What was her problem
What was her problem
What did he mean by this?
Being lesbian.
Timeline 1: Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Avoidant Personality Disorder, Depression
Present Timeline: PTSD, Depression, signs of Borderline Personality Disorder
no one knows what happened to homura before meeting madoka but she definitely had personality problems before all of that
My guess is that she was always a sensitive child, and started her climb to mental illness at around seven. Moemura hadn't been normal for a long time.
She's an orphan who was passed between hospitals and state homes like a beachball and has a lot of health problems. Thus she has major abandonment issues and lack of self-worth.
That's all speculah of course, but it's obvious she was damaged goods long before meeting Madoka.
She tried to get back to the past, but you can't go back.
What was the significance of that?
They were her problems.
she needs a hug
I know they were her math problems, but did they relate to the plot at all? (Not a math whiz here.)
And adding Kyubey to that is like adding napalm to a brush fire.
Madoka and her dumbfuck friends. If the series didn't seem to take a turn for the implied yuri route and her wish didn't bond her existence to Madoka's, she would have probably been better off.
The show was all a depressed chuuni's morbid fantasies
you mean like that scene in particular or in general?
So Homura tried to commit suicide at the beginning of the series and everything leading up to Rebellion is a dream she's having while in a coma. Makes sense.
Being an autistic piece of shit that did everything wrong
Madoka was her imaginary friend, representing what little hope there was in her mind.
Eventually she felt she would betray her imaginary friend, and they would become enemies.
how rude. you should apologize to her
No. I was just being cheeky because of OP's wording.
She's a fucking beta, a cute one.
>From Kirara Magica
How do KyoSayafags defend stuff like this?
Nah screw that bitch
She didn't have a cute boy taking care of her
Like you?
>tfw can't solve the first one
even anime girls are smarter than me
You can solve this using high school math with standard algebraic manipulation and being clever with final summation
Multiply the top and bottom by the conjugate of the denominator and clean things up until you get (1/2)*[(2x+1)^(3/2)-(2x-1)^(3/2)] for the function
Recognize summing the terms cancels each other out except for the terms (121)^(3/2) and -(1)^(3/2) to get the final answer (1/2)[(121)^(3/2)-1)]=665
A fuckton of PTSD.
Her problem was she did nothing wrong.
I'd say she retains avoidant tendencies in the present.
Pretty cool, user. Engineering student and I probably wouldn't have made the connection if I didn't write out the first 3 terms.