Let the families grieve Hillary. Damn.
What a cunt
FACT: gun control works
FACT: only rural and suburban retards don't believe this
FACT: city people voted for Hillary
FACT: city people have ultra high IQ
Can we stop having threads about nobodies from twitter?
It's well accepted at this point that Hillary has no emotions and is pretty much a robot at this point using the emotions of others to fit the (((plan))) together.
Hillary Clinton was too smart to win.
Braindead Bernie has crazy supporters who shoot up places
The shooter wearing a vagina hat?
>and that's why murder rates in europe are still the same but violent crime is 5 times that of the states
>FACT: gun control works
That explains all the gun violence in "gun free" zones
>we must put politics aside
>stand up to the NRA
Do you think she knows that she is contradicting herself?
Gun murder is an almost exclusively Democrat phenomenon. When can we outlaw the Democrat party and get them into the ovens already?
>FACT: city people have ultra high IQ
Mostly poor blacks and Hispanics living in heavily polluted areas
Yep, all of them niggers and spics are ultra high IQ. Funny thing, if you actually checked out average IQs, they are lowest in the areas with lots of niggers and spics, and highest in the areas where there are very few niggers and spics.
She needs to rub her fat hands over any and everything
>FACT: gun control works
This is satire, right? You do realize the concert area is a GUN FREE ZONE!!! Right?
>FACT: city people have ultra high IQ
Look at any metric you care to-- SAT, High School Tests, and you will see that the DUMBEST and POOREST are in the cities, and in large numbers.
That is the excuse now? No longer Russia's fault?
source(s) needed
She is attacking guns, because more gun control helps the glorious people's revolution
gotta grab the guns while the wounds are still fresh
Strange how different the reaction would be if the perpetrator had been non-white.
Would there be calls to stop immigration?
Their tactic is creating an environment where their opinions are presented as basic standards and not opinions.
>lets all put politics aside.
>lets all fight this shadow political organization in favor of my political views
Is this some 24D chess or psyop that Iam too dumb to understand or is she genuinely that much of a crack addict.
I hope her death is slow and painful.
>put politics aside
>Proceeds to say "stand up to the NRA"
So gun laws aren't politics?
>we must put politics aside and work together to support my politics
this is why you lost you imbecile
>put politics aside
>stand up to NRA
Fuck this cunt, when will brain cancer strike her?
Why does she talk about the NRA like its some outside alien entity as if millions of Americans wouldn't opposed gun control if not for the NRA? Pretty sure in this case the NRA is codeword for all conservatives.
NRA is a bunch of white trash assholes. I hope they ban everything except bb guns.
If the people so violently shot down in Paris had guns, at least they would have had a fighting chance.— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 7, 2015
Seriously, anyone who uses something like this for a political agenda has no place in the Whitehouse.
Guns or Sharia
Dancing on mass graves for political points while not holding office. Thinks she's hot shit, does she?
From what I can tell, Paddock's shooting arsenal were not his own legally-owned guns. This debate should not be about gun control.
>put politics aside
>stand up to the NRA
I see what you did there hilldawg
>My grief isn't enough. We can and must impeach drumpf, and work together to get me in the white house again.
In Canada when nigger muzzies attack Trudeau blames white supremacy. Each attack by immigrant human garbage just makes this cuck want to import more.
This painfully rational, beautifully right, SMART fucking woman could be our President right now. Hell, she probably is, if votes weren't physically changed to elect the soulless Shitgibbon.
Trump voters are pure fucking evil thieves.
I want you to take a look at what you robbed us of, and admit that our country would be better in every conceivable way if you hadn't lied, screamed your head off, and spread fake news like a virus.
Go a fucking head.
I'll wait.
"Don't make this political"
"Destroy the nra!"
Really made me think
I said take guns, freedom group how much money do i get for this when people go spend billions again. ..
>pol makes jokes about happenings literally as they happen
>Clinton says "shits fucked, yo"
>pol: "Too soon!"
And fuck you for making me defend Hillary, you fuck.
Is that a machine gun? Sounds like it.
How the fuck are you cock-holsters gonna complain about someone politicizing a tragedy when you dumbshits were trying to blame the left while bodies were still laying in a field.
Eat a bullet.
Renember when liberals constantly whine about the bodies barely being cold when people blame islam for terrorist attacks?
that is a loaded statement.
What other time is there to talk about gun control outside of when a mass shooting happens? Stop with the virtue signaling Sup Forums, I say this as a gun owner.
lol i live in a "gun free zone" and theres never been a mass shooting here
*Grips glock tighter*
This cunt has me shaking with rage, bravo you old wrinkled cunt.... your not even president but you can continue to try and damage our Rights
>muh feelings, mean hillary! Boo!
