Why don't gunfags care that their fellow countrymen keep needlessly dying?
Why don't gunfags care that their fellow countrymen keep needlessly dying?
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This happens in France also
Cause I only care about me and mine.
People trample hundreds regularly?
Grow up
>my fellow countrymen
Because we love our Second Amendment.
But does it really? By their own Frenchmen? Muslims don't count because they're not French.
The price of freedom is always paid in blood. A commie wouldn't understand.
Its true!
In other countries it could have been a truck instead!
>other countries have terrorist shootings that dwarf this one
What's the matter stop fear mongering it's not even likely part and parcel u islamophobe
>mass shooting in America
>This happens in France also
No, it doesn't. In France, you have ISIS gunmen walk into a club and shoot people with AK-47s which they bought over the dark net.
In America, you have people buying guns completely legally and shooting festival goers from hotels.
Very different situations.
why don't retardfags understand the same could be done with a bomb or plane? and he could fly btw so do you think that would have gone better?
yeah just kys.
Keep parroting you fucking tool.
guess you people pay it for decades
Why don't libshits care that their fellow countrymen keep being needlessly raped and murdered by illegal aliens?
Because we can't stop leftists from getting guns
>..and like most mass shooters he was a Democrat... --Moonman
He illegally modified his legal weaponry. Meaning the gun control didn t work
There does need to be some serious regulations put in place but then again saying that how do you pick the nutters from the normies?
Its fucking awful that this happened all because of one cowardly bastard.
This is why people should have never turned their backs on god
end result is the same...
so, whats your point?
>Just accept that living in fear if public spaces it's what freedom is all about.
Do you guys honestly believe this?
>People will murder people anyway! Why bother making it harder for them to do so!
Terrible argument
So what will solve this if not gun control?
Because libshits blowing daddy's / government's money aren't their fellow countrymen.
>He illegally modified his legal weaponry. Meaning the gun control didn t work
But he could buy the merchandize legally. In Europe, ISIS gunmen have to buy shit with bitcoins online.
But these shootings are infringing on our LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. We're being infringed.
And yet, the end result is the same.
Because the problem isnt the fucking guns, we could kill everybody with a truck if he wanted as well
so now it's HOW they get the guns, not the gun in itself? You fuckin guys are so unstable you change your argument every 5 minutes lol
Business idea: restrict guns AND Muslims
Gun control, knife control, vehicle control.... When does it stop? Do you want the government to put you in a security blanket and tell you everything this ok?
Toughen up pussy
>Libshits go to a country music festival
>so, whats your point?
My point is that these are different situations. In America every ISIS member can just waltz in an legally obtain a rifle to snip festival goers.
In Europe, all the ISIS members Merkel invited have to first buy a Mac and download Tor and get some bitcoins and have an address where to ship the guns too.
>part and parcel
We get mudslides you get nutjobs
In Europe ISIS use trucks as bullets
it happened in a gun free zone so you should be blaming the anit gunfags. They obviously aren't working hard enough if they're supposed to keep us safe by keeping guns away from bad guys.
so ban bitcoin lol
>So what will solve this if not gun control
You got 2 options.
1) Less gun control
2) Remove non-whites and kikes
Isn't that why we pay for an army and police officers?
I know that pic is from the onion, so it's not supposed to be taken seriously, but it's still retarded.
Mass killings & terrorism happen regularly in Europe, to the point where the mayor of London considered it "part and parcel of living in a big city".
>so now it's HOW they get the guns
Of course it is how they get the guns. What did you think? Did you think any system can prevent terrorists shooting people with guns? Dream on.
>gun control
Stop speaking in buzzwords what you want is mass confiscation of guns.
>fellow countrymen
>niggers and spics and degenerate liberals
pic one
>Less gun control
So how exactly would that have stopped last night's shooting.
>Removing right wing boogymen even though they weren't involved in this shooting
Hypothetically, if we removed them and the shootings still happened what should we do?
Do they say why it regularly happens, aka niggers?
This shit happens with vans and bombs in Europe all the time this joke no longer works.
>so ban bitcoin lol
Yes, that would be one way to do it. Banning cryptocurrencies (by doing a China thing and stopping the internet and just allowing very specific streams to very specific websites) would go a long way.
No, I don't. I own a gun. Many people in my family are also gun owners.
You fuckers will only take my bicycle wheels from my cold dead hands.
The second amendment is god given and sacred.
Having guns makes me happy because they're a thrill to shoot. Being able to keep my family secure protects our lives and our pursuit of happiness. Are you proposing that France bans assault vehicles?
why do you care? why dont you leave and go to canada or germany? i dont know those people. i probably wouldnt even like them if i had to talk to them. 4 minutes into listening to some tard talk i would probably field strip my ar11 and listen to the an hero song on my phone
>only nation where this regularly happens.
mass shootings happen alot more than people report.
but obviously those countries don't matter.
fucking America-centric news.
why do laserfags insist on protecting something that will doom us all?
