Post yfw you realize you're witnessing the gears of History is turning drastically in your life time

Post yfw you realize you're witnessing the gears of History is turning drastically in your life time.

Starting with America as the first example.


Stop posting cartoons and do your homework, kid

Race war when?


dems using a tragedy to preemptively ban future tech, absolutely disgusting

probably in 30 years or so.

>tfw you find out that Trump is a progressive. The closest thing to a classical liberal in decades.


is LotGH any good? i watched the first episode but it didnt really draw me in. 100+ episodes is a big time commitment for something thats only mediocre.

When you're done with all 110 episodes you'll wish it was longer.

it's a slow burn that will give you a lot to think about. In the first episode alone probably less than 20% of recurring characters appear

not really any cheap thrills or gimmicks

like any big series, it'll take a few episodes before you get your head wrapped around things

but if you commit, you're in for something special. I laughed, I cried, I cried some more, and never thought about democracy and monarchy the same way again.

depend, if you dont like it than I suggest no, or start the novel but keep in mind that both medium are written and directed in a documentary form of narration. It feel incredibly slow for some, but enjoyable to other /his/ fags. If you can't get past ep 10 then I'll say you should drop it

No, you can say that about any human being living in any timeline. Gears are always turning no matter when you live.


alright. im not much of an anime guy but ill give it a chance. thanks and checked.

LoGH is an animated novel. It's hardly anime.


> zu jeder Ort

couldn't afford a spellchecker, huh?

an, not zu

still wrong

yeah but it's pretty close
that's an n by the way not an r
m would have been correct

Nov. 4th / Nov. 21st, Antifa will spark it


Anywhere to watch it legally or am I sailing the seas

watch the movie instead, it's better animated, in more detail and is easier to watch. it spans the first two episodes of the series. better yet start with the first movie (My Conquest Is the Sea of Stars)

you'll be a sailin'. It aired as an OVA from the 80s to the late 90s. It's not like it's been localized but as it's one of Sup Forums's consistently highly rated shows itll be easy to come by.

i got you justin


looks like it's all on youtube so that was easy