Typical cry baby republicans, can't handle the responsibility and consequences of gun rights but insists a document from the late 18th century should still set the standards on technology in the 21st century.
>tfw to smart too engage in banter
>Let the families grieve Hillary.
Yeah! Let the families grieve instead of making sure there will be fewer grieving families in the future!
>t. NRA shill
Why is the murder rate so high in liberal cities if gun control works?
This is always such a fucking retarded argument. Problems don't stop being problems just because people are sad, if anything the recency of an event forces everyone to actually pay attention, once people "get over it" then they'll stop caring and forget about it. Focus on the substance, don't clutch your pearls and whine about "muh grieving families". I'm not even saying she's right, just pointing out the stupidity of that kind of logic.
>Why is the murder rate so high in liberal cities if gun control works?
Liberal cities have failed to build a wall to protect them from rural and suburban immigrants.
when you can get illegal guns out of the hands of niggers first THEN you can come talk to me about taking my legal guns
You don't even live in a real country
We aren't politicans, Trump gets crucified for eating two scoops of ice cream, Hillary literally abuses the worst mass shooting in the history of the USA to push her politics not 24 hours after it happens, it's disgusting for someone of such societal importance to operate like that.
>instead of making sure there will be fewer grieving families in the future!
The exact opposite reaction you shit eating krauts have every time there's a mass rape or terror attack in your """country.""" At least try to be consistent.
This guy is advocating for more dead Americans and grieving families.
Dont believe anything this liar says.
She wants to run again.
Take that exact tweet of hers and replace "the NRA" with "the Jihadists" and then we'll talk
>Pol Pot is killing millions of people in killing fields
>Someone pipes up and criticizes communism
>bruh, let the families grieve!
-OP, probably.
third times the charm?
>Trump gets crucified for eating two scoops of ice cream
Man I'm glad I'm not a meme slave like some of you fucks.
>Take that exact tweet of hers and replace "the NRA" with "the Jihadists" and then we'll talk
Take the 2nd amendment and replace "to bear arms" with "to suck cock" and then we'll talk.
Until one of your kids has his eye put out by a bb gun.
Caliphate in one generation. Good job.
>Caliphate in one generation. Good job.
Trudeau now. Good job.
only if the snipers had silencers in Bosnia when she landed.
Show your flag leaf
I prefer the way Kevin "Big Dicker" Vickers dealt with muzzies.
Ban assault silencers
It was a fucking illegal firearm wtf
put politics aside and stand up for a political agenda?
i'm sorry but that's fucking woman logic
Merkel now and always.
>Illegal opinions
Good. I voted for here. And your tears sustain me.
stopped reading
have your obligatory (You)
>legal dog sex
>I voted for here
You lose. Better luck next time.
The corpses aren't even cold. What a virtue vulture.
How are those nail bombs and truck attacks treating you?
No way this faggot will be re-elected
>The corpses aren't even cold
Uhm, pretty sure they are.
>Put politics aside
immediately followed by
>stand up to the NRA
this dumb cunt
obligatory you
she's a sociopathic cunt, what did you expect, from Crazy Face Hillary? She literally giggled with delight when Gaddafi was assassinated
I need proof this kid is still alive so I can sleep
>Drain the swamp!
>Support the lobbies!
>put politics aside
>stand up to NRA
Bitch is batshit
post yfw antifa claims responsibility.
post yfw the media ramps up the russia thing again, covering for their side gig.
Isn't about time for your 4th prayer, Achmed?
leaf pls go
>we must put politics aside
>and push my political beliefs through
Can the same be said for Shitskins?
Don't let these kikes take your guns America. Always keep on eye on them, they wait to strike when the goy is vulnerable.
>we can and must put politics aside
>stand up to the NRA
What's wrong with these people?
Don't lecture me on bestiality, Hans.
Don't forget the acid attacks and honor killings
Stand on their fresh graves so early to push their anti gun agenda. Disgusting.
The reason people resist tackling any "issue" debate around a tragedy is precisely because it's fresh; emotions, biases, lack of complete information. all these contribute to a body politic wholly unqualified to make a rational long term decision.
Also prevents confirmation bias chucklefucks like yourself from converting blood to political capital to push for what at the end of the day is more centralised power in the imperial capital and her agents.
The irony of the hand wringing at such cold hearted logic from the right in thwarting your cynical and duplicitous wet dream of a "safer world" would be comical if it didn't also drive me further toward the conviction that morons like yourself will destroy this culture.
neck yourself forthwith