>TIL the founding fathers are God
I don't think that's true.
WTF why didn't anyone tell the shooter full auto guns are illegal?
The Onion are going full retard about this. I remember reading an article about how they had a meeting over what they would publish after 9/11. How times have changed.
>So how exactly would that have stopped last night's shooting
Because the crowd would have the means to fight back. What's a better crack-shot than a bunch of rednecks? If they were allowed to conceal/open carry, the shooter would not have killed NEARLY as many as he did.
>Hypothetically, if we removed them and the shootings still happened what should we do?
Removing kikes would evenutally loosen gun laws that they lobby against and cause the above effect, and removing nigs and spics wipes out at least 85% of gun crime.
>The Declaration of Independence is a law document
Gunfags do care. I assume that in a world where most people concealed carried then people like this would think twice about doing something like this, and if they do attempt it they would be neutralized instantly.
Pretty sure we care, we are just waiting for official word from the government that we can fight back. Won't happen till it happens but it will and that will be that. Patience is a virtue
You could try adding biometric locking to vehicles. Guns only have the purpose or harming it protecting. I don't want all guns removed. Most people don't want that so I'm not sure where this right wing talking point comes from.
How do we prevent more shootings like the one last night?
>Do you guys honestly believe this?
Apparently it's what you honestly believe when you won't let us restrict Muslim immigration.
This happens in every muslim country constantly.
no one died
You know how many people have to die before I give up on my rights?
Literally all of them.
No one wants funamentalist Muslims.
>Muslims don't count because they're not French.
Then how they were in teh France?
So their rights don't matter? Only yours?
Do you need to be a citizen to exist in another nation?
KEKEKEKEK when you set your standards at 3rd world muzzie shitholes
fuck its comfy being an ausfag :3
>In America, you have people buying guns completely legally and shooting festival goers from hotels.
No you can't you blithering fucking idiot automatics have been banned for actual decades. These shooters literally illegally aquired these guns and then shot up the event anyway.
They'd need a generator the size of the hotel to do that much damage with a laser.
Then gun control wouldnt have stopped this situation because it was a legally purchased weapon that was illegally modified
The only way to stop this would be to mass confiscate guns.
Do us all a favor and add to the stastics that faggots like you clamor on about and around like its the holy grail.
You insist that we have a duty to let them in live in our countries, and that restricting their travel is a violation of religious rights.
Burgers on Sup Forums will never fucking admit that the Left is right about gun control. Ever. They will oppose it simply because the Left supports it.
>he says as he demands we give up our rights
Molotovs would've elicited a similar score.
Panic trampling was the real killer.
Gun control does not work. What you need is some way to make sure people with psych problems and other potential terrorists are arrested and put in camps.
He happens to be over 60 with a fucking arsenal of guns. I doubt he picked all of them up recently. It's clear he got at least a significant number of them before the automatic ban.
I oppose it because I like guns.
Fags like cocks and you tolerate it, so tolerate my fucking guns asshole.
>b-but guns kill people
So does AIDS.
>Has a fascist flag
Wew b0y0
I know this is bait but
>An illegal weapon obtained illegally
>Anything to do with gun control
If anything it shows gun control doesn't work
"Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens" - Jesus I knew burgers were insulated but this is next level stuff. We literally had a terrorist attack yesterday.
You realize you'll be giving the government the power to arrest Sup Forums, right?
Show your Burger flag, only my fellow countrymen are retarded enough to believe this nonsense time and time again.
There is no way to prevent it. Theres around 400 million registered guns in the US. What happens if you ban all of them? Going to doll out billions to reimburse the owners? Thats the only way you wont get people to get pissed off snd start fighting back. But then what about the millions of guns that arent registered? Its impossible in America to make stop this at this point. Hell I could make a gun from scratch if I wanted. Making ammo isnt all that hard either. Unless youre literally retarded you wouldnt have a hard time at getting a gun
>this guy would have passed all background checks
>no Criminal History
>no Mental Health History
>Pilots Licence
>Fishing Licence
>end result is the same
The fucking irony of this statement.
Let's see their take on muslim immigration
>gun control
Doesn't work
Either the gun is illegally modified or he managed to pass through the paperwork, the government check, the government registry, went through the town sheriff and proved the gun was being securely stored.
If he did the former there was nothing that could be done because it was acquired illegally. If he did the latter then gun control failed.
>give up your gun so you can be brutalized by your government like in Spain, goy
Gun free zone
Illegal Guns used
Libs ask for more laws
your sister is getting fucked by a lebbo as we write this and your family will be brown
>constant trucks of peace, bombings and shootings in europe
>shooting happens in america
Fucking kill yourselves.
leb muslims gang rape aussie girls nonstop.
Nah we oppose it because we like freedom.