The dude was a spook.
What spooked him? Existence of aliums?
If so he was acting unofficially and with the Marxist faction, likely to justify gun laws. Giving all spooks shit for this guy isn't a great idea even if it's true. Remember, the spooks are factioned. There's a group that literally describes us as the grassroot good guys whilst the Marxist faction are literally abusive.
not really, though.
they're always an ex-operative.
guy had specific targets in the crowd. the others were collateral damag
Got some fucking proof or are you going to accept what any knob online says?
are you fucking retarded
a spook = cia/espionage/blackops
So Fosset could have been killed too?
Tinfoil disinfo activated... AGAIN. All this shit ever does is distract. Disparaging white people not working? Lets go full conspiritard and they will eat it up
>he doesn't know who Billy Hayes is
Why don't you go back to r/the_donald you retarded faggot? OP is a credible source if you've been on Sup Forums for longer than a week. Kill yourself.
They reported 10 hours ago that he was an ex-engineer for Ratheon, cock knocker.
Nice bait
Democrats are going to get labelled a terrorist organization.
I thought it meant nigger if I'm being honest.
Okay, hear me out faggots. If this is true:
perhaps he was selling secrets to Russia, and had been selling military secrets to China since the 90's. China uses real estate as a way to bank/pay/move money around, so instead of taking money directly, China was underselling real estate to him in exchange for the government secrets. My guess with the leaker crackdown that is happening, someone who is a part of his deals got caught or busted, and he knew he was about to go down. That Australian "girlfriend" of his may just be his Chinese contact - she goes to Australia, gets citizenship, then from there her Chinese background gets covered up while she makes deals for the Chinese government.
Perhaps that is why she ran - she caught wind of the Feds through Chinese spies and alerted him while she bolted, and instead of getting outed and arrested, he does this to cover it up.
>Cock knocker
I really really really like this
There are so many niggers in this woodpile it's basically a big pile of niggers with a few twigs thrown in.
why didnt we listen..
Small brain nibbas can't tell Stephen C. Paddock and Stephen G. Paddock apart.
You retards keep looking into the work history of a guy who died in 2013.
Outside the context of spying, it's also a term for niggers
>pic related
You'd love the movie "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back"
>Paddock’s father, Patrick Benjamin Paddock, was a bank robber who landed on the FBI most-wanted list in 1969. The wanted notice described the elder Paddock as “psychopathic” with suicidal tendencies. He had used firearms to rob banks and was considered armed and dangerous.
I don't always agree with BLM
but when I do
it's on this
He was a CIA Glow-in-the-dark nigger and Terry Davis ran over him with his car in 1999
Why are people talking about glow in the dark niggers/spooks?
Lockheed Martin Mind Control
According to John Norseen, the Lockheed Martin neuroengineer and pre-eminent authority on psychotronics, brain-mapping and mind control applications, “you can begin to manipulate what someone is thinking even before they know it.”…creating what Norseen has dubbed “synthetic reality.
But Norseen says he is “agnostic” on the moral ramifications, that he’s not a mad scientist – just a dedicated one. “The ethics don’t concern me,” he says, “but they should concern someone else.”
Is this what it's really about?
kill the others to make it look like a spree shooting
>please somebody stop me before i go too far!
>done in front of an obelisk and pyramid
>considered satellite channels in the occult
wew lads
>also note the Sphinx
In Greek tradition, it has the head of a human, the haunches of a lion, and sometimes the wings of a bird. It is mythicised as treacherous and merciless. Those who cannot answer its riddle suffer a fate typical in such mythological stories, as they are killed and eaten by this ravenous monster.[1] This deadly version of a sphinx appears in the myth and drama of Oedipus.[2] Unlike the Greek sphinx, which was a woman, the Egyptian sphinx is typically shown as a man (an androsphinx). In addition, the Egyptian sphinx was viewed as benevolent, but having a ferocious strength similar to the malevolent Greek version and both were thought of as guardians often flanking the entrances to temples
>the concert was called harvest
rly makes u think
>route 91
>route 911
>he helped develop passive radar detection
you mean like the shittiest map of TF2?
TF2 where does this leads us? "T"?
So the Teen Titans were involved too
what is the biggest thing of the Teen Titans?
Anime porn EXACTLY
this leads us to the conclusion that Sup Forums was actually murderer, but who was phone?
They are trying to seal away Kek from this dimension
Man, with money like that it's possible he had legit pre-86 full autos and not crank/bumpstock bullshit. Really makes you think.
This was probably the sleeper agent needed to abolish the 2nd Amendment in HRC's America.
You know that glow in the dark nigger was standing on the road. He just hung out - when he wasn't flying his $20mil biz jet I guess.
this guy's dangerous
Indeed I am. Be thankful men like me on your side.
put me in the screen cap
>soviet conspiracies in 2017
this is why trump's ratings are dropping. people can't get over the boomer bomb shelter mentality of forty years ago. Modern wars are economic when cold and fought through proxies when hot. Nobody is ever going to use the expensive military "secrets" being developed, just as nobody ever used any one of hundreds of tippity top secret nuclear icbms.
