White people should pay reparations to us Africans, for one they stole most of our cultural history. There WERE black Romans black Egyptians and black Germans. I'm not saying they were civilization but there were blacks within those civilizations. How did whites do this? By stealing our chins, Chins are the thing that makes a Chad a Chad and by taking the Chin DNA out of every black and putting it into every white they essentially made themselves the Chads of the world. Whites stole black peoples chins and should pay monetary reperations for doing so
Whites Should Pay Reparations to Africans
You and the entirety of Africa can eat shit and die.
The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for yourself, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life? How can you make a real difference in society, when the greatest extent of your capacity is to be out-organized by jews on social media?
Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That's very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.
MY FUCKING SIDES! This is hilariously stupid. Worst bait ever.
black people should pay reparations to black people for killing each other all the time.
how much are we talking about? let's get a number on the table. gimme some math?
Yet you replied
IDK, i failed math man lol
Blacks are new Neanderthal, erase black race begins evolution.
haha haha, your face is black :D
yeah... niggers doing math... Good luck with that
>gibs me dat
>How much?
>Uhhh I dunno man, a lot! I didn'ts pass my maff class in 4th grade
Can't. Kikes took it all.
Just go back to africa, you useless nigger. Everything you have you owe to whites.
> Ouga bouga
Come on m8 he said we stole the black mans chin! kek! Im still fucking chuckling about this. This was worthy of a fucking reply even if it is really bad bait.
just whites in general huh?
So does that mean you can go to UK and pick some cornish dude since he is white and make him pay?
Even though his people's history is argurably just as bad or worse and 100 percent of his ancesters never owned slaves?
Can you do the same to some irish guy or an icelandic dude because their white?
In order to be fair like you say it would have to be descendants of the slave owners, and i cant remember the numbers but its pretty small, small enough to where it wouldn't work
So the actions weren't wrong, its just their payment is overdue? All this time I thought they were upset their ancestors were enslaved and abused, turns out they were cool with it so long as they got paid for it.
That picture makes me mad since even in Egypt they already stole the CHINS
Free tickets back to africa for every single one of you.
>we owe it to them, guys
>Be aware.
>If there's anybody saying something against White People.
>There's a HABAS implant behind it.
>bad bait he said
>got two replies, i got
Pick one
Cornish did own slaves
Africa should pay America for giving them shitty slaves that have now drained more than they have contributed. When the Africans garunteed they were give their best for top dollar.
blacks should be thankful that we haven't exterminated them yet.
Africa should refund the cost of their defective merchandise.
>black Germans
No, actually, go kill yourself, that way you can actually make yourself useful for once.
Quit looking for gibs from dead people. We don’t owe blacks shit. Now kindly get an education
Africans should pay reparations to Americans for ruining their Country.
>culture is something you can steal. Like, put in a bag and carry off, and suddenly you dont have culture anymore.
Truly, the negroid menace has figured out another magical concept
Niggers should pay back all the free aid they've been given.
>Whites stole black peoples chins and should pay monetary reperations for doing so
If its semi modern times i wont take it since by then their land and they themselves are britanized
but still do you have sauce for that?
also going by that law can we known slave owning blacks pay reps too?
HAHAHAHA you're funny
I'd be fine with this if it meant you all had to leave.
>what is copyright
Cornish owned slaves when their ancestors were Romans. Romans did own slaves.
Hear hear
>literally every single race on earth engaged in slavery in the 19th century
>only the white race is willing to start a war, killing 600,000 of their own, to end the enslavement of other people
>blacks and Arabs still routinely enslave whites and each other at this point
>this makes whites the bad guys
Explain this
Letting you fuck marry and mix with our women without killing you niggers for it like our ancestors would have is literally more than reperations.
We don't want baboon nigger women, but you seem to love our women. It's a completely shit deal for whites. Enjoy the current luxuries you niggers have before we start taking those away
Ahh I see, but what im getting at is you cant claim something like this, their are so many different white cultures you cant say all the people are accountable for british/french/spanish bullshit
Africans should go back to africa, America is not your home or nation and it never will be
>Cornwall is responsible for the sins of the Romans
BASED Dave Chappelle
Could you first repay my Jewish friends for the passage and food you wasted when his ancestors ships brought you over?
My ancestors owned no slaves. Only thing I owe black people is the descendants of Blind Tom for one evening's entertainment. So like $5. Which I already contributed MANY TIMES over when I gave at the office with my payroll taxes.
Wouldn't it make more sense to ask for gibs from the African peoples who enslaved their ancestors?
Thanks /sig/
Came here to browse while I eat my cup-o-soup before I go back to wanking on facebook pictures of the woman I love who is engaged to a nigger.
I think it will not understand you.
I actually would love to see this for the lulz.
Maximum lulz would be had if every African received one lump sum of money at the same time rather than the Native American system where they kill themselves slowly over time.
>KFC, Nike, Swisher Sweets, Malt Liquor, and Arizona Ice Tea stocks are soaring, while blacks are overdosing and killing themselves on fast food and alcohol in mass. Now to Tom with the weather.
Actually, Chad DNA is at home in Africa.
They already have reparations and are squandering them. There is no hope for these people.
That's a good point actually
Considering they descend from Romans
Whites should get their money back from Africa for being sold faulty good. I mean the actual state of westernised niggers today... The cost more to keep then they pay in taxes
Then how are you an allknowing kang when yiu cant sum 2+2
I no many clothing lines and raps
What does that comic say?
>Ukrainians should pay reparations to Africa
Fuck off Nigger there are no liberals here.
>Then how are you an allknowing kang when yiu cant sum 2+2
he only can't because whitey stole his ability
but yeah, it would be really interesting to know how man Chins = how many $$
black and arab people will be the eternal enemy of civilization and technilogical progression
any white man who doesnt understand this needs to read the barbary crusades/wars
they have always been like this and they will always outnumber us
I think a lot of them are doing just that
they eat dirt not shit u bigot
Three fitie