What is the worst character design of the season and why is it orange?

what is the worst character design of the season and why is it orange?

What's wrong with it?

What isn't wrong with it?

From someone who is seeing this character for the first time, I can see why one would have issues with her. This eyebrows and skeleton nose. However she has a joyful face and sexy lips. 6/10



I like the style. she looks the best


>babby's first shoujo
what more stuff

>worst character design
But that's wrong, you fucking retard.

I'm glad they are conditioning the audience now to expect more lines than none at all on the character's faces. It'll make Okiura-tier character acting not look out of place.

looks like the SHEEEEEIIITTTT meme in an anime

>It'll make Okiura-tier character acting not look out of place.

Are they suppose to be black?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure this takes place in like Detroit or something.

>Shit show with shit character design

Its like poetry

I think Cheer Danshi is worse.

Shitty shoop, pls no bully.

Those teeth trigger the fuck outta me

Is she the MC? She's a qt3.1415.

looks like shit and toilet paper

berserk is worse, at least orange is 2D

Agreed, although i did turn this off about 3 seconds in after i realised i couldnt watch the rest of the season with all the characters looking like fucking ghouls

I unironically like the smiles in this series. Sure, some may say they look ugly, I just think they are different. And they make me smile too.

Have you smiled today, Sup Forums?

So is this the NTR show of the season?

That's not how you spell 'best'.

There isn't any. It's a lie. Literally just a vanilla romance/drama series.

She looks like a dumb slut. The type that gets tricked int doing JAV.

Of course there is And it's even time travel NTR.

>And it's even time travel NTR.
which means that it's not NTR.

Learn what that word means then hang yourself.

I actually really like these designs.

You just can't think in 4 dimensions.

Rewrite's are a an abomination.

Are all shoujo anime animated by the same studio or something? They all look so similar.

Fish lips.

I'd really like it if you stopped posting.

Save them, they're all yours my friend!

Manga looks better

Everyone looks shit in the anime

Why did you post a good design?

I think so

They have eyelids, lips and noses.

subpar series but best girl
megane best boy

>have kid with guy
>send message to your past self to go with other guy
>mangafags claim it's not NTR

Depends on what you mean by different. Is it bad because it's a different style or is it bad because it looks so bland? Either way, it's not the worst I've seen so far. Better than having giant bug eyes at least.

Your picture is a thousand times better.

Love Live Sunshine. You won't find a lower effort character design even among idolshit.

Maybe 10 years ago but it's 2016.

The problem with orange character design is that they stepping into the uncanny valley. An unsettling creepy faces.

There is nothing wrong with the designs. Reminds me of Virgins' Empire. I couldn't stand the shitty animation though.