You amerifags demonize this guy and make propaganda about him and his country 24/7 yet your media never shows how...

You amerifags demonize this guy and make propaganda about him and his country 24/7 yet your media never shows how fucked up and deranged you are when your fellow people massacre each other but North Koreans are bad guys hur durr cnn fox told me so

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Ah yes, the old "Well you did something bad so maybe Hitler wasn't such a bad guy" argument

What he has done to you personally why don't mind your own fucking business and fix the shit in your country before lecturing others how they should live trumptard

>implying anybody with that haircut isn't a fucking psychopath

just like anybody that wears white sneakers is a fucking psychopath.

>guarantee you "show stopper" was wearing white sneakers while he unloaded his m249 saw into that crowd

Probably because North Koreans don't have a say on how - they - live, because it's a dictatorship.

Stop playing stupid. And no, "bad things happen in X, so you can't complain about Y" is in fact NOT an argument. Now go back to being insignificant.

Koreans never have wanted to be messed with. We shouldn't be there and wouldn't be if The joo didn't want it so badly.

>america ship (commodore perry) threatens japan
>Japan immediately surrenders

>american ship threatens korea
>gets BTFO by turtle ships


Yeah just like the 60 people who lost their lives and hundreds more injured they didn't have a say or how some deranged fuck tard opened fire on them in a bible thumping land of the free right trumptard

America is crying for a strong hand to end its misery.
Endless mass-murder SUICIDES by Warmbier tier subhumans.
You have no path back to clean prosperous ethnostate.
Death is the final release from the cycle of misery.

We are completely deranged compared to most of Asia.

Man I know you're just trolling but what part of not letting anyone leave the country do you not fucking understand?

If you dont like guns or whatever in America you can leave. Sure you may be poor but if America is that fucked up you can literally walk to Canada or Mexico. In North Korea you can't leave. There's zero information besides Pyongyang which is literally like the Capitol from The Hunger Games but retards see regular smiling people in Pyongyang and think that's proof North Korea is OK.

People are 5ft tall bc that fat retard has to divert all its meager resources to building weapons for a war that could never win and its not much of a deterrent now is it since the Trump admin is getting more and more aggressive.

And please don't give me the "its because of US sanctions their starving" crap. They had plenty of food before the 90's. Sanctions only happened because of their nuke tests and terrorism.

Honestly if North Korea shows anything its that tyrannical regimes are rewarded for keeping all the bad stuff that happens in their country covered up. Say what you want about America but all the bad things that happen (even CIA stuff) is pretty openly known. People get more upset about some stupid dog or cat being killed in some Chinese market then 20 million people living in LARP of 1984. I'm honestly so sick of humanity. You only react to things that emotionally impact you, something like North Koreans are too abstract for you.

Here's your (you)

The Norks launched a missile over Japan, America's ally, WW1 was started over less you braindead nigger.

But then again, from what I can tell, NK is still communist af.

I would rather have 50 out of 350 million die than have the whole country starved to death.

Read some of the accounts of people who have escaped the labor camps.

That's why people hate him because he actually is as close as you get to Hitler these days you mongoloid.

>Be North Korean
>Don't get shot
>Live like gods in secret utopia

Ackshully, slanders and ADJECTIVES are non arguments warkike

North Korea is a terrible place. Kim Jong Un deserves to die.

If we try to kill him, he will kill millions.

we care more about diminishing the brutality of his regime more than we care about killing him.

the recent sabre-rattling is negotiation tactics. once the two sides have felt each other out, there will be a deal to leave Kim Jong Un alive, but make life less terrible for his captive population. it will not be ideal, but it will be less bad.

I did. I remember this one guy who was like
>they kill you if you try to escape
>i tried to escape three times before I finally got away.

And then I found out that all of the escapees that publish books like that have been so thoroughly debriefed by the sorkies that the FBI doesn't even trust them.

sad this is the only korea thread right now.

Sup Forums is so blue pilled on Norkia Its nuts.

All the media does is talk about how fucked up we are. Is this not the case in some corner of the world?

>get executed behind a mass grave mound
>be just another speck of human mortar for not singing in the right note for Dear Reader
>they turn the mounds into a playground

>TFW some niggeridden tiny island dweller thinks his pinon is veiled
I'm not even going to read what you posted