't sit their and lie to my face their isn't a fag agenda happening at the top of our 5th columns of power(universites/Hollywood).

Yeah. I'm pretty left-leaning but I found it gross how many liberals either refused to acknowledge antifa violence (in Charleston or other places) or said it was justified because the other side had an ideology they find bad.

Any condoning of violence on either side is abhorrent and destroys the foundation of our society.

So might makes right? If Muslims come here and take over America, and succeed, then they're justified because they were strong and we were weaker?

It's funny because they think they're clever for depicting the sun on the liberal side, but they're really just catching the last rays of the setting sun. When the night creatures emerge from the middle crevice, the left will be slaughtered; only the right will survive to witness the coming of the next dawn.

Why is earth flat?

The vocal parts of both sides are immense faggots. Everyone here who picks up an ideological flag and then spends their time replying to in paragraphs to shitposts included above all else.

Don't you think this constant war philosophy is holding us back, though? Why does everything have to be a struggle between groups?

Tolerance and acceptance is what allowed the US to survive as long as it did. We could've banned, deported, or killed Catholics, the Irish, Italians, Chinese back when the Sup Forums of the 18th and 19th centuries warned they were going to destroy our country, but we didn't. The original migrants were puritans but they were able to live side-by-side with other religious groups and accepted a secular government.

That's the best thing I've read on pol in forever

Not easy bro, we need to dismantle the EU and other institutions like UN, it's doable tough since Mussolini, Hitler, Hiroito and many others also managed to bleed the former dry, until then we cant go back to our national myths since they are the fisical incarnation of the post war order

At what point does the suicide bomber explode on the welcome side?

>This thread is for sincere discussion
>Already poisoning the well with that picture

Also I don't think you will find many leftists here