Mfw no Chaika thread

>mfw no Chaika thread

Has Sup Forums forgotten best girl already?

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So whats the meme show of this season?

New Game! probably

Freddy in a Chaika thread!

Watched recently. She is the average moeblob that talk like a retard (she should be foreigner at least). Nice design, and the sniper rifle add 2 charisma points. But that's all.

Just finished season 1. A lot like Scrapped Princess which is one of my favs.
Why is White Chaika the best?

She is not, black and blue are better.

>black and blue are better
>liking mentally deformed sluts
Such degeneracy cannot be allowed, kill yourself faggot


They're both by the same author and same studio




Red>White>The rest>halfy




Is this official art?

it's lewd art of underaged animal girls showing their butts.

of course it's official




Berserk, unfortunately.


>bag of shit


Shocking truth!


In love. Toru with Chaika. But from different dimension. Unknown destiny!

And Chaika confessed that it has not been awarded by the deus ex machina in the boy's phone number. Please do not mind the strange area code, she immediately call him, he is overjoyed to find that you have a you too crazy girlfriend.

When Chaika talked about the day of confession to the boy before, the next day, he is to her, it looks into how you embarrassed each only. After some investigation, the boy she called, she know that she is not the same as the boy fell in love. In fact, he does not fully exist in this universe. Recognition of his conflict, it has had to enable her collision fell in love, of another world, calm self of her AU without him. SHOCKING TRUTH!

They are to be equipped with each other in the arms, it creates the need to conquer their darkest heart of alter ego, has continued to Hijinks to beat the contract that gives the most private secrets to each other. Two, while chasing each human love, they instead, fell in love with each other, began to question the love of the NATURE of KANSHA, then drama followed.

Time has passed but I still can hear her voice in my head. My heart goes doki doki

Fuck off

Stop posting that because it's already a thing.

Stop posting Keit-ai because it's already an anime.




To be fair it's been a long time since Chaika graduated to front page of my heart user. She might be getting tired but she's come a long way

Absolute fucking cancer.

You're already on the front page.


>best girl

Chaika is great, but Akari is superior.

Akari get off the computer and stop trying to write your fan fiction.

Remind me again user, was Tooru shirtless ever?

Why is chaika drive?

So what was with this ending?
Which memories did she lose?
How did they take care of her and why is Bohdan living with them?

Does the Light Novels say more about all of this?