The white race is over.
The white race is over
The only attack by a "white supremacist" I've ever heard of since the KKK days was dylan roof, and that was just a random racist kid
I'm having pretty hard time believing this is even close to true.
shit man soon they are going to come after us. wed better be stocking up on guns and ammo.
>using stats collected after 9/11 or not considering 9/11 a domestic terror attack
>also las vegas shooter what a white supremacist?
stop labbeling you fucking dumb millenials.
stop being virgins and get a real jobdont forget your tin foil hats when you go out, there is too much sun outside.
Shit son, we're just getting warmed up.
Just wait until the havoc really begins.
If you're non-white and have any means whatsoever of getting out of the USA, you should take that opportunity now.
These crackers are crazy and fixing to kill everyone. Leave while you can.
of course they'd say that. the government funds and arms ISIS, so they want to claim ISIS is not as bad as something they don't control
Lol, the FBI is now counting their false flag "white supremacist" attacks.
First Obama creates isis and now they are "white supremacist".
Ohhhh noes so much danger !!!! Everywhere!!!!! (((The power of nightmares)))
Does anyone actually believe this shit?
Why has the media conveniently ignored this?
Its not. It ignores 9/11, all ISIS 'inspired' attacks (Pulse, San Bernadino), and labels things like the Ft. Hood shooter and Navy dock shooter as disgruntled employees. Then the only qualification for being a 'white supremacist' is being white when you killed someone.
>White supremacist
>Shooting up a country festival
fake fucking news.
You do know that the liberalism is an attempt to make wars never be fought with violence.
read this brother
scientists have and always will be the most dangerous people who have ever lived.
Exactly, this narrative will backfire hard.
Same thing being spread in UK (WRAP training)
Time to pick side, FBI.
Let it sink in.
Imagine no religion...
So do you think FBI hangs out at ISIS forums to get intel?
What makes you think they don't hang out here? This place used to have at least a tinge of self-irony. Now it's not even fun to agrue with some IQ 90 neo nazi retard.
The FBI just hangs out on stormfront and counts every kill all niggers post as white supremists planing a terrorist attack.
>independent data
>mean 35 people have been killed in Baltimore
Stop thinking you're not a terrorist just because you haven't used a machine gun to kill 59 people...yet. Your words and out-dated bigoted world-view commits emotional terrorism on every single LGBTQP person. You hurt millions of people. I hope they put you in jail along with ISIS.