Noted and logged
Try to get some sleep, you will be more focused.
This actually gives credence to the ISIS narrative. His conversion was no doubt motivated by guilt due to his involvement with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Holy shit. Thank you. Wtf i already knew all about this crazy fuck and his os too. That line is fucking gold.
Maybe he's like the Comedian in Watchmen.
>This actually gives credence to the ISIS narrative.
yur an idiot
thanks for the giggle
You people are too fucking retarded to help.
Who needs to run psyops when you shit eating subhumans are too stupid to even get a suspect's name right before running off and fabricating your very own narratives?
Just a game theory.
it was a reference to terry davis's latest video as well
lots of stuff that was supposed to go off for hrc is going to get pushed up, these are shifty times
i feel the 'fake news' term was pushed early too
All of this, unironically
>The wanted notice described the elder Paddock as "psychopathic" with suicidal tendencies.
Nah bro, all he wanted was a pepsi.
>here's a realistic... elephant...
my sides
>but she wouldnt give it to me
>be desperate deep state
>need big event to piss off white people and bait them into civil war
>fucked up so many false flags recently, need a sure thing
>setup in friendly city in friendly owned hotel
>kill a bunch of people and blame it on some patsy (real or constructed)
>patsy "dies" in operation in controlled hotel environment
sheep dipped patsy in perfect location with perfect scenario for fully controlled false flag
yes, the deep state is murdering citizens
I literally came to this website for the conspiracies and to avoid smug conformists like you. Fuck off back to srs you fucking goblin.
>CIA plans their mass killing years in advance because there are a lot of variables they need to sort out
>Hillary was supposed to win and use it as an excuse to push more gun restrictions (more stringent background checks because father was crim, restrictions on high capacity mags and gatling kits)
>Trump wins
>"Well we've already planned it all out, might as well go ahead with it"
Not down playing this. Let see the people who were killed first and how much significance they held to society
who gave the order
Never change user, even if you're not correct you are a thousand times better, more interesting and valuable poster than the "there aren't any conspiracies until the government admits to them" type.
Keep thinking friendo and keep posting too.
>9+1/1 = 10/1
I keep thinking about the story they're trying to tell. Hard to blame Trump for a country music attack. They used an old white guy.
Unless some vip victims turn out to be the first shot, i unironically believe this was a false flag to gain redneck support for gun control. Which is fucking retarded. Fucking retarded. But that doesn't mean that's not what they're trying.
good lord Las Vegas is a hideous place isn't it
was it a ritual sacrifice? who are they making the sacrifice to moloch? or baal? i haven't gone that far down the rabbit hole
alignment with Orion's Belt which was directly overhead at the time of the shooting
>ancient indian mojo
>Area 51
>legalized hedonism
So Luxembourg is reddit: the country?
Just imagine how they would have spun this if HRC was president, that's all you need to think about.
This is particularly important in stealth tech I believe, guess he had a few valuable secrets.
if HRC was president, antifa would probably be marching at my apartment door trying to take my arms.
Ah, the Jack Reacher method.
That's what i mean. The narrative only works as a speech delivered by a democrat that amounts to: it didn't have to be this way, rednecks. Now you support my gun grabbing, no?
>Marxist faction
No, gun control is something every single federal agency supports. Because the whole point of the citizens having guns is to blast the feds when they go too far.
Who was THE victim?
No we would already have otg janitors for local termination ops.
canadian tourists
He was also jewish. : o
Accountant... Real estate... Slum lord... Kike...
remember lee boyd malvo's first victim was the head of fbi cyber security
Who the fuck is Billy Hayes and should I belive him.
>new Sup Forums tradition: find random nobody on social media, find obscure comment that isn’t supported.... post it here like the nobody is someone famous and reliable. Rinse repeat.
Conspiracies are conformist bullshit only suitable for mocking an elite who know not how to use their power. How about YOU go back? That site has got whole specialized communities for you to get your brainless conspiracy masturbation in.
during the sunday evening NFL game
a huge storyline was how
jimmy graham
flew his plane into work
and is an avid pilot
jimmy graham looks like the ideal
jimmy grahams number
>Conspiracies are conformist bullshit
What a ridiculous thing to say, every time I even begin to talk conspiracy with a normie they shut down completely.
>'specific targets'
from half a mile away, from the 32nd (or whatever) story), in a crowd of 22k, in the dark?
Guy would have had to have been Lee Harvey Oswald, pull that shit off.
stephen paddock was already dead.
Hmm; lets find out! Another episode of Sup Forums investigates. Concert ticket list?
t. newfag
He is from a well known family of Freemasons, named after his great grandfather. 32nd floor is just a dead giveaway IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN
frick normies! REEEEEEE! get out! bro i hate normies, i hate normie games like minecraft, i hate normie youtubers especialy markiplier reeee lol but the most i hate my stupid normie parents GET OUT NORMIES REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE